Horoscope Affirmations June 25 - July 1


***Disclosure: This is a general reading. For personal and accurate information. Please book a personal reading***

Horoscope Mantras For June 25 - July 1

Aries - my future is bright and filled with prosperity. I believe my path is destined for success. 

Taurus - my rest is sacred. I allow time for relaxation and reflection. 

Gemini - my transformation is limitless. I grow and expand beyond my beliefs. 

Cancer - my healing is inevitable. I honor my emotions, fears, and insecurities. 

Leo - my independence is not ego. I am bold and full of life. 

Virgo - my artistic self is worthy. I respect my creativity and sensuality. 

Libra - my courage is the key to success. I break free from any limiting thoughts or negative beliefs. 

Scorpio - my home is balanced and at peace. I honor my space and inner sanctuary.

Sagittarius - my growth is beautiful. I am blossoming into a new me. 

Capricorn - my relationships bring me peace and closure. I allow the process to unfold. 

Aquarius - my adventures awaken my love for nature. I am connected with the world around me. 

Pisces - my intuition is my guide. I am listening to my inner voice.

The Taurus Woman


The Taurus Woman

The Taurus woman represents art and seduction. They are the sensual beings of the Zodiac. 

The Taurus Woman in Love 

Aries women are suckers in love (no matter how many times they say they don't care). Aries women crave affection and give loyalty. They will love you until she grows tired of your games or your routine sex. The Ram woman is spontaneous and witty in bed. If you want to keep her, never give her exactly what she wants. Always leave her hanging on the edge and she will never leave. 

The Taurus Woman in Life and Career

The Aries woman is uniquely gifted. However, she is sometimes unfocused and ego driven.  To get the Aries woman to awaken to her potential, gently lead her into the environment that is most conducive to her natural gifts. If she is a swimmer, take her swimming. if she is in artist, take her to the museum. An Aries woman needs to be reminded sometimes of her worth (and her humility). 

Although Aries Woman can sometimes be compared to King Cobras, she is far from a villain or a superhero. The Aries Woman is your humanitarian queen, dashing mad scientist, nascar driver, grammy awarded singer and songwriter, fashionista of the year, and the zodiac's most likely to succeed through drama award of the year.

An inspired and driven Aries woman is truly a sight to see. 

The Taurus Mom

The Aries Mom is very similar to the Aries Woman, protective and tentative to their little angel. With Aries women being spontaneous and constantly on the go, life with mom will be fun and full of change. However, with the ambitions of an Aries Woman, motherhood can sometimes be a balancing act. To keep the house in alignment, schedule and planning based on a flexible routine will be the Aries Mom's best friend.

The Aries mom is competitive and will want to their children to be the first at everything. They will go above and beyond to make sure their little one will always fit in. Aries Mamas should be aware of their strong ego and need to be right. To keep the harmony in parent child relationships create a rule system that includes the children. Try weekly family meetings and game nights to keep the house energy flowing. 

The Aries Child

       Conception dates for an Aries baby: June 25-July 15

The Aries Child

You can almost count on your Aries child to be born strong-willed and mischievous. As a cardinal fire sign, Aries children are independent and outspoken. Aries children have strong beliefs and mannerisms. They are both assertive and gentle, always teaching those around them how to ask for what they want.

Born creatives, they are naturally talented. They are successful in any passion they commit to. Aries children typically enjoy sports, selling, public speaking, art, and performance. They also may grow much slower or faster than the other kids.

As a self-starter, Aries children need space to discover their abilities. Don't try to smother them. They thrive on routine, independence, and consistency.

The Aries Child at Home

At home, your Aries child may be their most shy self. Aries children prefer their home environment to be one of rest and routine. This does not mean your Aries child enjoys a boring life. Aries children need stimulating activity and fun in their life. Try designing their room around their interests. Never leave the walls bare and free from color. Spruce up their living space with bold colors, paintings, portraits, and wall hangings. This will inspire healthy creativity and self-expression. 

Aries children can be strong willed and stubborn at times. To avoid disputes and chaos, create an open boundary system that will be present in their everyday life. They thrive from having routine and consistency.

Parenting Tips: 

  • Aries children enjoy competition and recognition. Praise your Aries when they do something right.

  • Aries children are independent and outspoken. Give your little one the opportunity to do things on their own. Remember, learning is a process.

  • Being in charge builds confidence for Aries children. Enroll your little one in play groups and activities where they are encouraged to be a leader.

The Aries Child in Learning

Aries children are the ones who lead their teddy bears in group discussion. Aries children are intellectual and logical in reasoning. They question things and do not take anything at its surface value. If you want the Aries child to enjoy learning you must make it difficult. Babying your Aries child with the abc norm just won't do. Think adding and subtracting when it comes to schooling your Aries tot. They can do it. 

Learning Tips: 

  • Aries children bore easily. Make learning time edutainment time. Use pictures, storytelling, and silly songs, anything that will keep them entertained.

  • Aries children are active and enjoy movement. Incorporate yoga, dance, and movement with their lessons. Aries children should not be taught in one room or have one teacher. They need diversity.

  • Aries children must be stimulated mentally to stay engaged. Use mystery and critical thinking exercises to stretch their growing minds.

The Aries Child at Playtime 

In playtime, the Aries child is liberal and impulsive. Its important to create safe spaces for them to express this need for freedom fully.  Aries children also enjoy activities involving sports and movement. 

As early as possible, make sure you enroll your Aries in team sports or activities. Being in a group environment is pivotal in developing leadership skills at a young age. 

Playtime Suggestions: 

  • Enroll your Aries child in dance, karate, or swimming. They will blossom at the combination of movement and discipline.

  • Choose a play area that is outdoors and child proofed. Aries children need space to roam and be without fear that they will get hurt as they are prone to accidents and "boo boo's".

  • Switch play groups every so often to keep your child's life spontaneous and surprising. Aries children create disruption when they are bored.

The Aries Man

The Aries Man

The Aries man is not your Casanova or James Bond. The Aries man is cocky, energetic, and focused—he doesn't have time for foolishness. When seeing an Aries man at first glance, you might think he was cold, hard, and unloving, but this is far from his truth. The Aries man is sensual, observant, and filled with emotion he doesn't know how to express. Very rarely will you find an Aries man that isn't health conscious or burning with the desire to take control of his fitness. Aries men are appearance driven, they hate to be outdone. Instead of expressing his love, he tries to earn it, give it, and display it through his strong sense of self-confidence. If you think you will play an Aries man, think again. An Aries man knows his competitor as well as he knows himself. He is always paying attention.

The Aries Man in Love 

Aries men are not the players of the Zodiac, but they always get the bad rep. Aries men need attention and lots of sex, but are often lacking in the communication area.  Aries men are far too focused on their goals to be in relation with an insecure partner. They will commit only when they've learned to communicate their needs. Their partner must be independent. If you are in partnership with an Aries man, you will help him most by not giving him exactly what he wants, make him work for it. Aries men are typically reliable providers and authoritative figures for their mates, but cross them and its over. 

If you are looking for Mr. emotional, the Aries man is not your guy. It may seem like they have unrealistic expectations for their partners but they don't. Aries men know what they want and they have the stamina to wait (or fight) for it. Once the Aries man has met his match, nothing or no one will stand in his way. 

The Aries Man in Life and Career

The Aries man is a natural born leader and entrepreneur, however, he is sometimes blinded by his ambition and ego. Once awakened, Aries men are triumphant, persistent, and inspirational.  They learn through challenge.

Although Aries men can sometimes be referred to as the relentless ram, he is far from a villain or a superhero. The Aries man is your world traveling doctor, dashing mad scientist, nascar driver, professional athlete, bachelor of the year, and the zodiac's most likely to die from falling off a cliff.

The Aries Dad

In fatherhood, The Aries Dad is very different than the Aries man. Instead of his need for physical connection and sex, the Aries dad is reserved, authortative, and strict. The difference with the Aries man and the Aries dad is their role and responsibility. Aries men are naturally competitive and need to be the first or the best. Aries fathers are naturally critical and need their children to be the first or the best. With Aries men being impulsive and outspoken, life with dad can be a little rigid. However, with practice and communication it can be easily resolved. 

The Aries dad will soften with time. As his little ones grow, so will dad's heart and pockets. The Aries dad is generous and giving, especially in areas that can increase their child's tool belt. One thing to be mindful of with Aries fathers is their need to be in control. When it comes to picking the activities or school for their children, they can be dictator like and unwilling to compromise.  To keep the harmony in parent child relationships, create an open communication policy for the family. Encouraging their children to be more expressive helps the Aries father loosen up and express feelings of their own. 

The Aries Woman


The Aries Woman

The Aries woman is not the pushover or naive damsel in distress. The Aries woman is fierce, strong, and confident. She doesn't take any mess. When seeing an Aries woman at first glance you might think she was cold, hard, and unloving, but this is far from her truth. The Aries woman is soft, sensitive, and deeply caring. Instead of expressing her love, she tries to earn it, give it, and when she's ready, she'll take it. This seductive woman knows her prey. She will let you think you are in charge but you'll always be in her grasp. 

The Aries Woman in Love 

Aries women are suckers in love (no matter how many times they say they don't care). Aries women crave affection. She also admires those who admirer her so send her lots of gifts. The Ram woman is spontaneous and witty in bed. So if you want to keep her, never give her exactly what she wants. Make her chase you. 

 A good suggestion for a date would be rock climbing or a rollerblade stroll through the park, anything that requires fun and physical movement. She loves sports. The Aries woman is not all physical, she is as intellectual as she is beautiful. If you really want to keep her, ask her for her opinion, she loves that. Just be mindful that the Aries woman never likes to be controlled or dominated, always make her feel like the final decision is hers and she's yours for life. 

To honor and respect all members of society, we will not relate love compatbility based on gender or sexuality. Thank you for your love and respect. 

Love Summary: 

you are most compatible with earth and fire signs.

you are least compatible with water and air signs. 

Aries and Aries: passion galore but power struggles ruin this love parade. 
Success Rate: 3

Aries and Taurus: opposites in everything but not in a sexy way. time could save this union.
Success Rate: 5

Aries and Gemini: your shared love of communication, change, and discovery keep you together and on your toes.
Success Rate: 8 

Aries and Cancer: starts strong but ends fast. Aries bolts at Cancer's neediness. 
Success Rate: 3

Aries and Leo: compromise is the secret to your sustained happiness. surrender.                            Success Rate: 8

Aries and Virgo: your differences don't align. a bad breakup is possible if not in store.        Success Rate: 3

Aries and Libra: your opposites attract and align for a while. great potential for a long last ing affair but eventually this will end.              Success Rate: 6

Aries and Scorpio: hot and steamy but filled with arguments and aggression. not a good           match.                                                               Success Rate: 2

Aries and Sagittarius: your interests are the same everywhere but sex. overcome your bedroom etiquette and this could be a forever thing.                                                           Success Rate: 8.5

Aries and Capricorn: your beliefs about money create some snags. in the long run your mutual respect inspires deep love. this could really work.                                                                    Success Rate: 9.6 

Aries and Aquarius: the aries has met its match. if Aries can swallow its ego this love can stand the test of time.                                Success Rate: 8

Aries and Pisces: you two ooze seduction and success. if aries calms down this could be     it. Success Rate: 7.8

The Aries Woman in Life and Career

The Aries woman is uniquely gifted. However, she is sometimes unfocused and ego driven.  To get the Aries woman to awaken to her potential, gently lead her into the environment that is most conducive to her natural gifts. If she is a swimmer, take her swimming. if she is in artist, take her to the museum. An Aries woman needs to be reminded sometimes of her worth (and her humility). 

Although Aries Woman can sometimes be compared to King Cobras, she is far from a villain or a superhero. The Aries Woman is your humanitarian queen, dashing mad scientist, nascar driver, grammy awarded singer and songwriter, fashionista of the year, and the zodiac's most likely to succeed through drama award of the year.

An inspired and driven Aries woman is truly a sight to see. 

The Aries Mom

The Aries Mom is very similar to the Aries Woman, protective and tentative to their little angel. With Aries women being spontaneous and constantly on the go, life with mom will be fun and full of change. However, with the ambitions of an Aries Woman, motherhood can sometimes be a balancing act. To keep the house in alignment, schedule and planning based on a flexible routine will be the Aries Mom's best friend.

The Aries mom is competitive and will want to their children to be the first at everything. They will go above and beyond to make sure their little one will always fit in. Aries Mamas should be aware of their strong ego and need to be right. To keep the harmony in parent child relationships create a rule system that includes the children. Try weekly family meetings and game nights to keep the house energy flowing.