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February 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast

Welcome to the the beginning of a new chapter. February is the first month since April 2021 where NO planets are in retrograde! This means that February represents the energy of evolution, the next 28 days are a season surrendering the lessons of the past and moving forward.

February 2022 is a month where reality starts to sink in, new collaborations are forming, mental focus is clearing, and long-term plays are being put into place.

Here are the most important February 2022 Astrology Transits to pay attention to:

February 1: The Aquarius New Moon

For starters, February begins with a New Moon in Aquarius on the at the 12th degree, and this New Moon will go up against serious Saturn, bringing a much-needed (and not so fun) reality check about where we are, who we are, and what we truly want to attract into this new future.

As delightful as New Moons are made out to be, the February 1 New Moon can feel depressing and pessimistic -- it brings a lot of unexpected feelings, limitations, and responsibilities to work through.

As difficult as these energies may feel, Saturn is supporting us by asking the hard questions -- where and what deserves your focus and time? And with Uranus square the New Moon, this means that you may have to take a different route than expected. It also means that what you thought you wanted, may not be what you need -- or you simply may not enjoy it -- and that's okay too.

RELATED: Read about the Aquarius New Moon.

February 3: The end of Mercury retrograde.

On February 3, Mercury officially ends its retrograde station in Capricorn, and this means that the first few days of February are super foggy. Secrets may be exposed, notices may be delivered, there's just something that's hard to understand or process around Feb 3, so be patient making a decision or gathering all the facts.

February 11: Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

Mercury will move back through Capricorn until it enters Aquarius on February 14, but not before it conjuncts Pluto again on February 11th. Think back to what was happening for you around the end of January, January 28th to be exact.

What decisions were you contemplating? What areas of your life were under intense transformation? Compare that to where you are now. What new information has come up? Where are you feeling more confident or informed about your decisions and overall life path?

RELATED: Catch up on Mercury retrograde.

With Mercury in Capricorn also trine the North Node in Taurus on February 12, this may be a moment of clarity regarding your finances and long-term goals. This energy feels like financial literacy or mentorship. Someone who has the answers you've been looking for will align with your path. But you have to be open to receiving it.  Trust the process and the solutions that come to you. Put those plans into motion.

February 14: Mercury enters Aquarius

On February 14, Mercury will officially end its journey through constricting Capricorn and move into airy Aquarius, and this transit will help us mentally prepare for the intentions and commitments that Saturn is demanding from us right now.

Use this transit to look for new resources, support, and partnerships to complete your goals. This is the best time to link up with others you admire in your industry and experiment with new ideas!

Even if you aren't in the position to create something with them just yet, start the conversation. February 24 looks like a good day to stop playing it small and shoot your shot!!!!

February 16: Full Moon in Leo & Mars Conjunct Venus in Capricorn

Right after Mercury moves into Aquarius on February 14, two important things will happen on the 16th:

  • The Full Moon in Leo will peak

  • Mars and Venus will conjunct in Capricorn.

These two cosmic events will increase our willpower for self-expression, authenticity, and visibility! More people will be putting the structure and discipline in place to support their current projects, collaborations, career changes, and long-term goals.

Children will also be a major focus during the month of February. Inner child healing, but also parenting and learning to have fun as an adult as a whole. Conscious "gentle" parenting has been trending a lot over the past few years, but whatever comes this month is going to help solidify that as the NORM.

Collectively, it's time to shift how and what are children are being conditioned and taught. Capricorn is involved so something involving education, history, and Children may go all the way to the supreme court. Great month for EDUCATORS and inner child work!

In regards to relationships and romance, the Venus and Mars conjunction is bringing a deeper desire to commit to relationships that not only fulfill your physical desires, but also align with your values and long-term plans.

This transit brings a new level of softness and gentleness to the collective. Many of us are listening to our emotions and triggers and then taking consistent action to heal them or make adjustments.

Any major rifts or pain points that were brought out during Venus retrograde (December - Jan 29) will be discussed again now.

The Full Moon will be most impactful for those with placements at or around the 28th degree in Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, and Taurus.

February 17: Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

One day after the 2022 Leo Full Moon and Mars and Venus conjunction, on February 17, Jupiter will sextile Uranus, bringing us one of the most unpredictable and potentially miraculous days all year.

To know how this aspect is going to affect you, pay close attention to your house of Pisces and Taurus.

February 18: Pisces Season

On February 18, the Sun officially moves into its final resting place of Pisces. With Jupiter in Pisces this year, the focus will be on manifesting opportunities for rest, ease, and intuition.

With Mercury in Aquarius, there will be a major focus on group healing and manifestation circles. We could also see the passing of a famous Aquarian celebrity.

Mars and Venus in Capricorn for the first half of Pisces season brings a focus to stability.

Yes, it's okay to dream. But how does that dream manifest or function in reality?

This is the transit to make those impossible dreams, possible — or at least putting in the framework to do so.

Pisces will bring big changes for Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius, and Virgo placements. If you have any of these in your big or little 3, look at your transit chart and see when Jupiter and the Sun will align with your placements.

Final Thoughts

The end of the month finishes on a light note (aspect wise) with two trines between Mars, Venus, and the Nodes on February 28th.

This means that after all the BS, confusion, hard work, and restructuring February is going to take us through, there is a reward at the end!!!!!!

Key takeaways:

  • it all comes down to self-discipline

  • only accept authentic partnerships.

  • think big picture, take little steps.

  • trust your heart, not your head.

  • think it, work it, watch it happen.

For personalized monthly horoscopes, daily horoscopes, and the complete February 2022 Astrology forecast, join us on the Insights Club. You can read your exclusive monthly horoscope there!

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