August 23 - 29, 2021 Weekly Horoscope: STAY GROUNDED!

Astrology for August 23 - 29, 2021

We are counting down the final days of August, and these days are heavy with reflection, re-prioritization, and finding new ways to take charge of your work-life balance and mental health.

This week’s astrological forecast is dominated by mutable energies — which resonate with adaption and flow — so do your best to stay grounded and surrender to the unknown.

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Monday, August 23

The week starts off slow and somewhat dreary with the Waning Moon entering the final sign of karmic and soulful Pisces.

When the Moon is in Pisces, especially when it is waning, we are most aware of what needs to end in our life. Pisces energy shows us where we have enormous healing power, but in order to access this healing energy — we must first release our strongholds and addictions. We must stop playing victim and merge with our fears.

PRO - TIP: Do some organizing or write your thoughts down on paper to see what’s worrying you or what your priorities are. It is officially Virgo Season!

Tuesday, August 24

Tuesday is a power-day and also a heavy-hitter. Mercury, the planet of communication, transportation, and exchange will clash with Neptune, the planet of ascension, submission, and the higher realms.

This cosmic mashup brings repressed thoughts, actions, and decisions SPIRALING to the surface. Any emotions or experiences that you have suppressed will have to be addressed now.

If you ignore this energy, it will hit you again during the 2021 Virgo New Moon and 2021 Pisces Full Moon in September — just harder. So please stop ignoring whatever lessons are coming up in your Virgo and Pisces houses. Please act now.

For those who have dealt with their lessons, this is your time to show others what it took for you to get there. Show your failures and your wins. Inspire those just starting that the process is worth the results in the end.

PRO-TIP: Acknowledge what’s going on but don’t rush the healing process. Make time for stillness and doing absolutely nothing for at least 30 minutes each day.

Thursday, August 26

Thursday’s energies are chaotic loves. So please take this as your trigger warning.

Early Thursday morning, the planet of love, money, and values — Venus in diplomatic Libra — will clash with the planet of healing and karmic wounds — Chiron in self-centered Aries.

This clash of forces brings chaos to diplomatic affairs and partnership agreements, finding a middle ground may seem scarce now, but possible later on.

Also occurring on Thursday morning, Mercury, the planet of thoughts and transportation will form a healing trine to Pluto, the power planet of destruction and rebirth, who is currently in the middle of its retrograde in conservative Capricorn.

This means that RATIONAL thinking can help build or at least temporarily merge the bridges that Venus and Chiron are trying their best not to tear apart.

Whatever happens for you on this day, do not respond based on emotions. Keep a cool and level head.

Take a detached approach and just look at the facts. You will have time to safely express any pent up emotions this weekend.

However, with the Moon in Aries also meeting up with Pluto Rx in Capricorn, someone may overstep their boundaries — and as a result, a treaty will be broken or violence may break out.

IF POSSIBLE, please try to avoid this, but as we know with oppositions and squares, it only reflects the energy we have repressed or the energy we are scared to put out.

If you have to check someone or put them in their place, be straight-forward but considerate. A war mindset won’t help here.

PRO-TIP: if you are attracting conflict right now, take a look at yourself. What inner wars are you fighting? And how can you put them out?

Sunday, August 29

After Thursdays’ fiascos, you will be craving a break this weekend. I would highly recommend that you sneak away if possible or completely UNPLUG. I mean no tv, no Netflix, no social, just you, your loved ones, good food, fun games, and a book.

During your downtime, allow yourself to process what is happening or not happening right now in your life.

On Sunday, August 29, the ambitious Sun in productive Virgo will form a challenging square to the Lunar Nodes — the area in your chart that signifies your life’s potential — what you are here to learn — and your past life, what you must release in order to activate this potential.

Because of this transit, you may be reflecting on your current life lessons and blockages. If you feel off, this is your chance to sit with the stillness and contemplate your life’s redirection.

PRO-TIP: With the Moon waning in Taurus, you may find pleasure in a camping trip or taking a nature walk. Spend time in your garden — immerse yourself in the Earth. Some may even decide to do a juice fast or increase their intake of raw/plant-based foods.

Weekly Horoscopes for the Signs

I suggest reading your Rising/Ascendant sign message first to get a general overview of your energy.

Your Sun sign message will tell you how you will express the energy of the Rising.

The Moon sign message will tell how you are responding emotionally this week. Also, what tools and practices you may lean on to help you feel most comfortable.


Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius 

Being honest about how you feel, where you are, and what you want to do with your free time is not a nuisance, air sign. This week, especially this weekend, you may find it difficult to express yourself or feel isolated by responsibilities. But take a look around you, you are so abundant. Every single day this week, new messages and signs will appear to bring guidance. My question for you is — will you be open to receive them — even if they don’t come in the form you want or expect?


Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Taking a step back could feel defeating this week, water sign. But who says a temporary timeout is a loss? Maybe this delay is leading you towards what your heart truly wants. This weekend, make a point to connect with someone who inspires you — who always knows how to lighten your heart. If you’re not sure who that person is, surrender it to your higher power. Your steps are ordered my love, you just have to trust it.


Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 

Running ahead full-speed sounds nice, but I promise you, it ain’t what you want! Rather than forcing your hand or going harder so that others will notice you, fall back and let them appreciate your presence instead. Your silence will speak louder than your words or actions ever will. And while you are reflecting, take some time to nurture yourself. You may have unintentionally neglected a few loved ones, check in on them. They deserve your love!


Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 

Feeling drained, earth sign, I know? This mutable energy is taking its toll on your hard-working soul. Despite your boredom or disgust, taking a timeout or accepting that something has got to change (and soon) is exactly what Spirit ordered for you this week. Honor the stillness. Honor the disappointment. This season will past much sooner than you think. This weekend, pamper yourself. If possible, sneak away for a staycation or romantic date. Even if you are single, you need some extra love! Love on yourself!