August 2021 Astrology Forecast: Surrender to flow.

August 2021 is a reminder to live in the now and appreciate the small moments — take your time!!

If you've learned anything from 2020, you learned that  the unexpected is possible, so use this month to solidify an emergency fund, get serious about creating time freedom — not just wealth — nurture your relationships, and prioritize your health and wellbeing.

And before I go even further, I want you to know I'm not saying this to scare you, but to remind you that we are about to move into a busy astrological period — and you need to be as grounded as you can be.

And that doesn't necessarily mean the world is shutting back down, but I do believe August is a month of regulation and slowdowns — of pacing yourself and adjusting to life’s demands — and not just in terms of the pandemic, but generally with the transits in your everyday life.

With the Virgo stellium -- which will square the Nodes, Last Quarter moon, and Neptune -- many decisions will be made, delayed, and overturned.

Having a safe space within yourself and home to lean on is ESSENTIAL!

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The Finale of Leo Season 2021

The month begins with the Sun halfway through its journey in ferocious Leo, bringing focus and attention to your creativity, inner child and children, and recreational plans — or lack thereof.

The Sun will remain in Leo until August 22.

While the dignified Sun finishes its annual transit in Leo, you may find that your primary objective is to explore or launch a passion project, rebuild a romantic relationship, reconnect to your sense of fun, or feel confident in who you are as an individual.

Preparing for its second opposition with the Full Moon in Aquarius on August 22 — tension and excitement are high!

Use the final weeks of Leo Season to get in touch with your true desires — get those final summer vacations in!

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The 2021 Virgo Stellium

Feeling cynical, over-critical, or in love with organizing? You’re probably resonating with the August 2021 Virgo Stellium.

Virgo Season doesn’t officially start until August 22, but you can get a taste of what’s too come as lover planet Venus wraps up its turbulent transit in Virgo on August 16.

Breakups, serial killers, COVID-19, and scarcity issues with the labor force are just a few themes linked to Venus’s transit in compromised Virgo, but there are positive aspects about this transit too.

For example, the rise in holistic wellness, respecting one’s work/life balance, and prioritizing mental health— are all attributed to Venus’s descent through virtuous Virgo.

If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by the constant creation process of Leo season, Mercury’s entrance into its home sign of systematic Virgo on August 11, brings clarity and a smooth implementation process to help you launch some of your new creative ideas.

Don’t know where to start? Look at the house in your chart that Virgo rules. What themes are associated with this house?

Then ask yourself questions like:

What are my priorities?

Am I practicing efficient time-management?

How can I stabilize my ideas and intentions?

Is there a system or process I can put in place?

Is there a software or service that can do this for me?

Do I need to simplify?

For example, if Virgo rules your first house, the Virgo 2021 Stellium is about you grounding any changes you want to make to your identity and personal life.

If you came to me, I would say something like this⤵️.

First house Virgo: “Do you need an assistant? Are you compartmentalizing your personality? Are your relationships or loneliness keeping you in a box?”

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August 2021 Lunar Cycle


When it comes to the August 2021 lunar cycle, we will mainly move through the fixed energies of Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Mutable energy won't enter the chat until the Last Quarter Moon in Gemini on August 30.

So if you have Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, or Aquarius placements in your chart — this one is for you.

What does all this fixed energy mean?

Generally, a fixed lunar cycle means the next four weeks should be approached with intense focus and hopefully self-control.

After the emotional Cancer New Moon in July, the Leo New Moon cycle encourages you to burn through any lingering negative emotions and inner fears so you can fully let go!

With three major lunations in fixed signs, this is a period of perseverance and completion.  

It may be helpful to ask yourself:

What coping mechanisms do I use to manage anxiety and stress? How can I create more order, pleasure, and consistency in my fixed houses?

On the shadow side, an abundance of fixation in the air can lead to stagnancy and stubbornness.

You may find that you and the world around you are struggling to break out of outdated mental programming.

This lunation cycle encourages you to overcome your internal fears and addictions — especially surrounding finances, sexuality, and mental health.

If stuck in a rut, notice what glass ceilings you've placed over your dreams. Be willing to shatter your beliefs on what's possible now and in the future.

Again, if you have fixed placements in your chart, this lunation cycle will impact you the most. Look to your fixed houses for more clarity.

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Venus in Libra 2021

On August 16, pleasure-seeking Venus enters graceful Libra — its home sign until September 10.

During this three-week transit, relationships and finances take on a more balanced, fair-minded, and harmonious approach. 

Unlike the practical and methodical energy of Virgo — Venus in Libra does not want to be a helpmate and serve others — it wants to be equal. Venus in Libra wants everyone to get a piece of the pie. 

Romantically, Venus in Libra craves intellectual intimacy.

If you want to feel fulfilled during this transit, you must first connect with someone’s mind — or as I like to say as a certified Libra Stellium, “I need you to lick my brain.”

During this sensual transit, you need to feel seen, feel heard, feel wanted wholeheartedly — otherwise, any connections started now will dissolve under Venus in Scorpio’s emotional intensity.

Aesthetically, Venus in Libra enjoys silky sexy fabrics that cling comfortably to the skin - visualize elegant nightgowns and pastel pearls.

Watch out for drama on or around August 26 — Venus will oppose wounded healer Chiron in self-centered Aries.

Love triangles, broken contracts, and domestic violence are more likely now — control your temper.

Don’t play with anyone’s emotions.

Also, happy Venus returns to all my Venus in Libra folks — sending you my best — from your favorite Libra Stellium.

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Hello, Uranus Retrograde 2021

On August 19, Uranus, the planet of change and uprising will station retrograde in Taurus.

Stationing retrograde at the 14th degree — a degree ruled by Taurus — there is intense focus on your Taurus house.

Because Venus is the ruler of Taurus, and Venus is in Libra at this time, there may be issues with a partner over finances, or you may feel unfulfilled in a love or financial relationship.

This energy may also manifest as a lack of physical touch or intellectual diplomacy.

Hopefully, this does not translate to us going back to:

  • distance learning and shutdowns

  • issues with the stock market/currency values

  • tension with other nations

  • lack of physical intimacy and affection

  • lack of natural resources and increase in natural disasters

The positive side of this?

  • Unexpected events can lead to breakthrough moments.

  • Random resources or opportunities may find you because you put yourself out there.

  • You could also attract opportunities due to a partner or spouse -- or because of someone you know or dated in the past.

In conclusion,

August 2021 brings many synchronistic moments to affirm your current mission and life path — please do not allow unprocessed grief or fear rob you of your joy this month.

With the Virgo stellium dominating the skies — Mercury is KING in August — the media chatter and constant communications will be high. Expects lots of emails, questions, and conversations.

This is why it is essential that you secure your safe space this month.

Decrease your consumption and control your environment!

Control your mind!

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