June 2020: Monthly Forecast and Messages for the Signs

“Where there is darkness, there is always infinite light.”

As you move into a new month, the collective world is steadily shifting and pulling its hidden rugs out from under your feet.

As a calendar month of six, and a universal month of one, June is a month of domestic and civil new beginnings.

With Mars flying deep in the waters of selfless Pisces, the Sun discovering new parts of itself in Gemini, and retrograde season continuously showing you where you still are, where you have been, and how far you have to go, your heart is being broken open, preparing you for what you are ready to receive.

June is a dynamic month.

Venus comes out of its retrograde station on June 25, just as Mercury is ready to enter hers in Cancer on June 18. And this can leave you feeling raw, vulnerable, and emotionally exhausted.

You will also see the beginning of Eclipse season as the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5 catapults you into a new world, a world where truth is the serum of the people, and Love will be free for all.

In terms of its essence, June is an implementation month. A month of responsibility, emotional maturity, and divine purpose.

Mars will finish its astrological cycle in Pisces on June 27 and begin anew in Aries, where it will retrograde and remain until the early days of 2021.

During this transit, the universe is challenging you to reflect on your habits and behaviors.

No matter who you are, what you look like, or where you come from, you are human too.

What does that humanity mean? How will you uphold your birthright? How will you use your voice and spread love? What history will you write for yours and our collective future?

With Saturn retrograde in Aquarius until July 1, you are more conscious of the limitations and constraints placed by Saturn’s time in Capricorn. Whether it be finances, governance, or belief systems, whatever is suppressed during this cycle will eventually rise.

During this period, the collective consciousness is focused on liberation and diverse equality. It is a time where the traditional systems of the past are tested, revealed, and ultimately reformed; a path to a new world and economy is being rebuilt.

To smooth things out, Neptune will station retrograde in Pisces on June 23, reminding you that there is more to the story than you may know, hear, or see. Instead of seeing and hearing with your physical body, Neptune asks you to listen with your soul.

Neptune’s retrograde can bring subtle but deep emotions, so if you do not have a consistent grounding practice such as meditation, yoga, breathwork, or exercise, do so now.

Staying grounded will become even more important on June 20 when the Sun leaves socialist Gemini and enters empathetic Cancer.

On the same day, the Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Cancer will bring charged emotions to the collective, forcing you to make fast and sometimes unexpected changes to your living arrangements, family dynamics, and short-term security plans.

Overall, June is an uplifting month, but it requires a willingness to sit in places you may have never sat, or listen to people you would typically ignore.

With Venus in Gemini until August, relationships are centered where you are, the emphasis is on your local environment. So start there

How can you become more involved? More intentional and respectful? More in tune and engaged?

What narratives and dialogues can you create within your circles that inspire collective liberation, equality, unconditional love, self-respect, and of all things, inclusive?

Sending love to all, 


June 2020 Messages and Horoscopes for the Signs:


Aries, June 2020 is a month of radical acceleration and delays for you. In one context, you will be surfing ahead, guiding, and being an active voice for the people.

Yet in slower moments (especially the end of the month), you find yourself questioning who you are, where you come from, and what higher purpose your hard work will truly serve?

But what if I told you that feeling your fears was medicine? What if I told you that by being present amid adversity, you bloomed?

Instead of pushing down your fears, lift them. Kiss your imperfections and remind your human self that you are so perfect, so equipped, so willing, and ready for whatever comes.

Mars in Pisces trudging through your twelfth house can feel like heavy business. But little do you know the next six months is about YOU!

Everything that you must cleanse and clear in June is setting the stage for a new cycle. Therefore, stay out of the way. Better yet, GET out of the way.

Trust your process. Trust your power. Trust your voice. We hear you, Aries. We see you. No need to throw a tantrum and selfishly pout.

Show up for yourself first. Only then will you have the care and the know-how to lead others.

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Are you still there, Taurus? Because in June 2020, we need to hear from you. Better yet, my love, we need to feel you. Your strength, your practicality, your reserve, and your graceful grit. We need that.

How are you ready to shape shift and transform? What wise tales and lessons are you harboring underneath that thick skin?

With Venus in Gemini urging you to be more vocal, you may feel odd or uncomfortable, even intimated at times in your body. But that’s okay.

What do you need? How can we help? Your guides want you to know that there is always a way, some lighter than others.

But when you honor your light, when you project peace and confidence, when you walk like the phenomenal god or goddess that you are, the world feels it, and in turn, it grounds you.

It reminds you that you are held. It reminds you that you are needed. So how will you hold space?

What dreams and income streams are you ready to invest in and give birth to? Because the world is ready, the question is, are you?

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Happy Birthday, Gemini. It’s been a wild one, but you are so blessed.

Unlike all the other signs, June 2020 is giving you a one-on-one consultation. With Venus retrograde and the Sun chilling in your sign, you could feel a little everywhere at once.

But instead of feeling scattered, change your narrative and say, I am so blessed! Look at all the opportunities this month is presenting to you. What will you do with the ideas? The connections? The support?

Even if you don’t know what that thing is or you feel like the opportunities haven’t started pouring in (yet), act like they are!

 Tell yourself every day, “I am being my highest purpose. All things that are aligned in my path, will come to me, and I will embrace them when that time comes.”

Be willing to not only ask but seek the support you need. Closed mouths don't get fed. What are you hungry for?

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Cancer, June 2020 can feel like a shit show if you're not grounded. Gemini’s energy may be tossing you from one scenario to the next, but you were built for it.

Tap into your inner strength, Crab. Show us what you are made of, what you care about, what you live for. Because the universe is right behind and beside you cheering you on.

Mercury’s retrograde transit in your sign challenges how you view yourself and how you project your identity to the world.

Not feeling confident about what you bring to the collective or familial table? Change it. Stop whining and put your foot into action. Ask your guides for the next step and trust that it will be shown to you.

Believe in your emotional power instead of apologizing for what you feel. But don’t use that as an excuse to stay in a rut. You have the power to transmute and transform.

Choose life. Choose love. And for your sake, choose Joy.

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 Happy June, Leo. This month should treat you fairly well. You may start off rocky (so be very gentle), but by the end of the month you should have a better understanding of what must stay and what must end. 

Stop being so hard on yourself and what you present. Your aesthetics and branding don’t mean anything if the feelings behind the soul don’t match. 

For example, you hate your job but you’re pretending you love it. Why Leo!? Show the world how fed up you are. Let us know what you’re feeling. We can take it. 

You’ll be surprised how quickly you manifest a new position when you put down the tough act and let that huge heart of yours shine. 

Somebody somewhere needs what you have, what you offer or sell. But they won’t be able to find you unless you list it, unless you tell the universe boldly and clearly, I AM READY! 

So make your announcement, even if it’s to yourself. Declare that you are ready! Allow love and prosperity to rain down on you. I’m rooting for you!

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Virgo, June 2020 asks you to rest with what is ending and get excited about what is to come!

A dear friend or social acquaintance may deliver heartfelt or inspiring news near the beginning of the month. Be open to receiving whatever they offer, especially if it’s about a job or money.

If anything, this is an opportunity to get reacquainted with a part of your being that you have buried away or never experienced.

Towards the end of the month, make a point to give back or hold space for an important woman in your life.

You may also find that you uncover a more sensitive and compassionate element to your logical nature.

Virgo women may notice a softness or desire to lead others. Virgo men may notice a desire to be more understanding for daughters, mothers, female counterparts, and spouses.

Maybe for once, it’s time to think with your heart instead of your head.

Maybe it’s time to surrender fully to a healthy and whole life filled with love.

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Libra, June 2020 gives you new feet and confidence to build your foundation on. After a few weeks of the retrograde bug, you should be feeling more at ease in your newfound skin.

What lifestyle do you secretly wish you were living? What experiences and adventures are waiting to be born? 

Although the energy of June reminds you to slow down and keep it simple, June 2020 also reminds you that if you want to live freely, you can’t be afraid to live life on the edge, even when it feels like your whole world is crumbling.

Instead of focusing on what isn’t happening, turn your attention toward what is.

What is happening right now that reassures you that you are moving in the right direction? What synchronizations are coming in to say, “chill, the sacrifices and silent suffering you’ve endured is worthy; we’ve got your back so just enjoy the ride?”

If it becomes too much once the Sun enters Cancer, call on your tribe, Libra. Stop building empires by yourself. Go get your team! They are waiting. 

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Scorpio, when life gives you sour lemons it doesn’t make lemonade, it makes sour lemonade. So pour it right back out.

June 2020 reminds you that you can pick your own lemons, Scorpio. You don’t need anyone picking your opportunities for you.

If you have a thought in your mind that you know is right! Why in the world are you asking for confirmation? Trust your gut, Scorpio.

Learn to decipher your inner critic versus your inner guidance system. Reprogram your subconscious mind.

For example, instead of saying, I have to wait to achieve my goal. Re-frame it as the goal is preparing itself for you!!

Preparation is not procrastination. And if you learn anything this month, I hope that you learn the difference between the two.

Because a lot of the stress, anxiety, and gut-wrenching fear that is haunting you come from the belief that you are late, behind or less than. And that is simply not true.

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Buckle up, Sagittarius because June 2020 is going to take you on a ride.

If you’ve been dreading your job, your finances, or any other negative feeling in your life, June 2020 invites you to leave it behind or better yet, make a realistic get out plan for the future.

Because the June 5 Lunar Eclipse is lighting up your sign, unexpected changes and breakthrough opportunities may suddenly pop up.

So if they feel right, Sag, grab them! But if they don’t, let them be.

Financially, retrograde season could bring some pressure, but you’ll find that Cancer season forces you to be honest about a certain situation, especially if you feel like a Love mate is taking advantage of you or bleeding your bank account dry.

To keep your spirits up, make a list of everything you want to experience in the next three years and keep it close by. Read your list for seven days straight and then throw it away!

Watch how fast something off that list comes true!

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Whenever there is a problem, Capricorn, everyone wants to call you, but this time, do not pick up the phone. 

In June 2020, unapologetically give yourself the support and attention that the world is always demanding from you. You've accomplished a lot over the past few years. Take a break! 

Because when the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on June 5 hits your house of ending, everything can feel like it's crashing down. But breathe deep and be still. This too shall pass. 

When you overcome the first wave of emotion that June brings, you’ll find that underneath the chaos and disappointment is deep joy and profound peace.

No, things are not happening the way you planned or imagined, but things are happening in the way they should be. 

Find humility in surrender and productivity. Don’t be so hard on yourself. The passion and excitement that you’re seeking will come back around soon.

And this time, you’re going to be ready!!

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June 2020 is a month of ebbs and flows for you, Aquarius. So ride the wave and trust your soul. Don’t let fear or collective opinions mess with your spirit or authentic beliefs.

Know that it's okay to be silent, to play, to create, to collect your thoughts, and to find solace in the unseen.

You don’t owe anyone an apology or explanation when it comes to your dreams (or your absence). If childhood fears find their way back to you, give them respect but put them in their place.

Remind your inner child that it is safe, loved, and unconditionally protected. You don’t have to pretend or play make-believe. Your inner child is real! Be one with it.

You may not understand how important this is until the Sun moves into Cancer and puts your creativity to the test.

Be firm about setting daily routines and health regimens that not only support your financial and physical assets but also your emotional growth.

You may struggle with feeling connected or emotionally in tune. But don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t love or your love is insufficient.

Show up the best you can. That is always enough.

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June 2020 is an interesting month for you, Pisces, one that requires you to show your inner strength in a way that may be foreign to you.

You would prefer to address any tension or stress with solitude, but Gemini season and Venus retrograde want you to speak out. 

What do you have to say? Or what music do you want to play? How can you use your art to deliver a message? 

No need to come outside your shell, you can bring the world to you. 

You can show others what you feel by being transparent. Finding space within yourself to be raw and one with your emotions.

What does your home space feel like? It’s never been a better time to make your home a home. 

Because when you feel safe, Pisces, the whole world feels safe. We need your healing medicine to soothe us all.

So go within and create your Pisces magic. And when you are ready, know we’ll be waiting for you. 

Take your time.

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