November Numerology 2018: Numerology Horoscope Predictions for November 2018
/“The working out of all correction takes no time at all. Yet the acceptance of the working out can seem to take forever.”
- a course in miracles, page 559.
Universal 11/2 Year:
A year of mastery. Relationships. Diplomacy. Cooperation. Spirituality. Intuition. Self-confidence. Love. Intense struggles. Setbacks and delays. Lessons and experiences on patience and cooperation. Increase of marriage and proposals. Tendency to focus on healing self. Focus on self-mastery and meditation. Focus on inner growth and spirituality. Emphasis on divine timing and synchronicity. Emphasis on non-denominational worship. Social justice, human and environmental rights increase.
Universal 4 Month:
Universally as we are in the second to last month of this dynamic 11/2 master year we are faced with the work that is left undone, hurried through, ready and waiting to be finished. As November is gratefully attributed to the month of thanksgiving, gratitude, family and retribution, we are made aware of our home life, sense of security, and financial, emotional, intellectual, intuitive, and spiritual foundations.
In numerology, the number 4 symbolizes the number of order. This representation of the number four can be found throughout the story of time. You can find this phenomena of cycle, systems, and organizations in the four seasons, the four cardinal directions, the four elements, the four chambers of the heart, and so on and so on. This month asks us to get our systems in order so that the swift changes that will occur in December have a home to root themselves into. It’s important to be mindful that with four there comes boundaries. Think about the 4th wheel of the Zodiac, Cancer. Cancer deals with the ongoing challenge of blending its desires of Home, family, and nostalgia with the external demands and materialistic needs that concern the outside world. After last months whirlwind three month the structure necessary to succeed through a universal four month may come on hard or brutal. But remember that how you perceive this energy is how it will be delivered.
Some helpful reminders to ease through this month of abundance and spirituality is to ground your needs. Be sustainable and conscientious of the ideas, projects, and purchases decided and acted upon this month. Resourcefulness is key if you would like to come out with a positive or increased amount in your bank accounts. This is not the month to splurge so be intentional with your Black Friday shopping. Everything that you want is not a need.
I would also like to mention the importance of understanding how this relates to the universal year. With the focus this year being on the duality of the 11/2 we may go through drastic upheavals of inspiration and despair, particularly pertaining to our closest relationships. Cooperation is key this year and especially this month as November is all about giving. Be kind and open to new ideas from others as we all emphasize the importance of what it is that we are here to share.
Some key takeaways and dates universally for this month:
November 6: be mindful of chaotic and impulsive energy when making business, relationship or financial decisions. If a decision must be made, be as realistic and traditional as possible. no matter what you may “feel” this is not the time for rash behavior or choices.
November 8: if opportunities seem scarce or boxed in, don’t cave. find a resolution between what is possible and what will deplete you. If finances don’t add up. Stay optimistic and look for more reliable means of opportunity. They are out there. You may just have to go back to the old playbook.
November 12: if the creative ideas are swirling don’t hush them down. despite this month’s practical energy today is a great day for thinking outside the box. if you are looking to revive, reinvent or birth something new for the first time, this is the day to dream it up. be limitless. you never know what you will cook up.
November 17: problem solve behind the scenes today. What lessons have you learned from the past? What experiences urge you to break free? Embrace the places you feel constrained. Lick your wounds and get creative with your healing. It’s never too late to start again.
November 24: communications today seem to be rash. if you feel left out by someone higher up don’t lash out. feel before you step into the battlefield.
Personal Year 1:
A year of beginning. Fresh starts. Career changes. New relationships. Break ups. Moving or relocating. Financial gain and loss. Insecurity battles. Self-empowerment. Tunnel Vision.
Personal 3 Month:
A month of creative collaborations. Starting or finishing a new project. socialization and networking opportunities. a sense of liberation and carelessness. small children may bring joy or unexpected stress. verbal communications may come off tense and self-driven. a time to gather and celebrate with friends. active dating and social life.
After last month’s slow and trying two month, this month’s three vibration adds the spunk back to your step and light back into your confidence. If you felt pressed down and pushed back last month expect to rush ahead. Over the course of the next four weeks projects that you started two or three months ago are coming into fruition. This energy supports your intentions to move ahead and cover new ground. Around November 7th use this energy to get focused and complete any lagging tasks. If you asked to make new friends or attract new clients this is your month to do so. Under this manifestation energy creative work or communication projects tend to take center stage. The sun cycle period beginning on November 22 encourages an excellent time to write a book, start a blog, push a contract, or change careers. Learning to trust in divine intuition will serve you well through any relationship or self-confidence issues. On November 15th, if you feel sad or confused, writing down your goals or affirmations to speak aloud can lift your spirits drastically. The three personal month is an excellent time to address any emotional work from an open and joyful perspective. November 29th is a great day to believe in miracles.
Some Key takeaways and dates for this month:
personal three month
“creativity. abundance. manifestation.”
November 6: Be mindful of how you speak to others. Refrain from ego battles. Find the balance in playing fair.
November 7: Avoid addictive behavior. Clear up any financial debt. Be realistic about what you owe and what you can spend. Communication and sex runs deep.
November 8: Be daring when saying yes. Open the door wide for spontaneous opportunity. Believe that it is possible and it is.
November 15: Follow any strong urges to design, create or express a radical thought or idea. Trust your gut. If you believe it can work, go for it. But caution, take it slow.
November 22: Express your ability to see things through. Use this burst of energy to complete your goals. Tap into your tunnel vision. Focus and responsibility is a must now. Take care of business but still find some time for fun.
November 23: Expect opportunities to learn or experience new things to pop up. Treat yourself to some educational/intellectual upgrades. The library and museum may provide hidden gems of connection and inspiration.
November 29: Trust your inner urges to come back to reality. Focus on incorporating a budget next month. Prioritize financial stability and growth. Lay out your options and weigh out the cons and pros. make decisions based on emotion and logic. extremes can lead to deficits next month. Stay grounded and build a plan thats feasible.
Personal Year 2:
A year of relationships. Tests around patience. Issues with self-confidence and financial security. Intense period of trials and waiting. An increase in intuitive and psychic interests and abilities. Increased interests in religion, yoga, and meditation. May work for someone else or find several mentors. May join or move up in an organization or association setting. May be involved with a spiritual arts or holistic healing practice. A second chance or break up in love. Marriage, proposals, and new life. Love and intimacy blossom. May struggle with finding the balance between other and self. Learning to trust in flow. Harmony. Grace. Balance.
Personal 4 Month:
A month of financial intensity. Completing or hitting a deadline on a goal. May experience short periods of debt or financial insecurity. A time to organize the home, family, and business. A period of reestablishing order and flow. Increase in income and/or resources. May be involved with real estate and property. Great time to invest in a budget or investment plan. Thinking about retirement or vacation.
Coming down from last month’s three high vibe you may be realizing that life cannot always be a party. No matter how fun it may seem. If you spent last month living your best life even when you knew you couldn’t really afford it, this month may be a bit of a stressor for you but don’t fret. Using this wisdom to your advantage and starting the month out with a solid budget plan and task sheet will help things flow smoothly during periods of high demand. Over the course of the next four weeks you will learn to appreciate the beauty of being prepared. During this personal four month try to be on time for appointments and remain professional when the time calls, especially on and around November 23rd. Integrating the joy that you felt in last month’s three month may help you through some of this month’s rough spots especially on and around November 7th. Try to stay focused on the big picture when things seem small or impossible on November 23rd, don’t give up.
Some Key takeaways and dates for this month:
personal four month.
concentration, hard-work, patience, dedication.
November 6: Avoid moving quickly when saying yes to domestic affairs and financial decisions. If consulting with a mate or partner be honest and realistic about what is possible financially. Look for creative solutions. Avoid running up the bottom line.
November 7: Money matters are at the forefront and worry could be at its peak. If in a pickle. Look to your reserves. Sometimes you have to hit ground zero to finally touch the sky, even if its for a minute. You can always build your bank account back up.
November 8: Opportunities that are risky should guarantee some sort of tangible reward. If you can’t touch the results right now hold off on it. The right doors will open. You just have to have some patience.
November 15: Avoid lazy behaviors that encourage you to stray away from your goals. Leisure time is healthy but only in rationed doses. Watch out for procrastination. If you don’t steer the ship who will? Stay motivated and focused on your mission. Your crew is counting on you.
November 22: Use this optimistic energy to reaffirm your long-term goals. What are you working towards? Take action in seeing it through. Sometimes you have to open doors for yourself. So go open them.
November 23: If you notice the small details in a large scale plan don’t be afraid to speak up. Use the personal four month’s organizing energy to systemize your lifestyle, business, project, or relationship. Focus on harmony and flow. Right order changes everything.
November 29: Putting a little extra energy into finishing a task or project could earn extra brownie points or dollars. Prioritizing quality over quantity encourages creativity to effortlessly flow in. Be patient but diligent with your work. Expect fine results and recognition for your hard work and consistent dedication.
Personal Year 3:
A year of creativity. A time of gatherings, celebration, and joyful energy. A time of socialization, networking, and increased personal interactions. May experience big emotions, big climaxes, big downfalls. Money may be spent carelessly although somehow it always seems to fall into your hands when it needs to be there. Travel and transportation become a constant in daily life. Romance and children bring attention, affection, and annoyance. May be thinking about settling down or starting a family next year. May be taking a personal or creative hiatus. Increased interest in art, self-expression, and theatre. Communication, publishing, and unique ways of self-expression can be healing and beneficial to productivity. Getting in tune with one’s inner artist.
Personal 5 Month:
A month of creative breakthrough. Things move for better or for worse. May decide to move out, change locations, or leave the country on whim. Opportunities to travel, explore, or document may be possible. Increased areas of publishing, advertising, and public attention. May be a spokesperson for a brand, company, or agency or promoting a personal project or initiative. May be experiencing financial changes for better or for worse. May be healing after bad break up or roommate moved out. Learning new ways to express independence. May be high-strung or unfocused most of the time. Daily Grounding should be a ritual this month.
After last month’s critical four month you need a change of scenery. Becoming an adult in real life isn’t always fun but sometimes its necessary for long-term substantial growth. With a little hard work and a solid productivity schedule you may see the rewards of your dedication on or around November 29th. Finding ways to stay humble and resilient through transition can be overwhelming at moments but this month’s five vibration brings the adventurous spirit back out of you. The renewal you feel on or around November 7th helps you remember who you are. This wave of positive energy breezes in to help you get your mojo back. Incorporating fun one-day adventures or mini-breaks throughout the work day could change any sad day into a bright one. Learning to focus on the good in the present moment helps you see how and where you can manifest abundance, community, and prosperity into your life more easily on the 22nd. Focusing on what you do want to happen is the secret recipe for your success this month. Trusting in your ability to stay flexible and come up with innovative solutions to any problem you occur around November 8th will help set you free. Stay focused and grounded in the beginning of the month and your world could look very different by November 23rd.
Some Key takeaways and dates for this month:
personal five month.
change, adventure, drama, self-expression, travel.
November 6: Watch out for sudden desires to change course in a relationship, romance interest or creative business decision. Move slowly when acting on impulses. Assess the situation from all angles before proceeding.
November 7: Money matters could create a setback that forces you to think outside the box. Use the emotional energy present at this time to create something magical. Stay positive and go deep. The resources to make this real are there.
November 8: Desires to travel may emerge. Opportunities to travel and experience new things are possible. If something magnificent arrives take it. Say yes to everything.
November 15: Create something. Do not dilly dally. Find purpose in everything you do. Practice being intentional. If only for one day or everyday.
November 22: Focus on creating changes in how you experience the world. Immerse yourself in foreign places. Plan to travel to far-away destinations or plan local trips within your community.
November 23: Old communications problems may clear up or hit the fan. Express how you truly feel without limitation. Shedding old skin may be hard, but this short glimpse of liberty will clear any confusion or chaos away.
November 29: Staying practical doesn’t always have to be boring. Find unique ways to stay within your budget but still travel outside your normal comfort zones. Setting realistic boundaries and deadlines for certain goals will improve the likelihood of your success. Trust in the plan, even when there is no plan.
Personal Year 4:
A year of order and construction. A time of relationship and foundation building. Interested in long-term investments and management. Focus is on home, family, and financial security. Leadership abilities may blossom or transform. A period of frustration, confusion, and spiritual disconnect is possible. Should seek comfort in guidance in the divine during moments of despair. Past love and commitments bare fruit. A time to tend the crops and seeds already planted. Real estate or property purchases are possible. Should save more then spend. Being frugal pays off. Meditate when confused.
Personal 6 Month:
A month of responsibility. A call to serve commands your immediate attention. May have to show up on someone else’s behalf if they cannot perform to your satisfaction. Older family members or young children may require your financial and/or emotional support. Work demands increase. Familial tensions may explode. Opportunity to travel for work. Health issues and concerns require attention. Taking care of business comes first.
After the drastic changes of last month you are ready to buckle down and get serious with pursuing your goals. You may be having thoughts to settle down, re-decorate your home, invest in vacation property, planning a family holiday, or going to visit your family. Any financial concerns that got put to the side last month show up early this month around November 7th for reviewal. If you have a savings account or nest egg tucked away this may be the month you finally use it. Focus on cutting down expenditures so that you can free up the money that you need to invest for the future on the 8th. Work demands increase this month creating more tension at home. Listing out your roles at work and home help create a balanced schedule that inspires more harmony, flow, and compassion in your day-to-day routine. On or around November 23 you may feel overwhelmed and inspired to break out of your financial rut but hold on to your hopes and dreams. By the end of the Month around November 29th a work relationship could prove beneficial and helpful just when you need to get out of a sticky situation. Try to stay practical and creative when choosing a specific route to take on the 15th. Looking at the cold facts and hard numbers on November 15th forces you to look at the actual situation and not the fairytale picture.
Some Key takeaways and dates for this month:
personal six month.
duty, servitude, family and domestic affairs, promotion, stress.
November 6: Financial decisions should be made from a organizational perspective. Try to put the family’s long term needs first. Work relationships can get frustratingly tense. Clear communication is necessary from this point on for success to occur.
November 7: Resource allocation may be off balance. A thorough review of inventory could help clear up any financial transactions. Family ties may be tested or strengthened. Interests in ancestral roots may deepen.
November 8: A desire to do more or be more may surface. Find ways to incorporate outlets for your adventurous longings. Make space for discovery and delight in your life.
November 15: Emotional breakdowns may deteriorate your sense of focus. Remember why you committed to what you committed to. Trust in your strength and dedication.
November 22: Use this optimistic energy to reaffirm your long-term goals. What are you working towards? Take action in seeing it through. Sometimes you have to open doors for yourself. Open them.
November 23: Taking the small details into the bigger picture help make a better frame. If interested in learning a new skill or trade this is the time.
November 29: Setting aside clear times for work and clear times for socialization help maintain a healthy work life balance. Find your rhythm. Everybody needs breaks.
Personal Year 5:
A year of relationship changes. A time of endings and beginnings. A time of travel, exploration, and restlessness. A time of life-changing experiences and struggles. May experience multiple episodes of deep romance. May switch careers or get promoted. May choose to start a business or non-profit organization. Finds pleasure in meeting new people and experiencing new destinations. Ego outbursts may inspire alienation and self-destructive patterns. A deep spiritual thirst for belonging and right placement.
Personal 7 Month:
A month of self-discovery. A call to change. A desire to connect spiritually with a higher power for answers and clarity. Lessons from the past may birth gratifying conditions now. Old friendships may surface for a second go around. Be cautious with whom you let back into your circle. Life changes surrounding education and expertise play in your favor. If an old friend offers you some help take it. Trust in your instincts. You know which way to go.
After the heavy burdens you faced last month this month causes for some down time and silent celebration. If you experienced a break up or career downfall take some time to lick your wounds. This month’s introverted vibration sends you deep into yourself. On or around November 7th you could experience intense spells of deja-vu. Past life relationships and ties may surface for repayment. Collect any unexpected money or rewards with pride. Holistic healing sessions or therapy could be beneficial during moments of darkness. Finding the strength to see the good opens new doors starting on November 8th. Trust in your intuition to be your guide on November 15th. Standing up to your fears inspires others around you to be courageous. Around November 22nd you could be faced with an opportunity to expand your sense of direction and professional standing. If you feel that this opportunity is in alignment with where you are going you should take it. Desires to go back to school or learn another language may arouse around November 23rd. Avoid spontaneous decision making. On November 29th you may feel a sudden spark to get started on a new or preexisting project. If you are interested in publishing or mass media this could be a major turning point in your career or relationship. Trust in divine timing. Everything plays out just fine.
Some Key takeaways and dates for this month:
personal seven month.
introspection, self-discovery, study, higher learning, spirituality, soul work.
November 6: Self-confidence and insecurity issues may rise to the surface. Empower yourself to see through it. Taking action is always the first step.
November 7: Spiritual connections may deepen. May find oneself in positions of prayer and worship to get through rough times. Call on your support team for guidance.
November 8: Opportunities to step outside the box begin to surface now. Take the risk and put yourself out there. Great things are coming to you. Stick your neck out there.
November 15: Creative endeavors may gain momentum as you discover the inner artist within. Children can bring joy to gloomy days. Go outside and play.
November 22: Find new ways to move your dreams forward. Taking a class or going back to school could prove valuable now. Trust in your skillset. You got this.
November 23: Learning new things can be intimidating. Making new friends helps us ease into a new environment. Who can you call on for an introduction?
November 29: Organizing your wants and needs helps you see where it is that you want to go. Research the resources and connections necessary to get to the next level.
Personal Year 6:
A year of familial responsibility. A time of service and organized duty. A time of hard work and dedication. A period where isolation may have occurred due to increased responsibility. Increase in the desire to marry or commit. If partnered this year can bring forth new levels of romance and connection. Children can bring heavy expenses. Job changes and promotions are possible. Chances to gain more public recognition in local and global communities. May be involved with a large organization or community project. Desire to re-locate may emerge.
Personal 8 Month:
A month of power exchanges. A call to lead and acquire. Business projects and relationships come to the forefront for evaluation. A desire to grow materialistically. A desire to purchase or invest in property and real estate. May start a new business venture. May face a significant promotion or authority position. May be called on for advice or consultation. A great time to develop a mentor/mentee relationship. May face power struggles within the work place. Lessons of patience, cooperation, and reciprocity can be expected.
After last month’s soul searching mission you enter this new personal month of eight with ambition, clarity, and a divine sense of purpose. Starting the month on a strong foot you feel empowered to push through any grievance or mishap on November 6th. During the month you will face many experiences that challenge you to grow and evolve through personal and professional comfort zones. Try to tap into the inner warrior and prophet on November 7th as you face old demons of the past. Use this shadow energy to highlight the areas of your life that bring new opportunity, purpose, and experiences. You can expect a new beginning to emerge on or around November 8th. With such big changes on the horizon financial matters can get tense during this time. An emotional crisis may reach its peak on the 15th. React from a place of authority, compassion, and wisdom. Even if you don’t have the experience to handle this situation act like you do. Chances to move ahead and gain recognition may occur starting on the 22nd. Use this positive energy to surge ahead. On November 23rd learning experiences such as professional workshops and conferences may be in the works. Use this educational experience to your advantage on the 29th. A business deal could emerge from this new skill or friendship.
Some Key takeaways and dates for this month:
personal eight month.
power, wealth, debt, marriage, home, work, leadership.
November 6: Avoid ego driven purchases and relationship decisions. Think about long-term action plans. What can you accomplish now?
November 7: A sense of personal empowerment and self-control may arise. Hold on to this energy in hard times. Remember that you are divine and powerful on your own.
November 8: Opportunities to expand your business or showcase your talents may increase over the next year. Use this good fortune to push ahead.
November 15: Health issues may draw your attention. Nip any minor colds or sniffles in the bud. Do all your annual check ups. Create a preventive wellness plan.
November 22: Desires to explore and travel increase. Incorporate work and play to maintain balance.
November 23: Work related matters create an opportunity to learn something new. Old passions or hobbies may come back around. Find new ways to do something you love.
November 29: Staying organized minimizes stress and outbursts. Find time to spend with your family and those closest to you. Past projects and old business relationships bring new money into your world. Seize a sparkly opportunity if it feels good.
Personal Year 7:
A year of patience and self-discovery. A time of spiritual transformation. Intense periods of transition. Increased intuitive and psychic abilities. A desire to obtain spiritual understanding. Develops a deep relationship with crafted individuals. Substance abuse and addictive behaviors may intensify. Should consider therapy or hypnosis for stress and soul cleansing. Great time for deeper learning, self-study, solo travel, and self-exploration through spirituality.
Personal 9 Month:
A month of endings. A time to review your past. A moment of pause, rest, and recalibration. Should use this period to wind down and prepare for a new beginning. Connecting to source brings new senses of hope, faith, and unconditional love. A sense of purpose and completion. Opportunities to stand out and shine. Public recognition and acclaim. Endings.
After the internal power struggles of last month it’s best to let loose and unwind. This month’s personal nine vibration emphasizes the sorrow of letting go and the joy of receiving. If you’ve been searching for ways to get your foot in the door then November 6th presents you with the opportunity to finally take action. Any feelings of doubt, scarcity or failure will get highlighted on November 7th. Facing the truth will get easier on November 15th when the emotional water clears up. News of good fortune may come flying in on November 8th. Starting on November 22 opportunities to showcase your talent will trickle in. Find new ways to improve your craft and bring in some new business. An opportunity to implement all that you’ve worked on this year may come on November 29th. Be ready to leap when called.
Some Key takeaways and dates for this month:
personal nine month.
endings, beginnings, fresh start, promotion, exposure, loss, unconditional love, community service.
November 6: Address any insecurities that interfere with your ability to perform and act with unconditional love.
November 7: A desire to connect on a more intimate level may arise. Trust your gut when you know the time is right to say yes. Take control of the situation. This one is on you.
November 8: A chance to break free from a limiting pattern, behavior, experience, or relationship occurs. Take the miracle when it comes. Don’t hesitate. You deserve it.
November 15: Great time to detox and purge the home. Releasing old baggage and items makes space for the new. Dream about what the next level feels like.
November 22: A new desire to complete an old project or goal may pop up. Take advantage of this manifestation energy.
November 23: Past relationships may come back for drama. Let what is be. Don’t go double dipping in the trash.
November 29: Create a schedule and then create a plan on how you’re going to stick to it. 30 days of consistency could change your life.
Personal Year 8:
A year of power and progress. A time of expansion and financial gains. Intense periods of transformation. Involves experiences with real estate and property. Interests in budgeting and long-term planning. A desire to lead or advance. Lack of intimacy and affection. Manipulation and power struggles. Intense emotional ups and downs. Divorce or separation. Promotions and advances.
Personal 1 Month:
A month of beginnings. A time to start over with a clean slate. A moment of acceleration. A time to focus on self and personal goals. A sudden intense desire to succeed and accomplish something. Financial ups and downs. New relationships, friendships, and career changes. Personal issues increase. An interdependent mindset helps one stay balanced.
After the intense plot twists of last month you are ready for a new beginning. Starting the month on a fresh foot will lead you into some positive waters by the end of the month. If you have been searching for a way to kickstart a new venture, idea, or relationship November 7th gives you the gusto to do it. This empowering energy boost is much needed after the setback on November 6th. Trusting in divine timing can pay numbers after November 8th if one can learn the secret power of patience. Moving forward may get less clear around November 15th so be mindful when making important decisions. November 22nd opens up new doors for advancement and funding. Writing and pitching a well-developed and thought out proposal around the 23rd could land you some big bucks and connections on the 29th. Watch out for snakes and discriminatory peers along the way. Follow your gut. Everyone isn’t in your circle.
Some Key takeaways and dates for this month:
personal one month.
new starts, business ventures, new careers, new relationships, ups and downs.
November 6: Thinking with your right mind doesn’t always mean the solution is logical. Opening up to a more sensitive way of delegating can pay off in the compassion department.
November 7: Financial concerns may stir a deep sense of worry or ambition to change your immediate situation for better or worse. Avoid going further into debt. Only spend what you have.
November 8: Opportunities to move ahead in business and learning open up. Seeing the big picture helps to keep an open mind.
November 15: May have a hard time understanding someone’s behavior or opinion. Try not to be too hypercritical.
November 22: Starting something new may feel a whole lot better. Any old weight is gone. Soar on to new heights now.
November 23: Learning from the past bites you in the butt this year. Use this opportunity to accept that every decision has consequences.
November 29: Paying attention to the details can turn a almost mistake into a blessing. Work for the results. Thats the only way to get the guarantee.
Personal Year 9:
A year of transition. A time of spiritual transformation. Intense periods of transition. Increased intuitive and psychic abilities. A desire to obtain spiritual understanding. Develops a deep relationship with self and the world. Interested in culture and travel. Finds comfort in warm homes and good food. Longs for community and familial connections. Bad break ups and great love. Babies, marriage, and divorce are highly possible.
Personal 11/2 Month:
A month of patience and relationships. A time to review your past. A moment of pause, rest, and recalibration. Should use this period to stay present in the moment. Relationships and friendships being maturity and joy. Should find work with newborns and the elderly. Reading and writing bring comfort. Healing medicine and practice may bring a new passion, hobby, or paid work. A time to develop trust in divine timing and sacred alignment.
After last month’s exhausting one vibration this slow down could be warmly greeted or grumpily dismissed. Finding new ways to implement old protocols may be frustrating or worrisome but hold on to your doubt. Expect to take a chill pill on November 6th. Forcing things to go in your favor can play out against you if you’re not careful. November 7th is the perfect day to evaluate how you’re coming along. If things don’t look too bright don’t stress too much. November 8th brings good news or at least a newfound sense of optimism and possibility. By November 15th you could feel defeated or worn out and may need some inspiration to go on. Find small ways to empower yourself to stay positive. Meditation and spiritual practices could start to fill your spare time starting on the 22nd. Use the sudden desire to learn something new for self-improvement on the 23rd. Focusing on self has its benefits. Don’t be ashamed to love you. By the end of the month you could start to see the silver lining to this month’s slow grinding madness. On November 29th use any opposition to get more organized and clear about what it is that you truly want to manifest.
Some Key takeaways and dates for this month:
personal two month.
patience, cooperation, relationships, setbacks, delays, meditation, intuition, intimacy.
November 6: Face any fears around moving forward. If resistant to change find ways to take action and embrace it.
November 7: Address any financial setbacks, limitations or worries head on. Don’t spend what you don’t have.
November 8: Opportunities to explore an old job may come back around. If transitioning between jobs or income bases stay patient. Change is coming.
November 15: Emotional insecurities could intensify. Air out any hidden secrets or intentions. Everyone must be on the same page.
November 22: A new outlook on the world could help out with communication skills and self-confidence. Take a leap of faith and bet on yourself.
November 23: A desire to explore something new may emerge. If your eggs are already in one basket don’t switch baskets. See the first idea through.
November 29: Staying consistent is harder than it looks. Finding fun ways to change things up without breaking your promise makes the time pass by faster.