Brittany Kohnke

Brittany Kohnke

Brittany invested in a General Forecast Consultation, 2022 12-Month Forecast Report, Relationship Astrology Consultation, and More.

Brittany wrote: As a long time follower of Morgan I was finally called to enlist in her services at the beginning of what is going to be a pivotal point in my journey. Morgan's report was not only detailed, but eerily accurate and very easy to read. Morgan does a fantastic job of going deep, but making it so that one can be educated (and not overwhelmed) in the process. During our video session, the same professionalism and intuitive insight was very much evident. She was able to clarify aspects of my journey I have been contemplating and provide specific dates for when "best" to make this happen. What I think is the most valuable aspect about Morgan is that her guidance and teaching doesn't stop there. She was able to clarify things after our call and we have maintained a relationship beyond the initial consult. I highly recommend Morgan for anyone looking for clarity on their journey especially as it revolves around career and purpose.

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Winnie Taggart - Testimonial

Winnie Taggart - Testimonial

Winnie invested in a 12-Month Forecast for 2020

Winnie wrote: My 12 month forecast was amazing! It was used as a supplemental guide to my daily devotions and journaling. Often times throughout the year I was unclear about what was happening and I would reference back to my 12 month forecast which was always accurate and insightful. Purchasing the 12 month forecast will absolutely be a yearly tradition as I begin my new year.

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Cassondra Evans - Testimonial

Cassondra Evans - Testimonial

Cassondra invested in a 12-Month Forecast for 2020, Life Purpose Report for myself and a friend, and a Compatibility Report

Cassondra wrote: All of the insights that Morgan has shared with me have felt really spot on. Those that didn't jump out immediately as confirmation of something I was tuned into already gave me pause to consider a different aspect or perspective, still resonating deeply. Morgan's guidance has brought me an awareness of certain dynamics in my life and relationships and has helped me be open to certain things that may not have been on my radar otherwise. In a sea of astrologers, I come back to Morgan consistently, as her words always strike me, personally, in a much less generic way than a lot of other folks' out there.

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Amani Richardson - Testimonial

Amani Richardson - Testimonial

Amani invested in Solar Return and Life Purpose & Career Consultation & Reports with Morgan.

Amani wrote: I don’t easily trust people to dive into my birth chart, but I knew Morgan was the one. Both readings were everything I ever needed as I embarked on a new transition in my life. Morgan’s readings were such beautiful confirmation of exactly where I need to be. What I loved most was how she dived into my draconian chart or “soul’s chart”. This was extremely exciting & mind-blowing to realize how the stars have always been aligned for me even in another lifetime. Having the 1:1 consultations helped tremendously as she provides such in-depth reports. I appreciate her willingness to break things down & answer any questions I have. She is the only person I’ll ever book with for my readings, now even my family members. I trust her with 100 things. Thank you always, Morg! ❤️

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