there is wisdom in the stars Earth child.
“For years you have crucified the infinity of your soul. Squeezing into boxes that never existed. Remember who you are little bird. Remember who you are!” - Morgan L. Lett
“For years you have crucified the infinity of your soul. Squeezing into boxes that never existed. Remember who you are little bird. Remember who you are!” - Morgan L. Lett
I only have one purpose: to inspire you back to you. Whether that be through words, performance, hospitality, or connection, I am here for you.
About the Astrologer
Hey besties! Thanks for visiting my little slice of the internet. If you don’t know by now, my name is Morgan. I’m an Atlanta-based western astrologer and full-time business consultant (but that’s a different story for another audience lol). If you’ve come to this website in 2023 and thought, where the hell is Morgan? Don’t worry. I didn’t leave you for good. We’re back, and we’re better! Welcome home (again) astro bestie!