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The Aries Child

       Conception dates for an Aries baby: June 25-July 15

The Aries Child

You can almost count on your Aries child to be born strong-willed and mischievous. As a cardinal fire sign, Aries children are independent and outspoken. Aries children have strong beliefs and mannerisms. They are both assertive and gentle, always teaching those around them how to ask for what they want.

Born creatives, they are naturally talented. They are successful in any passion they commit to. Aries children typically enjoy sports, selling, public speaking, art, and performance. They also may grow much slower or faster than the other kids.

As a self-starter, Aries children need space to discover their abilities. Don't try to smother them. They thrive on routine, independence, and consistency.

The Aries Child at Home

At home, your Aries child may be their most shy self. Aries children prefer their home environment to be one of rest and routine. This does not mean your Aries child enjoys a boring life. Aries children need stimulating activity and fun in their life. Try designing their room around their interests. Never leave the walls bare and free from color. Spruce up their living space with bold colors, paintings, portraits, and wall hangings. This will inspire healthy creativity and self-expression. 

Aries children can be strong willed and stubborn at times. To avoid disputes and chaos, create an open boundary system that will be present in their everyday life. They thrive from having routine and consistency.

Parenting Tips: 

  • Aries children enjoy competition and recognition. Praise your Aries when they do something right.

  • Aries children are independent and outspoken. Give your little one the opportunity to do things on their own. Remember, learning is a process.

  • Being in charge builds confidence for Aries children. Enroll your little one in play groups and activities where they are encouraged to be a leader.

The Aries Child in Learning

Aries children are the ones who lead their teddy bears in group discussion. Aries children are intellectual and logical in reasoning. They question things and do not take anything at its surface value. If you want the Aries child to enjoy learning you must make it difficult. Babying your Aries child with the abc norm just won't do. Think adding and subtracting when it comes to schooling your Aries tot. They can do it. 

Learning Tips: 

  • Aries children bore easily. Make learning time edutainment time. Use pictures, storytelling, and silly songs, anything that will keep them entertained.

  • Aries children are active and enjoy movement. Incorporate yoga, dance, and movement with their lessons. Aries children should not be taught in one room or have one teacher. They need diversity.

  • Aries children must be stimulated mentally to stay engaged. Use mystery and critical thinking exercises to stretch their growing minds.

The Aries Child at Playtime 

In playtime, the Aries child is liberal and impulsive. Its important to create safe spaces for them to express this need for freedom fully.  Aries children also enjoy activities involving sports and movement. 

As early as possible, make sure you enroll your Aries in team sports or activities. Being in a group environment is pivotal in developing leadership skills at a young age. 

Playtime Suggestions: 

  • Enroll your Aries child in dance, karate, or swimming. They will blossom at the combination of movement and discipline.

  • Choose a play area that is outdoors and child proofed. Aries children need space to roam and be without fear that they will get hurt as they are prone to accidents and "boo boo's".

  • Switch play groups every so often to keep your child's life spontaneous and surprising. Aries children create disruption when they are bored.