Aquarius Season 2020: What You Need to Know

Everything you need to know about Aquarian Energy

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Happy Aquarius Season, Beloved! The Sun is in Aquarius from January 20 - February 18. For those born during this season, Happy Birthday! 

The Sun entering Aquarius signifies that we are almost at the end of the solar cycle. So, expect a feeling that everything is unraveling and spiraling out of control. But the beauty of this is that we are growing, evolving, and flowing into a more authentic, pure, and heart-centered version of ourselves. 

Aquarius is the 11th sign of the astrological Zodiac. It is represented as a fixed air sign, meaning that its most common trait is its strong sense of intellectualism and originality. In its light, Aquarian energy is assertive, independent, progressive, analytical, original, and inventive. In its shadow, Aquarian energy is unconventional, eccentric, extreme, narrow-minded, obtuse, and unreasonable. 

The water bearer’s glyph and symbol resonate deeply with the underlying energy of Aquarius. It gives the gift of emotion, understanding, and transcendence freely and equally to all. Also known as a truth-teller, light bringer, and innovative saint, Aquarius is the true representation of the people by the people. Emotionally detached and intellectually present, Aquarius understands the importance of giving without fear, but also receiving beyond the physical. The lines of Aquarius also hint at the frequency of universal thought, limitless creation, and the wise wisdom and philosophy of the unified future. When we feel limited and blocked in by the structural responsibilities of Capricorn, the Air of Aquarius enlightens us with the freedom of the higher self.

Aquarius also rules the circulatory system, shins, and ankles: the parts of our body that bring us nourishment (the organs and the heart) and allow us to move freely without a struggle.

Uranus is Aquarius’s modern-day ruler, influencing the love of technology, science, and modern-day philosophy. However, in ancient texts, Saturn is Aquarius’s planetary ruler, gifting it assertiveness, determination, and a strong will.

Everything you need to know about Aquarius Season 2020

Aquarius Season 2020 is one of triumph and obstacle. The Season begins with Mercury in Aquarius encouraging us to communicate openly, authentically, and intellectually in a detached, observant, and aloof manner. But with Mercury paired with Mars in Sagittarius until Mars enters Capricorn on February 16, this energy encourages us to share our truth. We tend to be more opinionated and vocal than usual. In its light, this inspires us to share parts of our being that are more shy and reserved. In its shadow, this may manifest as a feeling of entitlement, superiority, and “know it all” syndrome. Conversations are livelier and more diverse than usual. We may be meeting individuals from other groups, countries, or belief systems. This is the best time to travel with a group or study abroad. You may notice a strong urge to share your vision, story, or beliefs on January 25. Don’t hold back. 

In terms of love, the first part of this season favors honesty, trust, and heart-centered independence. We are more attracted to partners who understand our need for affection and solitude, especially with Venus in Pisces until February 7. With Venus and Neptune aligning in Pisces on January 27, we may be feeling needier than usual. A strong longing for a soul connection that can stimulate you both spiritually and mentally is a must. Although romantic love is at an all-time high, platonic friendships are unusually satisfying and meaningful during this time.

The New Moon in Aquarius on January 24 is the perfect time to start a new beginning. Doubling as a New Moon and Lunar New Year, expect a subtle shift in your emotional needs and overall focus. Many will come face-to-face with the limitations and obstacles opposed by Capricorn and Eclipse Season. But instead of ignoring what isn’t working, the energy of this lunation encourages us to see it for what it is. From this space of honesty and acceptance, the growth and ascension that wants to take place can do so from fertile ground. Instead of rebuilding on unsettled traumas, fears, and wounds, this energy allows us to move forward in abundance, peace, and prosperity -- without the anxiety of the past.

Mercury will also station retrograde in Pisces at the end of Aquarius season. However, the effects of this transit will show long before that. Starting around the end of January, you may feel a slow pull to embrace the excuses and blockages that you subconsciously and consciously submit to. Be honest and open with whatever rises to the surface. Again, this energy is an opportunity to recreate your emotional and physical reality. What you choose to address and how you choose to address it manifests in every form. If you feel triggered, unseen, or like things are just not working in your favor, take a look at your choices now and in the past. For others, this transit is a reminder that you are moving in the right direction. Be open to a new realm of imagination along the way.

Affirmations for Aquarius Season:

Aries: I acknowledge that there is strength in numbers. I am open to new ways to partner and collaborate. When I shine, others shine. I honor and invite more of this energy into my life. 

Taurus: I trust in the power of community. I claim the opportunity to show others what I am made of. I stand up for what I believe is right. 

Gemini: I am open to seeing new places and trying new things. I stand by my word and finish what I start. I am strong in all areas of my life, and my strength assures a happy outcome. 

Cancer: I am open to new opportunities. I am willing to explore how my emotions affect my beliefs. I am a channel for divine healing power. 

Leo: I am taking a leap of faith. I trust my heart. I am putting my heart’s truest desire into action. I am attracting true love and support into my life. 

Virgo: I am protected. I am focused on my goals and I will make my mark. I trust in the process. All things are evolving beautifully and in my highest favor. 

Libra: I have the resources, confidence, and support I need to build a long-lasting foundation now and in the future. I am one with nature and the divine. I trust in the power of my intuition. 

Scorpio: I effortlessly give birth to my creative ideas. I affirm that any new projects, ideas, or relationships are aligned in my highest favor. I am confidently sharing my gifts with others. 

Sagittarius: I effortlessly manifest my intentions clearly and confidently. New doors are opening. I honor the silence. I give myself permission to reflect. 

Capricorn: I honor the natural cycles and rhythms in my life. I awaken the god/goddess within. I trust that all things are unfolding in my favor. 

Aquarius: I trust that the past is behind me. I am open to help and support. I give my soul and spirit the compassion, love, and affection that it needs. 

Pisces: I release worry, fear, and insecurity. My future is bright and abundant in possibility. I have healthy boundaries in place to protect me.