New Moon in Leo: A time of color, creativity, and self-affirmation.


Are you ready to vibrate higher? Because the August 18 - 19 New Moon calls you deep into the heart of the Lion.

After spending two lunar cycles in the ever-changing water of Cancer, the August 2020 New Moon will cleanse itself in the liberating fire of Leo, reaching its peak at 10:41 pm EST. 

As the fifth sign of the astrological zodiac, Leo brings courage, liberty, and confidence in how you express your life force energy. It burns away the fear and insecurity of Cancer, giving birth to a bolder, more passionate you. 

With Leo ruled by the Sun, the August 2020 New Moon encourages you to focus on building thoughts of hope, light, and bravery. It calls you to find the gold in all you have while still being open for more. 

What feeds you? What inspires you to show up and take accountability for your goals? Call more of that energy into your life.

For many of you, the New Moon in Leo strengthens your commitment to beginning a new journey on an unfamiliar path. 

With Leo ruling individuality, your journey will most likely involve the pursuit of a childhood dream or lifestyle vision. You could also be transitioning a side business/hobby into a full-time gig. 

When manifesting, the August 2020 Leo New Moon says to ask for what you want, not what you think you can receive. No more dimming your light and watering down your worth. 

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In regards to Love, the New Moon in Leo encourages you to put your heart out there, but still take things slow. It’s okay to move one day at a time. 

Money matters around the New Moon bring reward from past efforts. Venus in Cancer Sextile Uranus Retrograde in Taurus calls in divine assistance from the ancestral realms, so get ready for some unexpected “miracle level” support.

For some, you may receive a large sum of money or opportunity to expand your income/portfolio/resources on a more consistent basis. Receive your blessings and lessons with ease. 

Because Neptune is Retrograde in Pisces, your body is very sensitive, and you may easily feel burnt out. 

Instead of overdoing it, allow the fire of Leo to sizzle and burn. You don’t always have to blaze ahead at full speed. 

With Mars in Aries actively fighting the outer planets Retrograde in Capricorn for power, at times you may feel overwhelmed or blocked in. 

Rather than giving up or walking away from your dreams altogether, take short breaks from your responsibilities from time to time. Create more space for laughter, creativity, and rest. 

New Moon Messages and Affirmations for the Signs: 


Aries, the August 2020 Leo New Moon asks you to be diligent in the pursuit of your goals. With the Leo New Moon activating your passion and creativity sector, stay open to receive assistance when you least expect it. If looking to plant new seeds, come out of your shell. Find comfort in not knowing how things will turn out. Trust that your heart will lead the way. You are divinely protected. 

Key for this lunation: being present in the moment. Taking action when the opportunity arises. 

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Taurus, the August 2020 Leo New Moon reminds you that the direction your life takes from here on out is truly in your hands. For some, this lunation signals a dramatic new beginning. But don’t feel discouraged, there is light on the other side. If feeling isolated or neglected, let your tribe know you need a little extra love. You’ll be surprised how fast people are willing to help you when you tell them what you need.

Key for this lunation: stop fighting yourself and others. Be open to sharing your insecurities so you can move past them. Stop pretending to be perfect. 

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Gemini, the August 2020 Leo New Moon asks you to release any negative habits, thoughts, friendships, or pathways that block your sense of individuality and authentic self-expression. After the past, two Cancer New Moons highlighted where your self-esteem and sense of vision needed to be reborn, you’re ready to launch your “improved” self to the world. But be mindful. For the next six years, your peers will attach what you do now to your name. Choose wisely.  

Key for this lunation: be honest about your attention. commit to something you unconditionally love, not what you assume will unconditionally love you. 

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Cancer, the August 2020 Leo New Moon reminds you that to move forward, you must first address and complete any ongoing contracts, obligations, or responsibilities at hand. Although you may be eager to rush ahead, there is a hidden opportunity coming to you from a friend or mentor in the past. Just be mindful that you can easily attract energies you should be letting go of. So try not to backtrack. Be distinctive about what you accept. Stay true to your goals. 

Key for this lunation: self-discipline and honesty. Treat others how you want to be treated because you may need someone’s help sooner than you think. Let go. But don’t burn a bridge. Play it cool. 

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Leo, the August 2020 New Moon asks you to surrender to your higher self. Allow the universe to rebirth you and perfectly align your path. For some, this period may bring feelings of heartache and destruction, but nothing is falling apart. If anything, everything is coming together, so sit back and enjoy the fun ride. For the next four weeks, focus on the cleansing light circling your life. Make sure you’re practicing gratitude for all you’ve overcome in the past six weeks. 

Key for this lunation: living and surrendering to the movement. Being open to the unexpected without fear. Learning to flow with joy, curiosity, and ease. 

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Virgo, the August 2020 New Moon in Leo reminds you that every beginning has an end, and when that end comes, it's better to accept it for what it is than play make-believe. If you’re feeling lonely, isolated, or unfulfilled, be willing to surrender your desires. For the next two weeks, let go of any emotional attachments to your wants. Instead of wanting, practice living in gratitude. Be grateful for the clarity (and brutal honesty) finally showing up in your life. 

Key for this lunation: accepting things for what they are. Being honest about what healing needs to take place in your life. Let it go!!! No excuses. 

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Libra, the August 2020 New Moon in Leo reminds you that any delays or blockages you see currently in your life are probably of your creation. As a cardinal air sign, you are always looking for the best possible solution. But this time, the best possible solution is the one you have available to you right now. So get on it. For some, you may receive strong insights and visions into how the higher power is orchestrating favor over your life. When in doubt, find a quiet space to pray and meditate. Stay in joy. 

Key for this lunation: see things just as they are. don’t over exaggerate. avoid procrastination and what if thinking. Less is more. Just get it done.  

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Scorpio, the August 2020 New Moon in Leo asks you to be patient with any challenges or temporary dilemmas that seem to cross your path over the next three weeks. Instead of feeding into the drama, control what you can control. What you water now grows!! For some, it may be helpful to create a temporary routine or meditation schedule that keeps you centered and balanced in positive thought. When asking about your dreams or professional goals, stay the path. What you wish for will find you soon. Just look around, you may already be there! 

Key for this lunation: making the most of where you are and what you have. Always choosing to see the glass as half full. 

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Sagittarius, the August 2020 New Moon in Leo asks you to be forgiving with yourself and others. With Mars in Aries challenged by Saturn, this lunation may be giving you a hard time. However, whatever betrayal, rejection, or self-doubt you seemed to be plagued with will lift soon. In the meantime, do your best to set clear boundaries and rules about how things will move forward. If feeling confused, ask for professional help. The last thing you need right now is to make a reckless decision out of feelings of despair or doom. If you have to choose, see yourself winning! No more negative self talk. You weren’t born to “lose.” 

Key for this lunation: being a good sport. holding others accountable to their responsibilities. Being honest about what you need. Asking for help when life gets too hard. Finding positive outlets for inspiration and creative release. 

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Capricorn, the August 2020 New Moon in Leo, reminds you that your best work is done when you’re feeling confident and not in a rush. For some, this feeling of restlessness could be causing you to act foolishly. But before you make a spontaneous decision that could set you back, take a look around. What do you already have in your possession that can do what you need? If listening to others, be mindful of who you let in. The best guidance you have right now comes from within. Learn to trust yourself. You will always be your brightest inspiration. 

Key for this lunation: following the light within. being a light to others. trusting in the divine. surrendering to the unknown. finding solace and comfort in unconditional love. 

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Aquarius, the August 2020 New Moon in Leo, reminds you that sometimes life comes with new twists and turns that require change and sacrifice. Sometimes you have to finish one chapter to start another. For some, this lunation brings you face to face with a hard choice, especially surrounding love. On the other hand, you may now finally be at a place where you are choosing yourself and prioritizing self-care above all else. Just remember that balance is important, and you can find a happy medium that supports you. There is always more than one way.  

Key for this lunation: doing the unthinkable. loving on yourself. prioritizing healthy relationships. practicing healthy self-talk. 

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Pisces, the August 2020 New Moon in Leo asks you to be cautious of how much you offer your services and care to the world. If you are a sensitive Pisces, you may want to spend these two weeks finding the balance between work and rest. Although you may enjoy sharing your talents publicly, sometimes you need a break. Don’t feel guilty if you find yourself playing more and working less. Use free time to gain more inspiration. Just don’t lose sight of your goals. Make sure you’re still handling business. 

Key for this lunation: finding a healthy balance between work and play. loosening up and not taking life so seriously. learning how to live in the moment. 

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