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The Aries Man

The Aries Man

The Aries man is not your Casanova or James Bond. The Aries man is cocky, energetic, and focused—he doesn't have time for foolishness. When seeing an Aries man at first glance, you might think he was cold, hard, and unloving, but this is far from his truth. The Aries man is sensual, observant, and filled with emotion he doesn't know how to express. Very rarely will you find an Aries man that isn't health conscious or burning with the desire to take control of his fitness. Aries men are appearance driven, they hate to be outdone. Instead of expressing his love, he tries to earn it, give it, and display it through his strong sense of self-confidence. If you think you will play an Aries man, think again. An Aries man knows his competitor as well as he knows himself. He is always paying attention.

The Aries Man in Love 

Aries men are not the players of the Zodiac, but they always get the bad rep. Aries men need attention and lots of sex, but are often lacking in the communication area.  Aries men are far too focused on their goals to be in relation with an insecure partner. They will commit only when they've learned to communicate their needs. Their partner must be independent. If you are in partnership with an Aries man, you will help him most by not giving him exactly what he wants, make him work for it. Aries men are typically reliable providers and authoritative figures for their mates, but cross them and its over. 

If you are looking for Mr. emotional, the Aries man is not your guy. It may seem like they have unrealistic expectations for their partners but they don't. Aries men know what they want and they have the stamina to wait (or fight) for it. Once the Aries man has met his match, nothing or no one will stand in his way. 

The Aries Man in Life and Career

The Aries man is a natural born leader and entrepreneur, however, he is sometimes blinded by his ambition and ego. Once awakened, Aries men are triumphant, persistent, and inspirational.  They learn through challenge.

Although Aries men can sometimes be referred to as the relentless ram, he is far from a villain or a superhero. The Aries man is your world traveling doctor, dashing mad scientist, nascar driver, professional athlete, bachelor of the year, and the zodiac's most likely to die from falling off a cliff.

The Aries Dad

In fatherhood, The Aries Dad is very different than the Aries man. Instead of his need for physical connection and sex, the Aries dad is reserved, authortative, and strict. The difference with the Aries man and the Aries dad is their role and responsibility. Aries men are naturally competitive and need to be the first or the best. Aries fathers are naturally critical and need their children to be the first or the best. With Aries men being impulsive and outspoken, life with dad can be a little rigid. However, with practice and communication it can be easily resolved. 

The Aries dad will soften with time. As his little ones grow, so will dad's heart and pockets. The Aries dad is generous and giving, especially in areas that can increase their child's tool belt. One thing to be mindful of with Aries fathers is their need to be in control. When it comes to picking the activities or school for their children, they can be dictator like and unwilling to compromise.  To keep the harmony in parent child relationships, create an open communication policy for the family. Encouraging their children to be more expressive helps the Aries father loosen up and express feelings of their own. 


About Aries: Sun, Rising, Moon

The Aries Woman

The Aries Child

Aries Love Compatibility