January 2020 Forecast & Horoscopes

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January 2020 begins with a stellium of planets in Capricorn: the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. With the Sun conjunct Mercury, Pluto, and Saturn, major changes will occur regarding our professional life, public realms of government, economy, and long-term goals. A Cancer Lunar Eclipse illuminates any residual family issues that may be holding us back. This Full Moon will specially affect Mothers and Women. With Mars now in Sagittarius, many will see an increase in travel plans for professional matters. We are also more impulsive now, and this does not sit well with the Stellium of Planets in Capricorn. It's important that we work together now, instead of trying to do everything as the lone wolf. The New Moon in Aquarius at the end of the month encourages team spirit. 

Major transits: 

  • Mars enters Sagittarius on January 3. Mars in Sagittarius increases our desire for freedom, adventure, higher-learning, and a do it now attitude and approach. For us to get the most out of this transit, we need to acknowledge our triggers and address our desires rationally. From this space of wisdom and self-discipline, anything is possible. 

  • Cancer Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon on January 10. The Cancer Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon brings radical changes and new opportunities to how we interpret and express our emotions on a subconscious level. Our perception of home, Women (or the divine feminine) family, and security will be under intense scrutiny. Tension in the house that rules Cancer and Capricorn will reach its peak. However, beneath the surface, this tension is exposing what no longer serves and has been hiding in plain sight. Be open to changes in this area of your life. 

  • Uranus stations direct in Taurus on January 10. Uranus stationing direct brings forward movement and clarity on the changes that need to be made in our financial and intimate lives. This is an excellent time to expect and pursue new opportunities. 

  • Sun, Mercury, Pluto and Saturn conjunction January 10 - 14. The Sun, Mercury, Pluto, and Saturn will conjunct in Capricorn, bringing unpredictable new beginnings to almost every area of our lives. For most, this will feel intense. The changes required of us now are unavoidable. This will most likely affect our financial realms, government, global economy, career, and long-term goals. This is the time of seriousness and maturity. 

  • Mercury enters Aquarius on January 16. Mercury in Aquarius inspires cleverness, originality, and invention. We are more intrigued by others and their perceptions. There is a heightened sense of observation and detachment. Intellectual discussions about the future and philosophy are more inspiring. Those who work in electronics, technology, science, AI, and the internet (social media, YT, ETC) will find opportunities to advance. Be mindful of rigid thinking and extremism. 

  • Venus enters Pisces on January 13. Venus in Pisces is a transit of tender emotions and devotion. Pisces in love is gentle, kind-hearted, and warm, even if they seem shy at first. Love and communication are more intuitive than direct. However, be mindful of how much you give and who you give it to. Pisces’s consideration for others runs so deep they are often left abandoned or used, especially with the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius. The creative and spiritual connection between partners will also increase. Be careful with money. You tend to give more than you make or have. 

  • Aquarius season starts on January 20. Aquarius season is a time of assertiveness, progression, invention, and firm opinions. Although Aquarius’s are known for their unique perspectives and eccentric ways, they are still about their business. This a beautiful time to turn the plans of the past 10 Solar transits into a more expansive and well-rounded vision. Most likely we will find growth through friendships, organizations, and international affairs. This is not the time to operate with a closed-mind or extremist thinking. Instead, we need to gather and connect to build a more prosperous, equal, and diverse future. 

  • New Moon in Aquarius on January 24. The New Moon in Aquarius brings a new opportunity for friendship, collaboration, branding, or forward movement on a long-time vision. If you have been contemplating redesigning your website, taking a group class, or registering for an online program, this is the time. 

January Horoscopes: 

Aries: January 2020 asks that you prioritize your goal. What is the one thing that you need to accomplish now to set the tone for the whole year? With Mars in Sagittarius, you may have a desire to pursue multiple ideas at once but refrain. Meet with your team or group of trusted friends and share your vision with them. You’ll need someone to hold you accountable when things get rough. Challenges at home may become unbearable the first two weeks of the month but look for the silver lining. Uranus stationing direct in your income and self-worth sector opens the door to unexpected income streams and progressive changes. Trust in the timing. There’s nothing wrong with setting new traditions.

Taurus: January 2020 comes with many blind spots, especially where your career and interests are concerned. But behind the confusion is a brand new adventure and opportunity, you just have to overcome your fears to get there. With the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all conjunct in Capricorn the first half of the month, you may be feeling discontent or bored where you currently are. Instead of prancing off into the unknown, be still and listen to your heart. With Uranus stationing direct in your sign on the 10th, the changes you have been struggling with for the past six months will slowly become more clear. Be brave. 

Gemini: January 2020 forces you to let go of your past. Debt, insecurity, or financial issues may come up in the first two weeks of the year, or you may simply not be making the kind of money that you would like to. This energy is intensified by the Cancer Lunar Eclipse challenging your self-worth and income sector. Addressing your triggers helps you find opportunities to channel your emotions and push you forward. Stay optimistic. With Uranus stationing direct in your ending and seclusion sector the same day, expect good fortune and change in the form of a financial breakthrough. The Aquarius New Moon at the end of the month brings you just what you need when you least expect it. 

Cancer: With Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto opposing your sign, you could feel under pressure all year long. However, January 2020 allows you to experience how far you have come. The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Cancer on the 10th shows you exactly what you have done and where you can go, if you just shed the deadweight. With Mars in Sagittarius, you may be anxious to change careers or go in a different direction. However, the Aquarius New Moon tells you to wait it out. A loved one, business partner, or close friend may present you with an opportunity by the end of the month. Stay patient.

Leo: January 2020 awakens your curiosity and love for the unknown. With Mars in Sagittarius and Mercury in Aquarius, this month is excellent for moving forward on a passion project. Give yourself permission to share authentically and without pressure opens new doors to your creativity. With the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn during the first half of the month, you should experience a catharsis or unexpected turning point in your career. You may be called to express publicly your opinion on a serious matter, take it. The Lunar Eclipse in Cancer brings a much needed ending to your life. Release any lingering karmic ties or draining familial wounds.  Cleanse your home and get rid of your physical and emotional junk. Start this new year with a clean slate.

Virgo: January 2020 encourages your growth and self-preservation. The first half of the month brings you closer to a love partner or estranged family member. With Mars in Sagittarius, you may be contemplating travel or settling into a new space. This is a great time to take action in your home and exploring your options for more freedom and emotional independence.The Cancer Lunar Eclipse Full Moon may highlight unavoidable changes between you and a family member due to external circumstances or group influences. As uncomfortable as this may be, accept it. Everyone deserves to make their own choices, including you. 

Libra: January 2020 intensifies the silent pressure you’ve been feeling for months, especially in terms of your emotional and financial security. Trouble or confusion at home or in the family may lead to intense power struggles, but don’t be so quick to play peacemaker. Mars in Sagittarius encourages you to be direct and honest about your feelings. Holding back will only hurt you, not them. The Cancer Lunar Eclipse highlights how far you’ve come in your career and self-confidence, even with constraints. Don't be afraid to change your perspective on life and your profession. Follow your heart, Libra, not the paycheck. 

Scorpio: January 2020 encourages you to take your studies and interests seriously, especially if they increase your self-worth and income streams. Mars in Sagittarius illuminating your income sector expands the opportunities brought in 2019 when Jupiter was in Sagittarius. Think back to what you started then, it’s ready to grow now. The Cancer Lunar Eclipse hits you hard. You may be feeling more emotional and withdrawn than usual. This may be an excellent time to think ahead and plan a trip. However, with the limitations and boundaries enforced by the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto conjunction, it may be better to plan a staycation or visit someplace nearby. Just don’t fall back into old habits and toxic patterns out of fear or loneliness. Uranus stationing direct in your relationship sector encourages you to move forward in your relationships. Don't look back.

Sagittarius: January 2020 brings you a new opportunity. With Mars in Sagittarius, you should feel more like yourself. An inspiration to get healthier, create new patterns, and move ahead on your personal goals will become more clear. The Cancer Lunar Eclipse highlights your intimacy sector, bringing an emotional partnership to its head. If you’ve been silencing your feelings about childhood trauma or relationship, you won’t be able to run from it any longer. Giving yourself permission to let go of any emotional baggage sets you free to explore the financial and self-growth that is awaiting you. The opportunity for rebirth will come sooner than you think with the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn the first half of the month.

Capricorn: January 2020 is a mixed bag of emotions for you, Capricorn. Mars in Sagittarius in your seclusion and ending sector brings a period of reflection and curiosity. With the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto conjunct in your identity sector, you may experience fast, hard, and unavoidable changes that shape who you are for the rest of your life. This energy isn’t to be feared. The more you let this cycle end, the sooner you can move on to the next phase of your life. The Cancer Lunar Eclipse may bring emotional changes to a personal relationship. Love may bloom and rise to the next level or show you the untapped potential in your life. The Aquarius New Moon at the end of the month is a positive cycle. You should feel more confident and independent. This is also an excellent moon cycle to think outside the box financially

Aquarius: January 2020 hits hard, Aquarius, but it gets better every day. Mars in Sagittarius encourages you to lean on your friends and support system. This 6-week cycle is excellent for stepping outside of your comfort zone and focusing on your dreams, especially the first two weeks while Venus is still in Aquarius. With Venus moving into your self-worth and income sector in Pisces, you may have to deal with your emotions and low self-esteem. Once you acknowledge the areas in your life where you are overgiving or settling, you will realize the divine opportunities waiting for you. The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn force you to let something go. If you truly want to move ahead and start a new cycle, you cannot bring your past with you.

Pisces: January 2020 brings you deeper into your heart and sense of purpose, Pisces. With Mars in Sagittarius, you feel more inspired and courageous to move forward in your career. This is an excellent time to put your work out there on a larger scale. The Cancer Lunar Eclipse highlights your passion and creative talents. If you’ve been hiding behind the scenes or feeling insecure about what purpose you serve in this world, this lunation brings it out. With Uranus stationing direct in Taurus on the same day, your words, thoughts, and emotions should flow more freely. The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn brings an unexpected opportunity through a friend or professional organization. The Aquarius New Moon at the end of the month starts an intense cycle of rebirth and seclusion. Don’t be afraid to dive deep.