What You Need To Know About the Aries 2020 New Moon: Horoscopes + More

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How are you? How is your spirit? How is your soul? Are you resting? Are you moving your body? Are you doing your part and taking care?

With so much shifting and ascending,we are in historic times, and the New Moon in Aries brings a period of acceleration, impulsiveness, and manifestation.

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and the New Moon represents the beginning of a new lunar cycle, so this is a great time to set new intentions and start again with a clean slate. 

This year, the New Moon in Aries comes during the middle of some superior planetary energy.

Reaching its peak at 5:39 A.M. EST on March 24, days after and before the Spring Equinox (astrological new year); Mars and Jupiter and Pluto conjunction (3D reprogramming); Sun and Chiron and Lilith conjunction (complete soul healing and awareness); and Saturn and Mars enters Aquarius (A New Earth), be gentle with yourself.

This Planetary energy may provoke multiple moods, feelings, and memories of emotion, and the New Moon enhances that.

When exploring the cosmic effects of the Aries New Moon, one must ask themselves, what am I becoming more aware of?

As a cardinal fire sign, meaning one who lights the path, Aries brings illumination. 

At the same time, Chiron, also known as the wounded healer, is activating a universal call for healing.

Guided by the energy of Aries, Chiron uncovers the illusion of Pisces and encourages you to acknowledge the parts of ourselves, loved ones, neighborhoods, communities, and planets that need more love, respect, and attention. 

During a time of many changes, it’s never been more important that you take care of your body, home, and Spirit. 

You may find yourself more combative or willful than usual, and this is because of the underlying influence of Mars, the ruler of Aries. 

The best way to channel the fiery influence of Aries is to center yourself and get active. Be mindful to take control of your resources and find the advantage in every situation. 

With Venus still in grounding Taurus, it may be best to set motivating routines and schedules that uplift you and raise your vibration. Avoid eating dead foods and using avoidance as a method of coping. 

Because Aries energy is naturally impulsive, you may experience extreme highs and lows in your emotions. With many of us being quarantined, this can cause dramatic effects in the body, especially the back, neck, arms, and legs. 

To help combat anxiety, restlessness, and body aches, stretch. But if possible, it may be helpful to use light weights, do yoga/Pilates, or run. 

Although it may seem like things are out of sorts, they are coming together. The Aries New Moon is a bright light in the middle of darkness encouraging you to hold on, preserve your strength, get active, and use this period of ascension as a path to greater humanity. 

Take a moment to give thanks for all that you are, have, and will evolve into. Allow yourself to surrender to the spontaneous manifestation and holistic healing powers of Spirit. 

Ask yourself, How can I serve? How can I contribute? How can I uplift and inspire humanity? 

Just remember that Aries represents quick-yielding, fast results, so focus on the short-term. 

What can you consciously do now that will positively affect later? 

Keep reading for more information on the Aries New Moon and Horoscopes. 

Or get the full horoscope and ritual guide here

Interesting Information Aries New Moon: 

  • This is the first astrological new year of the decade. Combined with the potent cosmic energy of Saturn's move into Aquarius, we are in the beginning stages of a new Karmic Cycle. Welcome the Age of Aquarius. 

  • The New Moon in Aries will occur on a universal four day in a universal four year. In numerology, the number four represents your core foundation; the inner strength, patience, and wisdom that keeps you grounded. 

  •  The New Moon will occur at exactly 4° Aries, symbolizing emotional strength/action and rebuilding the concept of family and home. This is a trend in the cosmos right now as the New Moon in Pisces (February 2020) occurred at 4°, the New Moon in Aquarius (January 2020) occurred at 4°, and the Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse (December 2019) occurred at 4°. 

  • The New Moon in Aries will square the North Node in Cancer and South Node in Cancer at 3-4°. This aspect brings tension between the home and the public/state. Restrictions and limitations to your desires and behaviors caused by a higher power may bring conflict within the family or emotional stress. On the other hand, it teaches patience and self-mastery. You should use this as an opportunity to establish more structure and peace in your home. 

New Moonscopes for the Signs:


Happy New Moon, Aries! This is a potent time for you as the New Moon in your sign is the symbol for rebirth, reinvention, enthusiasm, self-discovery, acceleration, and improved physical appearances.

Your entire world is in a period of ascension and renewal, and you are clearing many cycles of emotional debt to the universe. Because of this, you may experience multiple paths opening and ending in your life at once, and you will need to rely on your tribe for support.

If at any point things feel overwhelming, remember that you have the willpower to overcome any situation.

The focus for Aries during this shifting time is purpose.

Ask yourself, What role do I want to play as an individual? Who do I want to be?

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Mantras for Aries:

 “I am the architect of my life. I build its foundation and choose its contents.”

“I am open to new experiences.”


Happy New Moon in Aries, Taurus!

During this lunation, you are in the process of releasing selfishness and materialistic habits. You could be cleaning out your home, or giving something away.

As you continue to embrace more of your shadow self, you will choose to invest more of your time and energy to serve others through your gifts and contributions.

For some, this is a period of withdrawal and completion. You may be at the end of a project or season in your life, and now you are being called to prepare rest and reflect.

With the Sun and Moon aligned in fiery Aires, slowing down may be hard for you; you will want to take action, but listen to your gut.

The focus for Taurus during this shifting time is surrender.

Ask yourself, What do I need to surrender control of at this time? What am I putting to rest? 

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Happy Aries New Moon, Gemini! 

This is an excellent time to create short-term goals around a new education project or topic of interest. 

With the Moon illuminating your friendships and worldly connections, it may be best to check in with family, friends, and business associates you haven’t spoken to in a while. 

Challenges with money may arise due to avoidance or external circumstances. You may receive help or exciting news from a friend, but make a point to do your part. The key is due diligence. 

The focus for Gemini during this shifting time is social action.

 Ask yourself, What uplifting message of ascension and light can I bring to the collective? What are my ideals and beliefs? 

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Mantras for Gemini:

 “I effortlessly co-create light and abundance with all that is. ” 

“I am blessed with an incredible family and wonderful friends.” 


Happy Aries New Moon, Cancer!

With the Moon illuminating your public reputation, this is a time of action and change in how you create wealth and status for the future. 

Challenges with business plans and public responsibilities may bring stress or tension; you may need to pause and review your expenses before you commit to anything major. 

With this lunation highlighting your public image, perhaps it's time you spruce up your wardrobe and resume, maybe even start the beginning stages of a much-needed brand refresh. 

The focus for Cancer during this shifting time is self-discipline. 

 Ask yourself, what actions can I take today to build long-term wealth and emotional security tomorrow? How can I improve my professional appearance and reputation?

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Mantras for Cancer:

 “I possess the limitless qualities needed to be extremely successful.” 

“Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas.” 


Happy Aries New Moon, Leo!

This is an excellent time to leap towards your higher ideals and aspirations.

With the Moon encouraging you to stretch and get outside your comfort zone, you may feel some restlessness and dissatisfaction in your current environment and life path.

However, Aries inspires you to make an effort and initiate new projects and activities that stimulate your mind and creative abilities.

With this lunation stimulating your mental growth sector, perhaps it's time you look for bigger, more elaborate and adventurous opportunities to share your voice.

The focus for Leo during this shifting time is active growth. 

Ask yourself, what am I ready to explore? How can I expand my craft or publish my work on a more expansive platform? 

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Mantras for Leo:

 “My efforts are supported by the Universe; my dreams manifest into reality before my eyes.” 

“My life is just beginning.” 


Happy Aries New Moon, Virgo!

With the Moon encouraging you to be more ambitious when planning your next transformation, you may experience some resentfulness or jealousy towards/from others. 

However, Aries inspires you to be more resourceful and efficient, and this can lead to profitable financial assets in the future. 

With this lunation stimulating the area of your chart that rules intimacy and shared resources, it is a favorable time to look into new investments and contract negotiations with potential partners. Avoid being impulsive and acquiring more debt. 

The focus for Virgo during this shifting time is efficiency. 

Ask yourself, what are my financial goals for the future? How can I build more intimacy in my relationships? Romantic and platonic. 

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Mantras for Virgo:

 “My fears of tomorrow are simply melting away.” 

“My nature is Divine; I am a spiritual being .” 


Happy Aries New Moon, Libra!

With the Moon encouraging you to be more confident and independent in your interactions, you may be in a period of redefining the terms and conditions of your partnerships or establishing new ones.

However, external influences may bring a physical separation or a strong feeling of emotional distance from a loved one or close friend.

If you find yourself at odds with others, this lunation will support your efforts to work on healing any conflicting patterns and karma within yourself.

The focus for Libra during this shifting time is cooperation. 

Ask yourself, what are 2-3 ways I can be more loving today? Am I taking time to nurture my relationships?

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Mantras for Libra:

 “My future is an ideal projection of what I envision now.” 

“Everything that is happening now is happening for my ultimate good.”


Happy Aries New Moon, Scorpio!

With the New Moon encouraging you to be more organized, proactive, and health-conscious, it may be time for a fresh start in your diet, exercise practices, work schedules, and overall lifestyle.

You should use the fiery energy of Aries to get caught up on past work or start something new. However, your goal should be set towards efficiency and quality, not dominance and speed.

With this lunation stimulating the area of your chart that rules analysis and critical thinking, it is a favorable time to utilize your natural skills for strategy, research, and investigation.

Although competition is not the goal, it will be helpful to stay educated on the market. This will also grow your imagination and expertise.

The focus for Scorpio during this shifting time is intention. 

Ask yourself, what are my intentions for (__)? How can I build more organization and consistency in my life?

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Mantras for Scorpio:

 “My obstacles are moving out of my way; my path is carved towards greatness.” 

“I am a powerhouse. I am indestructible.” 


Happy Aries New Moon, Sagittarius!

The New Moon brings you blessings of romance, drama, and passion. It is a favorable time for self- expression, and publication. You may find that your creative juices flow more effortlessly than usual. 

However, Aries's fire energy may influence you to become more strong-willed and restless and you may have difficulty staying grounded or focusing on one thing for any period.

For singles, this is a beautiful time to let go of a past relationship and start dating again, even if it is casual. Couples should find this lunation invigorating and full of searing pleasure and excitement. Things can get hot in the bedroom!

The focus for Sagittarius during this shifting time is creativity. 

Ask yourself, have I done anything lately that’s worth remembering? When did I last push the boundaries of my comfort zone? 

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Mantras for Sagittarius:

 “I radiate joy, love, and peace.” 

“I am courageous and I stand up for myself.” 


Happy Aries New Moon, Capricorn!

With the New Moon highlighting your roots and origins sector, you may be experiencing deep feelings of tenderness, intuition, and family. This lunation encourages you to plant new seeds in your home and familial environments.

Unexpected changes may cause you to forcibly switch homes, jobs, or move. You may be given more personal freedom or responsibility in domestic affairs.

This is also a great time to embark on a DIY journey or installment. Just make sure to be extra cautious when using dangerous equipment. You are more accident-prone than usual.

The focus for Capricorn during this shifting time is introspection. 

Ask yourself, what worries and distracts me most about my future? If I had to instill one piece of advice in a newborn baby, what advice would I give? 

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Mantras for Capricorn:

 “My ability to conquer my challenges are limitless; my potential to succeed is infinite” 

“I am at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen.”


Happy Aries New Moon, Aquarius!

With the New Moon highlighting the area in your chart that rules self-learning and communication, this lunation encourages you to practice being more expressive and socially engaged.

Aries inspires you to invite new emotional and intellectual experiences of curiosity into your life. 

During this period, you should research new books or lessons in your subject of interest. Find new workshops, online seminars, chats, and small groups to learn with.

The focus for Aquarius during this shifting time is concentration. 

Ask yourself, what am I doing about the things that matter most in my life? Am I using my time wisely? 

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Mantras for Aquarius:

 “My thoughts are filled with positivity and my life is plentiful with prosperity.” 

“I am guided by my every step in Spirit who leads me towards what I must know and do.”


Happy Aries New Moon, Pisces!

With the New Moon encouraging you to break outdated traditions, mental programming, and financial challenges that have plagued you and your family for generations, take advantage of every opportunity to build self-worth and belief. 

During this period, Aries heightens your sense of value and earning power. On an emotional and spiritual level, it is time for you to stand in your divine gifts and talents, and accept the exchange of currency that Spirit provides for you. 

On the other hand, watch out for indulgence. On a subconscious level, you may struggle with spontaneous spending expenses and addiction; you may have a hard time avoiding reckless risks. 

The focus for Pisces during this shifting time is consistency. 

Ask yourself, am I taking anything for granted? Am I achieving the goals that I've set out for myself?

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Mantras for Pisces:

 “I am superior to negative thoughts and low actions. I am Divine, Spiritual being.” 

“Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas.”