New Moon in Aquarius 2020: What You Need to Know

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Happy Aquarius New Moon, Love! Welcome to the Aquarius/Leo lunar cycle. This is the First New Moon of the Year, symbolizing the start of a New Lunar Year and emotional cycle. Aligned with The Sun and Mercury in Aquarius, you should feel a release of anxiety, nervousness, and pessimistic thought. Where you felt limited before, you should feel free. Even if it’s just a small change of energy, every shift counts. 

Before I share the 3 major themes, lessons, and takeaways from the powerful Aquarius New Moon, ask yourself:

What ideas am I ready to give birth to? What collaboration am I ready to begin? What gifts and talents are ready to be shared on a larger scale? In what ways can I give back? What area of my life is ready for improvement? How can I creatively address the limitations and worries of the past season? 

 All of these questions reflect the innovative energy of January’s Aquarius New Moon. So, be honest and imaginative in your answers. There is no right or wrong way. 

For rituals, journal questions, exclusive horoscopes, crystal and herb suggestions, and more. Support the work and purchase a physical or digital copy of the Aquarius/Leo Lunar Cycle Workbook here.

3 Things you should know, learn, and take away from the Aquarius New Moon based on the astrological influences: 

1. There is an increase in emotional and sexual impulses:

With Venus in Pisces square Mars in Sagittarius, we are more emotionally charged than usual. We tend to be more attached to our sexual instincts, impulses, and desires. With the Sun and Moon aligned in Aquarius, we have a more open-minded, go with the flow, let’s keep this casual mentality in terms of our affairs. In its light, this aspect can be channeled into mind-blowing creative work and inspirations. With Aquarius stimulating the mind, Pisces opening up divine channels through the heart, and Sagittarius serving direct honesty, this equals brainstorming at its finest. This can also lead to some pretty intense sex, chemistry, and conversations. However, in its shadow, this equals master manipulation and deception; someone who knows how to use their power for their selfish good.

Ways to respond, channel, and work with this energy: 

  • Movement. With the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakra being overly stimulated right now, we need to find healthy ways to integrate and harmonize this energy with our body. If you are able, try hip opening or bridge yoga poses. This will help you balance and remove blockages. 

  • Sex or masturbation. There’s nothing wrong with sex between two conscious and consenting adults. If you are single, practicing celibacy, or for any other reason unable to have sex with another person, please yourself. 

  • Breath of Fire. There is a powerful breathing technique called the “Breath of Fire.” This breathing technique is excellent for raising and connecting the energy of the lower chakras to the higher chakras for unison and balance. 

  • Chanting. Aquarius is an air sign. Air signs are the communicators of the Zodiac. With the Moon and Sun square Uranus in Taurus (who rules the throat), it is helpful to use sound and voice to direct and harmonize the energy in your body.

2. Strong desire to release old ways, habits, relationships, and beliefs:

With the Sun and Moon in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries, we are more aware of our deeper issues and the best solution(s) to resolve it. This is a feeling of support and encouragement from the universe, friends, family, and team members that you do possess the personal power to overcome your deep-rooted obstacles. With Chiron being the wounded healer and Aquarius being the humanitarian, we may find healing in giving others what we are seeking in ourselves. For instance, if you feel a sense of insecurity or fear about your appearance, you may find yourself affirming the beauty or physical appearance of others. Although this may feel vain or condescending, it isn’t as long as your intention is pure. Being a mirror for what you wish to attract or reflect is the main ingredient in manifestation. So, continue to be the light for others because you are light yourself.

Ways to respond, channel, and work with this energy: 

  • Make a list of all the things that you wish to attract or reflect in yourself and go do it for others. 

  • Share your gifts or give something away. It doesn’t have to be anything drastic. A hug, smile, or a simple I love you is enough. 

  • Plan, organize or take part in a group ritual or healing ceremony. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. A group is two or more people. 

  • Make a list of all the nice things others have done for you. Sometimes this transit makes you feel alone, but this task is a simple reminder that you are unconditionally loved and supported. 

3. Increased connections to the Higher Self, Universal Consciousness, and Authentic Community Support:

With the Sun and Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, a desire for originality, self-expression, and security are heightened. These aspects typically manifest in very unusual and sometimes dramatic ways. We may feel a gnawing desire to transform our community reputation and connect to our higher self/power. This usually comes through a feeling of experimentation and excitement based on our perception of freedom. With Uranus in Taurus, our perception of freedom is directly tied to self-worth, value, and ownership. This energy despises the monotonous routine. In its light, we may find ourselves connecting with like-minded individuals who support our desire for more spontaneity, self-expression, and creative purpose. In its shadow, this energy manifests as someone impulsive, rebellious, and strong-minded to the point of loss or aggression. Be mindful that this lunation encourages a rebirth of personal power and community engagement. However, with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn, reservation and practical judgment are still necessary for long-term growth and stability. 

Ways to respond, channel, and work with this energy: 

  • Do a brain dump. Your ideas are most likely all over the place and this energy is not the time to go charging forward. Instead, let your brain wander endlessly all over the page. Hold a brainstorming session with your creative and inspiring friends and commit to being open to any possibility. Put all your ideas on paper and let them sit. You’ll know which ones to pursue around the First Quarter Moon on Feb 1. 

  • Do something fun and spontaneous. If you try to hold this energy in, you’ll end up doing something you’ll regret. Instead of restraining it, practice self-discipline. Sing karaoke, go dancing, go skinny dipping (in a safe location), let your wildest dreams play out in a healthy and moderated way. 

  • Be open to innovative solutions for traditional goals. There are limitations to life, that’s just the 3D world we live in. But even limitations can be freeing. Think of ways that structure frees you. Acknowledge and give gratitude for their purpose in your life. 

Lessons and Affirmations for the Signs: 

Aries: Be open to joining a group or collective energy source. Also, make sure that you protect your intellectual property and ideas. This doesn’t mean that you need to act in fear, but be mindful of what you put out. Instead of seeing it as protection, see it as an act of honor and value for the gifts that you have shared with yourself and the world.

Affirmation: “I am grounded in my individual purpose. I am in harmony with the greater world.” 

Taurus: Be open to sharing your worth with the greater world by taking action. You tend to be holding yourself back from the personal power that lives within you. Get clear about your hopes, dreams, and visions for a brighter personal future. From this space of acceptance, anything is possible. 

Affirmation: “I am confident in my power. I give myself the authority to make decisions in my highest favor.” 

Gemini: Be open to readjusting your attitude towards life. You tend to hold back your aspirations and inspirations out of fear and protection. Be bold about what gets you excited, what dreams you want to achieve, and what ideals help you stay balanced. The more honest and direct you are in this area of your life, the more others can support you.

Affirmation: “I am attracting the confidence I need to share my aspirations boldy with the world. My dreams, visions, and ideals are supported.” 

Cancer: Be open to connecting emotionally to your dreams. You tend to need others to validate your ideas or visions; or use power, influence, or sexuality as a means of getting what you want. But underneath the illusion is a kind heart who aches to be loved. Through this rebirth, you can achieve all that you dream. 

Affirmation: “I reconnect to my higher power. The guidance, assurance, and healing I need is within me.” 

 Leo: Be open to new concepts and ideologies around relationships and community

 dynamics. You tend to feel neglected or alienated if the spotlight is not directly on you. 

But this lunation allows you to shine your light through the platform of someone else. Be open to balance.

Affirmation: “I align with the greater good of all. Every vision has a higher plan. I honor and share my high-value gifts with the assistance of others.”        

 Virgo: Be open to learning new things through your immediate experience with others. 

You tend to feel frustrated or overwhelmed when things fall out of order. But from this space of uncertainty is an opportunity of refinement, purification, and improvement. The right solution will become available to you. 

Affirmation: “I am fully committed to living in the present and free from the past. I am open, ready, and willing to create my ideal future.” 

Libra: Be open to changes in your identity. You tend to identify with whatever you are 

emotionally attached to in the present moment. But this often leads you to forget how 

magical, powerful, and special you truly are. Give yourself permission to explore the unlimited depth and potential of your creativity and love. You have so much love and joy to give.

Affirmation: “I am an empowered spiritual and intuitive leader. I honor and value my divine gifts to create successful and prosperous spaces for healing in my community, business, and family.” 

Scorpio: Be open to reconnecting with your soul’s truest desire and creative purpose at 

this moment. You tend to get caught in ancestral beliefs or societal conditions on who 

you are supposed to be. But from this space of clearing and authentic connection, you connect to your soul tribe. 

Affirmation: “I practice the sacred art of detachment and lead from a space of earthly and spiritual abundance. I am grounded in my higher purpose to serve and uplift humanity.”  

 Sagittarius: Be open to new ways to share and process information. You tend to bite 

your tongue or last out in times of adversity. But from this new space of inner peace and 

clarity, new ideas and social patterns are ready to be born. Allow yourself to speak your truth without fear. Your wisdom is needed now.

Affirmation: “I create my visions. Through my creations and authentic self-expression, I encourage and inspire others to do the same.” 

Capricorn: Be open to new ways to acquire wealth, security, and successfully share        

your creativity. You tend to feel uneasy when you are not in a relaxed state financially and mentally. Once you tap into the unlimited possibilities for security, you will learn that inner peace is in the mind.

Affirmation: “I connect with myself, Source, and then others. From this space of connection, all things are possible. I effortlessly manifest the resources I need.” 

Aquarius: Be open to new ways to express your desires and personal goals. You tend 

to overthink when you are faced with new challenges. But from this space of     Self-acceptance, excitement, and humility, you have the confidence and courage you need to begin again.

Affirmation: “Every vision has a higher plan. I am open to the unknown. I walk into this new chapter of my life with an open heart, mind, and attitude.”

 Pisces: Be open to the endings in your life. You tend to feel jaded when things don’t 

happen the way you thought they would. But when you accept that everything has its 

season, you open to the unlimited possibilities waiting for you. Trust your process.

Affirmation: “I gracefully bring the light of awareness. I am in co-creation with the Universe. All things are evolving according to the Divine plan.”