May 2018 Sagittarius Full Moon Affirmation Horoscopes.
/The May 2018 Full Moon occurs Tuesday, May 29 at 10:20 AM in inspirational and fiery Sagittarius.
How have you been building your dream(s) these past 6 months?
The May 2018 Full Moon occurs Tuesday, May 29 at 10:20 AM is in inspirational and fiery Sagittarius.
The Sagittarius Full Moon brings illumination and teamwork to our personal relationships and professional life.
If you are looking to start something big or finish something you already started this energy will give you a helpful boost in achieving and believing in your goals. With Sagittarius energy its always best to take small focused steps to move forward. Focusing on long term results for the next couple of weeks will almost guarantee success when its all said and done.
Get ready for bonfires, boat rides, and vegan barbecue! Underneath this potent Sagittarius full moon, plan to cozy up with your loved ones and dance the night away. If you've caught the seven universal month zen vibe that's cool; light your candles and watch your favorite sitcom by yourself or with bae.
Get ready to check a few (or maybe just one) BIG goals off your to do list because this May 2018 Sagittarius full moon oozes success! With Jupiter on our side, key resources and team players effortlessly align and allow us to win big. Until July's Aquarius full moon Its important to still be mindful of risk taking and overspending.
On the personal level, this Sagittarius full moon awakens our old souls. We are beginning to remember that dreams are real and we can create great things. Carve out some time for reading, hiking, and water sports. Moving your body and long sunset drives bring clarity and inspiration.
Highlights of the Sagittarius Full Moon:
With the Sagittarius Full Moon's opposition to the Sun in Gemini, our rigid thinking is called to expand. Document all insights and premonitions.
With the Sagittarius Full moon's trine to the North Node in Leo, our path is aligned and affirmed by the universe. We are feeling confident about our future. This is a lucrative time for many. Trust in your intuition. Taking a risk can bring surprising reward. Make clear, confident, consistent, and calculated leaps.
With the Sagittarius Full Moon's Semi Square to Pluto in Capricorn, we may be facing obstacles or deep trauma. However, the full moon's illumination leaves us confident and persistent. We will walk through our fears and lessons. Timing is on our side. Be patient and conscious in decision making.
This Sagittarius Full Moon Ritual is called "Adventure Time."
What you will need for this meditation and ceremony:
the purpose of this meditation is to awaken the infinite self within us all.
the purpose of this meditation is to inspire ascension and higher aspirations.
the purpose of this meditation is to build a bridge between Self and All that Is.
Begin the meditation by stretching and releasing the tension in your body.
(place extra attention on releasing pressure in your lower back and shoulders)
Once you feel that your body is more relaxed and pliable, find a comfortable position and begin to tune in with your breathe.
Once you have aligned with your breathe, begin to take slow, deep, long, graceful breathes until you feel called to release.
Do this several times for 3-5 minutes.
Once you have entered into a meditative state, imagine you have all the resources and free time in the world. Imagine that you could travel to any galaxy, space, or country. Where would you go? Who would you bring? What would you take? What would you experience there?
Go to that place.
What does this place look like? What does it feel like? Who is there with you?
Try not to program your imagination or stream of consciousness by telling it what to do and see. Let your visions and thoughts flow to where they want you to go.
Spend no more than 5 to 10 minutes in this space.
When you are ready to enter back into consciousness, thank where you were and who you were with for their giving. Once you feel called to depart fully, begin to slow your breathing.
Before you open your eyes take 3-5 deep long breathes then return gently into your body when you are ready.
Once you have completed the meditation, go spend a minimum of 30 minutes connected with your primitive instinctual Self. Use this sacred time of honesty to reflect on your Life journey and its adventures.
While you are connecting with your "wild" Self think of your top three fantasy adventures. Make a college, photo journal, or affirmation book on how you want to feel based on what you experienced in meditation.
Once you are finished say this prayer:
"My life flows according to my will. My life is designed for success and adventure. I am filled with imagination and curiosity. My life is designed for wonder and excitement. I trust that all that I affirm will come to pass. I am wild and I am free. Everyday of my life is an adventure."
Keep your artifact somewhere safe as you will want to draw on this for affirmation later in your path.
Do this ceremony whenever you are feeling trapped or bounded, it will help you remember we all deserve adventure in our daily life.
create a budget and saving plan. (stick to this)
host bonfires and veggie barbecues with your tribe .
spend more time outside with Self and your children.
learn something new.
explore, expand, and express.
go on adventures.
go to a concert or festival.
be more athletic and conscious of your excerisce..
cut out overspending and over-indulgent eating.
allow yourself to splurge on an amazing vacation.
spend impulsively or out of means.
isolate yourself from those who love you.
limit yourself from new possibilities and experiences.
repress your emotions and feelings.
avoid self care.
regret, resent, or reject.
be angry, argumentative, or stubborn.
suppress old fears and lessons.
walk away from opportunities you know are destined for you.
silence your intuition.
Aries Sun, Rising & Moon:
I trust in my learning. I use the lessons of this time to be my strength. I am covered in the storm.
Taurus Sun, Rising & Moon:
I trust in my unfolding. I allow resurrection during this time.
My demons are not dark. I cast light into my shadows. I am free.
Gemini Sun, Rising & Moon:
My relationships are peaceful.
I allow love in my life. I accept love as my truth.
I am appreciated.
Cancer Sun, Rising & Moon:
I serve my community with honor. I accept that expansion takes time.
I allow my local to be global. I am connected with those who will take me higher.
I accept new ways to serve.
Leo Sun, Rising, & Moon:
I step into this adventure with curiosity.
I am open to change, transformation, and surrender.
I give my Self permission to let it go. I am present in this expansion.
I set me free.
Virgo Sun, Rising & Moon:
I am connected to the Mother. I trust that my roots will carry me.
I am strengthened by my desire for security.
My home is stable and at rest. My spirit is renewed.
Libra Sun, Rising & Moon:
I boldly express myself and my needs. I am direct and honest during this time.
I use this energy to enhance my appearance. I am fearless..
My relationships bring me fame and opportunity.
Scorpio Sun, Rising & Moon:
I am grounded and patient. I trust my process.
Success is mine to create.
I allow the journey to unfold one blessing at a time.
Sagittarius Sun, Rising & Moon:
I am healthy and full of vitality.
This energy brings me joy and renewed purpose.
My relationships are healthy and thriving. I listen to my body and fulfill its needs.
This is my time to shine!
Capricorn Sun, Rising & Moon:
I open to my soul's cry for healing.
I use this space to rest and release. I make peace with my shadows.
I am free of unconscious negative thought patterns and behaviors.
I am one with Self and Spirit.
Aquarius Sun, Rising & Moon:
I allow my relationships to grow in flow.
This energy brings me opportunity through network and collaboration
. I trust in my ability to be a team player.
I put myself out there as a winner and I WIN!
Pisces Sun, Rising & Moon:
I am dreaming bigger. My visions will come true.
I trust my path and my future.
I deserve this luck.
I trust in my angels and spirit guides.