August 2018 Tarotscopes - The Month of Eight and One

August 2018 Tarotscopes:

The Month of Joy, Resurrection, and Change.


Happy August 2018 Dear Ones! Whoo! We finally made it. It feels like its been such a test to get here. Like I've been at sea for eight months and now my feet have felt the sand. August can be a whirlwind as we start to integrate the soul felt changes of this year's radical eclipse season. August brings love vibrations as we enter into the 8th month of the year. In numerology, the number 8 signifies power, wealth, exchange, enterprise, leadership, authority, eternal life, and karma. For us humans this energy makes us feel jolted and ready to launch. In conjunction with this 8 life force energy, we are entering a one universal month during the masterful 11/2 year. All of this requires deep concentration and bone wrenching focus. Daydreaming about your goals doesn't work anymore. It's time to show up in your work.

August also foreshadows many great changes. The universal one-month energy brings new beginnings, leadership, and trials. Feelings of superiority and authority create waves if you're not swimming. Try to avoid people who don't have your best interest at heart. Team players only. Although we are in brave Leo season, there are currently five planets in Retrograde creating snags in our ability to navigate. But still, we move forward.

Eclipse season is not over just yet as this month's new moon in Leo brings the final 2018 partial Leo solar eclipse. In astrology, eclipses signify radical slow moving changes. We are knee deep in the middle of this shift. Instead of worrying and panicking about what you cannot control, find creative solutions to utilize the abundance of resources that are at hand.

August will be a major player in 2018. August calls us to stand up in our transition and trust the movement of our fire. With so much transformation occurring in our political, economic, and financial spheres, we can't help but seek solace in the arms of Spirit. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, this is not the time to alienate yourself. Connect with your tribes, share your discretions, and make peace with the moment that is now. 


Aries August 2018 Tarotscope: 

Card: Wind Card of Patience (4)


The Wind card of Patience is the embodiment of peace from within. It brings messages of intuition, connectedness, and balance. It symbolizes that patience is not something that is born but created. It tells the story that patience is not a feeling,  it is the alignment of source within. 

If you look at the illustration of the card you will see a woman bountiful with child sitting in a centered position with legs folded, arms raised, and palms facing up. There are stars, light, and love radiating around and out of her entire being. Her eyes are closed and her lips are turned up in a subtle smile. She is at peace. This illustration is important as it signifies the peace that she is creating from within. Her upward palms signify that she is in a process of receiving through the giving of her patience.

Think about the strength that it takes to quiet the mind and sit still in one pose, for hours let alone minutes. This woman is filled with the divinity of her trust and relationships with her inner world. She is the replication of power, grace, and beauty. 

The wind in this card represents vision, clarity, consciousness, and higher vibrations. 

Numerically the Wind card of Patience is symbolized by the number 4. In numerology, the number 4 represents the essence of patience, perseverance, order, and source.

Astrologically the Wind card of Patience is represented by the planet Jupiter in Libra. In astrology, Jupiter signifies good luck, fortune and opportunity while Libra signifies balance, grace, beauty, diplomacy, and art. Together, Jupiter in Libra signify good fortune, luck, and graceful manifestation. It symbolizes the power of balance, patience, and open-heartedness. 


Aries, with the Leo Sun transiting your 5th house of creativity, pleasure, and fame, this month can deem life changing for you. The Wind card of Patience brings messages that patience, diplomacy, and grace are needed to balance out Leo's fiery roar. 

The Wind card of Patience foreshadows a time of deep love, meditation, and connectedness. With you being a fire sign, you sometimes lack grace. Try to incorporate a daily practice that allows you to tune into your heart center every morning. Be aware of the fire that can sometimes be all consuming. 

How do you chase your goals? Are you attentive or unfocused? Are you chaotic or centered? Really pay attention to your inner being at this time, there is wisdom and quiet there.

Remember that you can only achieve what you believe. Spend time visualizing your vision for your creative future. What does your services look like? What does your partnerships feel like? Imagine that you can have anything. Imagine that what you seek is what you will receive, then go create it. 

When the Sun enters Virgo at the end of the month, your four weeks of Leo play will come to a halt as the Sun enters your 6th house of duty and service. Utilize the wisdom of patience to keep you grounded during this demanding time. Remember that your inner world is untouchable, here you shall find eternal peace. 


Taurus August 2018 Tarotscope: 

Card: Reversed Seas of Maiden Passion


The Maiden of Seas Passion card brings messages of heart energy into the world through her feeling. She signifies total alignment with emotional passion. She represents the power of sexuality and emotional fertility. She is the personification of what it means to pour out your heart in any experience.

If you look at the illustration of this card you will see a naked woman standing in an ocean with water outpouring from her heart. She is smiling and standing sensually holding a flower above her head. The moon illuminates her entire being from above, casting its healing energies into her sacred sea. This illustration is important. The violet color behind and around her signifies the eternal violet flame, the belief that all consciousness is sacred and everlasting. 

This woman is the symbol of feminine essence. She is the representation that through divine love and passion, all things are full. 

However, the Maiden of Seas Passion card is in reverse, casting the picture upside down and showcasing the blockage of her own heart energy. The Maiden of Seas Passion card in reverse symbolizes the overwhelming power of holding your love within. It showcases that when you withhold your sacred feminine power, emotion and desire will overtake you. This drowning sensation does not fill you and illuminate others, instead it leaves you as a victim to your own power. 

In astrology, the Maiden of Seas Passion card symbolizes the 4th Zodiac sign of Cancer. Cancer is represented by the element of water and is governed by Mother Moon. This element forecasts the power of water in our emotional bodies and sexuality. It signifies that through our acceptance of who we truly are within, we can release without.  


Taurus, with the Leo sun transiting your 4th house of home, security, and family, there can be many struggles and challenges during this time. The Reversed Maiden of Seas Passion card brings messages of much needed release and expression. It asks you to open your heart to the bravery of feeling all that you must overcome. 

The Reversed Maiden of Seas Passion card foreshadows a time of deep sorrow, emotions, and withdrawal. It signifies that you are not listening to your heart, you are not allowing your true feelings to surface. This suppression of feeling disconnects you from your heart center and emotional body. During this time you may feel a lack of sexual desire and possess a tendency to overreact and lash out at others. This feeling of depth and drowning is by your own free will. You have the power to choose to embody all that you feel so that it can be transmuted into personal power. However, this choice can only be implemented through you. 

Why do you withhold your feelings? What are you afraid of? With the Sun being in courageous and brave Leo, The Reversed Maiden of Seas Passion card encourages you to let it all out. Free yourself, she screams. Give yourself permission to express your full sexuality and feminine Self, male or female. Remember that we require both yin and yang energies, they are equal regardless of gender. 

Family issues or dynamics may pose a threat to your sense of freedom and feeling but this too can be transformed. Try to open your heart and understand things from all perspectives, you will be surprised at what compromise and honesty can unveil. 

When the Sun enters earthly Virgo at the end of the month, remember that you will need to unleash your passion in order to ground. If you continue to avoid all that you feel then you will feel trapped when the Sun moves into your 5th house of pleasure, creativity, and fame. Give yourself permission to do the work now. Your heart deserves to be free. 



Gemini August 2018 Tarotscope: 

Card: 10 of Seas Purity


The 10 Card of Seas Purity represents the Goddess of the Seas. The Goddess of the Seas is of pure heart and pure mind. She signifies the principles of righteousness and duality. Her belief is that all that is within is without, and all that is below is above. 

If you look at the illustration you will see the Goddess of Seas portrayed as half woman, half mermaid. She is floating in the orbit of water perceived as darkness. Her head is cocked to one side. Her left arm is pointing down with her palm open. In her palm is a vortex of light. This light energy is casting down, creating an abundance of light and life flowing gracefully below her. Her right arm is slightly bent at her side palm facing up. In this palm there is also a small vortex of light, but nothing is casting out of it. She is floating. She is also surrounded by an obit of light representing the illumination of  the path created when we live with a pure heart. The importance of the pure heart is emphasized by the shining red gem representing a heart in the center of her chest. She is flowing gracefully into the divine as she is one with all things. 

Numerically the 10 Card of Seas Purity is represented by the number 10. In numerology, the number ten symbolizes the power of leadership and confidence. It exemplifies that we must lead by example and not by sight. 

Astrologically, the 10 Card of Seas Purity is symbolized by Mars in Pisces. In astrology, Mars is the planet of action and desire and Pisces is the 12th sign of the Zodiac. Pisces represents depth, water, and the soul, while Mars represents masculinity, action, and energy. Together these two create a symbolic representation of the 10 Card of Seas Purity’s desire to illuminate purity through its own soul principles and beliefs. 


Gemini, with the Leo Sun transiting your 3rd house of expression, communication, and personal freedom, this can be an exciting and bold time for you. The 10 Card of Seas Purity brings messages of purification, honesty, and authentic power during this expressive period.  

The 10 Card of Seas Purity foreshadows a time of heart - soul connections, divine synchronicity, and authentic communication. It signifies that speaking from your heart center will be the only way to achieve your goals during this courageous time. 

If you are feeling misguided or confused on what direction or action to take, go inside. Ask yourself who you are and what do you have to share? What feelings of creativity and inner standing do you posses? 

No matter what insecurities may arise during this emotional time, do not back down from your personal truth. Expressing yourself is your personal power, a power that no one can touch. Although this is a very personal oriented direction, make sure that you are aligning yourself with the highest values of the collective. If your truth intentionally harms another then keep it to yourself. Remember the 10 Card of Seas Purity symbolizes the concept of a mirror, you get what you give out. 

When the Sun enters Virgo at the end of the month and enters your 4th house of family, security, and foundation, remember that you must be direct and honest about what you feel and desire. Do not limit yourself to an unpromising situation if it does not align with your personal values. Be true to yourself and blessings shall be gifted upon you. Never fear the power of your own truth, it’s eternal.


Cancer August 2018 Tarotscope: 

Card: Earth of Success (6)


The 6 of Earth Success card brings reflections of hard work achieved. It represents the success that follows the labor. The earthliness of this card signifies that this is material gain, it is tangible wealth. 

If you look at the illustration of this card you will see a bag of gold coins resting on top of more gold coins. The bag is illuminated and from its illumination is a rainbow. This illumination signifies the light that is associated with your gains. It reflects that through patience and persistence anything is possible. 

Numerically the 6 of Earth Success card is represented by the number 6. In numerology, the number 6 symbolizes the essence of servitude, duty, responsibility, commitment, and family. 

Astrologically the 6 of Earth Success card is represented by the Moon in Taurus. In astrology, the Moon symbolizes the emotional body and subconscious mind while Taurus, the 2nd sign of the Zodiac is characterized by attributes such as luxuriousness, sensuality, material wealth, persistence, and stubbornness. Together the Moon in Taurus create a dynamic of an emotionally strong willed person determined for a better life through tangible success. 


Cancer, with the Leo sun being in your 2nd house of personal possessions, self-value, and material assets, August can bring significant financial and personal changes in your personal realm. The 6 of Earth Success card brings messages of fruition as your hard work and labor are beginning to pay off. 

The 6 of Earth Success card foreshadows an abundant period of material possessions and prosperity as you receive all that you have worked so diligently for. It would be wise to use this period to evaluate your personal goals, achievements, and morals, as material wealth can sometimes inspire greed. During this period remember to be thankful for all that you are receiving, humility is the best form of servitude. 

Although you are in a period of uprising, be mindful that with all income comes sacrifice. Remember that the 6 of Earth Success card requires long-term commitment, persistence, and responsibility. What are you willing to release in order to receive? How can you utilize your blessings for the highest good of Self and all? 

When the Sun enters Virgo at the end of the month and enters your 3rd house of self-expression, communication, and self-discovery, remember that all change requires transition. Try to utilize the resources gained in the beginning of the month to sustain this new you. 


Leo August 2018 Tarotscope:

Card: Reversed Seas of Depletion (8)


The 8 of Seas Depletion card signifies emotional burnout. It represents what happens when we neglect our own personal needs and do not listen to our heart. It showcases the importance of nourishing your body when it needs rest, stilling your mind when it calls you to, and respecting the feelings that surface. 

If you look at the illustration of this card you will see that it reflects a depleted, dried out ocean. The whales, symbols of sacred life are lying ashore lifeless. The ocean is dry, the skies are dull, there is no sign of life or a possible future. 

In its reverse position, the 8 of Seas Depletion card represents a period of release and rebirth. No longer are the days of barren lands and depleted hearts, you have learned your lesson, you will nurture yourself back to health again. 

Numerically the 8 of Seas Depletion card represents the number 8. In numerology, the number 8 signifies the essence of power, autonomy, karma, self-will, and deep feeling. The number 8 is most often known for its dramatic mood changes and life transformations. It can foreshadow intense change and powerful emotions. 

Astrologically the  8 of Seas Depletion card represents Saturn in Pisces. In astrology, Saturn is the planet of structure, discipline, and intense lessons. Pisces is symbolized by the 12th sign of the Zodiac. It is associated with the soul, dreaming, deep emotion, and water. Together Saturn in Pisces reflects deep emotional blockages and challenges that require time and spiritual patience. It calls for the acceptance of emotions and the self-journey through radical rest. 


Leo, with the Leo Sun in your first house of self and identity, August can signify deep emotional and personal changes. The Reversed 8 of Seas Depletion card brings messages of self-care, new beginnings, and replenished oceans. 

The Reversed 8 of Seas Depletion card foreshadows a period of return and transformation. In the past you have overworked your Self until you were forced into retreat, however that period is over. The month of August brings clarity in the direction of your heart. You have learned to allow your feelings to surface and unfold for your own personal growth and resurrection. 

Although you are awakening to the the importance of rest and emotional transformation, go easy on yourself, you are still recovering. Remember that everything does not have to be done in a day and time will always move in your favor. Give yourself permission to go slow and feel your way through these radical changes. Try to accept that your personality, your sense of worthiness, and the way you express your emotions are rapidly changing. Be mindful with your abilities and do not over promise what you know you cannot provide. 

Are you forcing? Are you resisting? Are you chasing something that no longer serves your best interest? Let your preconceived ideas of what life should be unfold into something greater. 

When the Sun enters Virgo at the end of August you will feel more confident in where you are heading in the near future. Just remember that you are still raw, fragile, and nursing yourself back to Life. Go easy on the bounce back, you have time.


Virgo August 2018 Tarotscope: 

Card: The Earth Card of Fruition (10)


The Earth card symbolizes the abundance of the physical realm. It calls forth the resources that are natural to this land. If you work with or for the Earth, this time can be extremely joyful and fruitful. It also signifies that abundance requires labor. In order to attain all that you have grown, you must first perform the physical acts of harvest. 

The ten of Earth symbolizes new beginnings. If you study the image you will see the land surrounding the woman is barren. You will see that she only possess the clothes on her body and the fruit on her head. This signifies the cycle of beginning again. Although this period represents success, it also represents the ending of a cycle. It indicates that the collection of one journey leaves space for the next. 

Astrologically the Earth card of Fruition also represents Mercury in Virgo. Mercury in Virgo correlates to ones detailed oriented-ness. This symbolizes the importance of focus during this time. Incorporating concentration to one area of focus can and will prove beneficial to the dutiful servant. 

In numerology, the number ten signifies new beginnings and growth. It brings the power of leadership, resilience, and resource. 


Virgo, with the Leo  Sun now in your sector of deep healing and soul retrieval, what knowledge do you carry from past lives? What wisdom do you wish to share in your service to the world? The Ten Earth card of Fruition highlights blessing and reward. 

The Ten Earth card of Fruition bring messages of prosperity and reward. Hard work and perserverance serve you well as you continue into a new cycle of being and receiving. Expectations regarding past life work and soul purpose are strengthened. You are blessed with the tools and the resources to begin a new chapter with abundance and grace. 

Abundance does not always mean money. Abundance can take the form of people, materials, spaces, and experiences. What are you seeking in this moment? What desires fill your dreams? Use this fruitful period to call back all you have given to the world. Call harvest into your reality as you have planted many seeds that have now reached maturity. 

As the Sun transitions into your home sign of Virgo at the end of the month, remember that the seeds must be planted again.  Do not fall lazy or comfortable in this period. Continue to strive for new horizons. Continue to plant new seeds. You never know what will grow from the fruits of your labor. 


Libra August 2018 Tarotscope:

Card: Amaterasu The Sun (19)


Amaterasu represents the Sun Goddess, the Great Goddess Spirit Shining in Heaven. She presents the source of life, light, and harmony. She signifies emergence and fully standing in society as ones light self. 

The light body is a direct reference when drawing this card. It is represented by the outwards rays of light surrounding Amaterasu. She signifies the radiance within us all. However, she is not holding that light within, she shares her light with all. 

Through the position of her hands you can also see she is creating a portal for herself. This portal gives her access to her highest self so that she can be a ray of light for others.

In astrology, the Sun represents ones inner desire and urges, how one correlates and wishes to be in society. When the Sun card is pulled in any Reading it signifies coming out. Coming out to share your light in cooperation and collaboration with the greater world. 

In Numerology the number 19 signifies individuality in correlation with the heart of the divine. It symbolizes confidence in self through displays of compassion and unconditional love. 


Libra, with the Leo Sun in your community sector this month the Sun is shining brightly on you. The sun card highlghts your desire for outward expression, expansion, and soul growth. 

The Sun card brings messages of arbitration and recognition. Social standing and collaboration are increased. Use this period to connect with your local and global community. Technology efforts signfiy future financial increase. Others notice you at this time. Take advantage of the outpour of opportunities present.

With your people pleasing sign, this can be an intense period of rapid growth for you but allow yourself to shine brightly. Fear and competition may surface this month but dismiss it kindly with acceptance, cooperation, and love. The Sun card represents confident collaboration, not insecure competition. Do not hold back your light this month Libra. What gifts do you hold? What service can you offer to the community? Stand strong and true in who you are within. Share free of ego, corruption or greed. 

With the Sun card your gifts may be illuminated, deepened, and stretched. Allow transmutation to occur if and when intense feelings surface. As the Sun transitions to Virgo at the end of August, times can seem overbearing and just too much. Ignore this. Allow your rest to be your play and invite others to share the joy in your absence. 

Scorpio August 2018 Tarotscope:


Card: Fire Expression (8) 


The fire expression card of 8 represents bold expression. The woman in the picture is colorful, voluptuous, and completely confident in the movement of her body. 

If you look closely at the details of this woman you will see that her lower chakras are explicitly highlighted. There are red flames birthing from her root chakra that feed into the dynamic system of her solar plexus and sacral chakras. This is displayed by the orange spirals of life energy within her. Her large orange spiral (solar plexus) is connected to her heart Energy. Her heart displays both red and green, signifying that she is not only at peace within but open to the hearts and energy of others. Her heart energy then connects to her throat, signifying that she is opening to the voice of her power, giving herself permission to be free. 

Surrounding the woman is spirals. Spirals represent the continuum of all life energy. This woman is grounded, fueled, inspired by her own energy. Her eyes are closed, her chakras are aligned, she is flowing. 

The 8 numerical essence of this card signifies power, autonomy, will power, and ascension. 

Astrologically the cards planetary alignment is Mercury in Sagittarius. Mercury in Sagittarius displays bold forms of direct communication and creative expression. 


Scorpio, with the Leo Sun in your 10th house of career your social standing is literally on fire. This month calls you to be your bravest, boldest self. How are you holding back your authentic power? In what ways do you dwindle your fire? No matter what you must endure, the fire expression card asks you to call your power back. It calls you to align with the God or goddess within to reach your highest potential. 

Throughout majority of August your focus is on professional acclaim. What areas of your life require more direct communication? What relationships require more stamina? In times of despair or proclamation, speak out for what you deserve. Speak out for your people. 

Towards the end of the month when the Sun enters Virgo you will direct your attention towards helping others. Who needs your voice? What Creative outlets are calling your name? Share your gifts with the community and larger world, you never know who's listening. 

Sagittarius August 2018 Tarotscope: 

Card: Reversed Sun Card (19)



In astrology, the Sun represents ones inner desire and urges, how one correlates and wishes to be in society. When the Sun card is pulled in any Reading it signifies coming out. Coming out to share your light in cooperation and collaboration with the greater world. 

The Reversed Sun Card represents a shadow period in one’s life. The Sun in its upward position signifies optimism, joy, new beginnings, and self confidence. However, in its reversed position, the Sun reflects periods of confusion, insecurity, pessimism, and harsh circumstances. 

When looking at the imagery of the Sun card one immediately notices the rays of light within and around the body. This light symbolizes one’s highest self. When the Sun card is reversed it signifies a period where the light is dimmed or shaded due to one’s own internal state. 

The position of the hands are also very significant. This placement represents a portal to one’s highest self. This portal gives access to the divine guidance that is needed to push through. 

Too much focus should not be placed on the negative aspects of this card. The numerology of the number 19 signifies the ending of a cycle is near. The one’s placement in front of the nine signifies the importance of the loss that is occurring. It signifies that something will be lost but a new beginning will grow from its sacrifice. 

The Sun card is astrologically represented by Planet Sun. The Sun is known for its characteristics of ego, confidence, inner urges, and life purpose. 


Sagittarius, with the Leo Sun transiting your 9th house of expansion, higher learning, travel, and experience, you may be eager to evolve or free yourself from your current situation. However, the reversed Sun represents the challenges that you must face to truly break free. The Sun card speaks to your higher Self in its impatience and asks it to be still and trust. 

During the month of August you may not feel like your optimistic and positive self. Periods of depression, negative thinking, and delayed progress trouble you deeply as you do not enjoy feeling tied down. 

Think of this as a testing period to fish out your heart’s true desires and life longings. What adventures are you pondering? What passions keep you burning through the night? Find small useful ways to express and explore your wild side this month, but remember to be patient with yourself. Your confidence and ego are at its lowest right now and this is not a period to lash out at others for comfort or attention. Create outlets for your frustration, insecurity, and lack of focus or direction. Remember that you have to learn to swim before you dive face first into the ocean. 

When the Sun enters into Virgo at the end of the month, you will feel more directed in governed in your life's purpose. Allow this direction to unfold naturally, as things usually manifest higher than you ever imagined. 

Capricorn August 2018 Tarotscope: 


Card: Reversed Pleiadian Star Card


The Star card is a a card of hope, enlightenment, divinity, and illumination. It is directly correlated with the astral and galactic realms. In history, the Pleiadians are life beings who have walked a similar Earth Walk. They are our ancestors in some ways. It is believed that they pass their wisdom through our higher self, helping us to create a more sustainable world based on the lessons that they once endured. This card has great significance in one's life as it foreshadows guidance, intuition, and divine connection. It brings temperance and aid during troubled times. 

The Reversed Star card brings reflections of hope, despair, and lack of spiritual connection. It signifies that one is lost, floating, disconnected from the oneness of all things. 

If you study the illustration of this card, you will find that it replicates our (humans) connection with the great Divine (higher power). The image illustrates a being lifting its arms in celebration, surrender, or praise (whatever calls you in this moment) while the higher power is giving light, wisdom, intuition, power, and direction through its light in return. We know that the higher power is giving because it's palms are facing up. However, this card is in reverse. The reverse card placement signifies that the connection between the higher power and you is temporarily lost, cloudy, or not as clear. 

Numerically the star card represents the number 17. In numerology, 17 represents great spiritual change, seeking, and a desire for direction. The one in this duo represents the beginning of a new cycle. The seven in this duo represents the spiritual seeker, confusion, and a need for patience. 

Astrologically the star card represents the 11th zodiac sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign of the collective. It represents innovation, intellectualism, technology, friends, liberation, and stubbornness. 


Capricorn, with the Leo sun transiting your 8th house of mysticism, spiritual learning, shared resources, and karma, this is a deep time for you metaphysically. 

The reversed star card represents the complexity of this chaotic time. The star card brings messages of your desire to connect with your higher self but not necessarily getting the answers that you expect, at least not right away. 

The reversed star card foreshadows  many upheavals and challenging opportunities to grow spiritually in Self and Source. What answers are you seeking? What direction are you asking for? Focus your intention there and help will come. 

If things still seem confusing or cloudy by mid-month, don't expect immediate answers because you may be disappointed. Instead of seeking something concrete and insightful, focus on building a deeper level of trust for your intuition and inner child.  What does your gut say? What does your heart say? Tune out your mind and go deeper within for silence and understanding.

Enrolling in metaphysical courses, yoga, or scheduling an appointment with a spiritual counselor may be extremely calming during this time. 

If you're having doubt, depression, or frightening dreams, try to expel all negative thoughts and focus on the good in your life. 

This month can and will feel like you are in limbo. Try to embrace this void. Do not be afraid to face your shadows, your light lives there. 

When the Sun enters Virgo at the end of the month, there will be more vision in your darkness. The 9th house is a place of hope, joy, and adventure. Although things may not change suddenly, light will return again. 

Aquarius August 2018 Tarotscope: 


Card: Ace of Realization


The Ace of Realizations card brings enlightenment, wisdom, direction, and mental clarity.  It is represented by the element of wind. The wind symbolizes the intellectualism of air. It signifies the transmissibility of information into wisdom and visa versa.

If you study the illustration you will notice that the card is mainly a face. The face is receiving information from above. It also has a star shaped object for a third eye and throat. The shaped objects signify the beings connection with its higher Self and light realm. It is connected with all things.

Numerically the Ace of Realization represents the infinity of one. It represents the supply of all things, Love.

Astrologically the Ace of Realization signifies the cloud. The cloud is a symbol of the transition of knowledge. It can be viewed as a source of protection or a source of temporary confusion. Regardless, it always passes. 


Aquarius, with the Leo sun in your 7th house of partnerships and marriage, this can be a turbulent time in the love department. The Ace of Realization card brings information during what could be a confusing time. It highlights the wisdom within and the information gained through communication with others. 

The Ace of Realization card foreshadows illumination in the form of Self love and trust. Are you in communication with your Higher self because this is the gift of the Realization card. It sends you the message that the answers that you need are within and you need to listen to your heart. 

The emphasis on the third eye and throat chakra symbolizes the importance of aligning yourself with your eternal light body. If you are feeling disoriented or confused it is because you are not aligned. 

Some of you may be ignoring the wisdom that is being whispered to you through the clouds as you do not want to realize what must leave or come. Opening yourself to new changes through alignment with One does bring uncertainty but with it comes great reward.  

Allow yourself to take a hard look at your current relationships and partnerships. Do they serve you? Do you serve them? What does your heart say? 

Listening to the wisdom within is your guide map through this changing month. However, what you do with the information given is up to you. No matter what you face remember to speak up for yourself, you know you better than anyone. Trust yourself.

When the Sun enters Virgo at the end of the month, be ready to dive deep into your shadow self. Be mindful that this period is intense and forthcoming so many insights during the beginning of August will dive deeper in discovery during this time. 

Pisces August 2018 Tarotscope:


Card: Reversed Seas of Crone Resurrection


The Crone Resurrection of Seas represents the rising of one from the depths of the ocean. We are reborn through one's experience and journey through its shadow. It represents the emotional heart transformation one receives through the acceptance of darkness. It foreshadows deep release and shifts in one's life.

However, the Reversed Crone Resurrection of Seas represents one who is stuck in this middle passage. It signifies that one is fighting this death process rather than embracing its beauty. This fighting motion creates further submersion. It casts one down again and again, deeper and deeper until they realize that release is the only way "up" again.

If you look at the illustration you will see a woman, naked, surrounded by long white hair with the resemblance of Medusa. She is bare, only holding a purple snake who perches on her knee with familiarity. There is nothing surrounding the woman but her own form, the subtle tides of the sea and the fullness of the illuminated moon. She is alone, bare and alone, waiting to be clothed once again. This illustration speaks to the power of our humility. It illustrates that ones nakedness is power and the snake's presence replicates this.

Because it is in it's reversed position, one is not accepting this Resurrection. Indicating that it will be stuck until it accepts the emotional changes that must occur. Whether male or female, this is a feminine card. It requires alignment with ones yin energy to become whole. Acceptance of emotions and heart energy are required for ascension.  

Astrologically, the Crone Resurrection of Seas card represents Scorpio, the 8th sign of the Zodiac. Scorpio is known for its underworld mystic characteristics of shadow, darkness, and emotional depth. Scorpio is also a water sign. This signifies the importance of the cleansing and purification process that is required for rebirth. 


Pisces, with the Leo sun transiting your 6th house of wellness, duty, and service, the reversed Crone Resurrection of Seas card represents a backward spiral into how you are presenting yourself wholly into the world. 

What are you running from? What emotional baggage are you still carrying? How does this effect your health and how you show up in the world? 

The Crone Resurrection of Seas card foreshadows deep emotional turmoil and rebirth occurring in your life this month. This is not a easy or pretty process. Throughout the month you will repeatedly experience emotionally charged situations until you accept that you must face your own shadows, you must face your demons to be free. 

Allow yourself to be submerged in the water of your feelings. Allow yourself to be cleansed from all past hurts, traumas, or karma. Give yourself permission to feel so that you can heal. 

This period calls you to take a fresh look at how you are romanticizing your service to the world. Are you daydreaming or are you awake? The world desperately needs your creativity but you have to be willing to bend to deliver it. Do not allow stubbornness to reject your streams of divinity. Give freely to your emotions and allow your creativity to be your source of transmutation. 

Water is your friend right now so try to find some. If you are not able to access fresh water streams, lakes, or oceans, try to drink more water and take long baths daily. 

When the Sun enters Virgo at the end of the month you will begin to see how your relationships have played a major role in how you communicate and digest your emotions. Remove anyone or anything toxic from your life, no matter how beastly the love is. Trust that what leaves makes more room for something bigger to come in its place. Trust.