Live in Alignment with Insights!

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Hi Love, Welcome Home! Thanks for taking interest in the Insights Newsletter. I appreciate you trusting me with your astrological journey,

So, what is the Insights Newsletter?

The Weekly Insights Newsletter is an energetic road map (email) equipped with practical tools and applicable guidance to bring increased joy, abundance, and ease to your days.

Sent only twice a week, the first Insights Newsletter (typically sent on Sundays or Mondays) consists of the weekly forecast video, important messages for the signs, and practical insights for the collective.

The second Insights Newsletter (typically sent on Wednesdays) consists of important announcements, offerings, and praise reports (good news from Morgan or members of the collective).

To protect your privacy and help maintain peace of mind, I try to limit it to two emails per week.



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“So grateful for these energy guides dear one, so grateful - let it play out, stay out the way, moving my ass out the of the way, trusting in the process. so grateful for you.”

Bronte Velez, Oakland, CA Environmentalist, Artist, Activist

“Thank you Morgan! I really enjoyed the new perspective. I even shared with my boyfriend and he loves it. He says he really appreciated the accountability questions. You're such a beautiful soul. I love you dearly!”

Corneshia Hopkins, Myrtle Beach, Florida

"I swear its almost like you read my mind with this one. The delays and detours of where I need to be and how I need to get there. But I'm working through it. Thank you, I loved this!”

Jasmine Payne, Orlando, Florida UCF Senior

"Sista! Today's energy guide was SPOT ON. The accuracy in each line of the card section. I was like whoa how she know!"

Shannon Christian, Atlanta, GA Flight Attendant, Poet, and Writer

“Thank you! The Capricorn reading, I was listening is so accurate. Wow. Literally Head on. Thank you! I look forward to these every week.”

Valery Ganthier, Atlanta, GA Beauty Artist and Photographer

Thank you so much for these insightful words Morgan. I just read the transmission for Aries moon and its funny all I've done today is workout and rest. I'll continue to do more of it until the next shift. This knowledge your sending gives me a sense of euphoria and knowing that I'm on the right path. You're awesome. Can't wait to see what you got up next."

Adric Samuel, Atlanta, GA Professional Model and Influencer