Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 25 - January 31, 2021

Happy Full Moon Week! How are you doing? 

This week’s energy continues the theme of an action-packed January with the Sun in unconventional Aquarius supporting your healing process, encouraging you to speak up for yourself and confidently share your truth (Sun in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries) on January 25. 

This week’s energy also brings awareness to the growing division within our social structures and groups. On January 26, when the Sun in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, expect conflict around your values and traditional beliefs. This may play out in the context of the “old vs. the new” or “tradition vs. transition.” 

On January 26, be mindful of what you say and believe. Neptune, the trickster planet in Pisces, will square (challenge) the North Node (your higher purpose) in Gemini, indicating an increase in lies, illusions, conspiracy theories, and secrets. This energy reminds me of someone trying to hide their words or silence voices. 

With it being Full Moon week (January 28), energies are at an all-time high this week, so be mindful of impulses and compulsions. Because the Full Moon is in the expressive sign of Leo, the collective will be very active and engaged. There may be a rise in competition or performances (public outbursts). Children are also more energetic and rebellious.

With Jupiter and the Sun aligned on the Full Moon, this is a day of rare synergy. This is an excellent week to get creative and promote your work in the mainstream. The enhanced support of Jupiter and the Sun will challenge you but increase your opportunity to manifest your dreams. 

However, Mercury will officially enter its retrograde period on January 30, bringing collective communications, group discussions, and community projects to a grinding halt. 

If you start to notice that group discussions and team meetings are more tedious than usual, you are probably experiencing the beginnings of Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius. 

Because Aquarius rules the internet, groups, and collective thought (and Jupiter, the Sun, and Saturn are also in Aquarius), this Mercury retrograde will be more intense than usual. 

3rd decan fixed signs with placements between 21 - 29 degrees will feel this the most. 

Weekly Messages for the Signs:

Read the weekly message for your sign in this order: 
1. Ascendant/Rising Sign= the overall focus for this week. 
2. Sun Sign = the areas you should focus on this week. 
3. Moon Sign = how you will emotionally process the energies for the week. 

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Air Signs! This week’s energies remind you that progress takes time, even when you feel like you should be farther along than you are. If you’ve felt overlooked and micro-managed, you should find some relief this week when the Sun and Moon remind you of your social connections and personal power. There are more people (potential partners) watching you than you think. So stay on your A-game! With Jupiter and the Sun also in a favorable alignment, allow yourself to dream big. Visualize the creative ventures and partnerships you are seeking to manifest. No matter where you are on your journey, you have the power to change. If you’ve found it hard to get through to others, maybe it is your approach. This week’s energy asks that you find simple ways to communicate your needs. Instead of justifying your desires (or pushing them on others), align with them. Practice what you preach. Be a living mirror for what you want to attract. 

Get your personalized monthly forecast reading: watch the full forecast reading for your sign now.

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Earth Signs! This week's energies remind you that life is meant to be lived. With the Full Moon and Uranus encouraging you to let go of that which no longer serves you, this week encourages you to envision a lifestyle that provides you with more leisure time and socialization. Towards the end of the week, feelings of loneliness and isolation shift into feelings of exhaustion and release. You may need more time than usual to recover from your work and domestic duties. If feeling lethargic or unusually down, call on your friends and family. Who is your support system? How can they help you during this challenging time? On the other hand, this week also reminds you that you have unseen forces working with you on your behalf. Make time throughout the day to meditate and feel gratitude. Love and encouragement are all around you. 

Get your personalized monthly forecast reading: watch the full forecast reading for your sign now.

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Fire signs! This week’s energies should bring a jolt of electricity to your creative and pleasure centers. If you’ve been feeling down or uninspired (or too busy to focus on fun), you should feel some positive release this week, especially around the Full Moon. For some, this release comes in the form of verbal or intuitive confirmation. A moment of synchronicity, a conversation with a friend, a documentary on tv -- something random will confirm that you are on the right path and inspires you to keep going. For others, this release comes from the courage of leaping faith. You may be walking away from your source of security or choosing to express your identity in a new way. Whatever the case, be open to your potential. Find hope in knowing that every step you take brings you one step closer to your dreams. Baby steps!!!!

Get your personalized monthly forecast reading: watch the full forecast reading for your sign now.

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Water Signs! This week’s energies bring the spotlight to your security houses, urging you to take action on a financial or professional goal. If you’ve been in a hurry to make an investment decision or adopt new income streams, this week helps you narrow down your options while simultaneously bringing new deals and offers to the table. For some, you may receive a promotion or complimentary upgrade. In some capacity, this week brings increased finances, recognition, or creativity. You experience a surge of confidence. At the same time, challenging aspects with Neptune suggest deception or confusion lingering in the background. Be thorough when reviewing contracts and signing agreements. Read the fine print. If you feel like something is missing or is too good to be true, listen to your gut, it probably is. 

Get your personalized monthly forecast reading: watch the full forecast reading for your sign now.

Important dates for this week:

January 25, 2021: 5:29 AM Sun in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries 5’40

January 26, 2021: 7:48 AM Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus 6’47

January 26, 2021: 9:12 AM Neptune in Pisces square True Node in Gemini 19’06

January 28, 2021: 2:16 PM Full Moon in Leo 09’06

January 28, 2021: 8:39 PM Sun in Aquarius conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius 9’22

January 26, 2021: 1:09 AM Mercury in Aquarius quintile Uranus in Taurus 

January 26, 2021: 9:35 AM Mercury in Aquarius semi-sextile Pluto in Capricorn 25’02

January 29, 2021: 12:19 PM Mercury in Aquarius semi-sextile Venus in Capricorn 26’24

January 27, 2021: 9:22 AM Venus in Capricorn quintile Chiron in Aries 

January 28, 2021: 7:49 AM  Venus in Capricorn biquintile True Node in Gemini 

January 30, 2021: 10:52 AM Mercury stations retrograde at 26’28 Aquarius

Lunations for this week: 

Moon in Cancer from January 25, 1:51 PM until January 27, 12:56 PM

Moon in Leo from January 27, 9:55 PM until January 29, 8:54 PM 

Moon in Virgo from January 30, 3:03 AM until February 1, 6:10 AM 

Void of Course stations for this week: 

Moon void from 2:18 AM January 25 until 1:51 PM January 25 

Moon void from 12:56 PM January 27 until 9:55 PM January 27

Moon void from 8:54 PM January 29 until 3:03 AM January 30

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