Pamper Yourself: Libra Season 2021!

Happy Libra Season!!! The time of year where lovers rule and singles remember that they are worthy and decide to give love some play.

Happy Equinox! The time of year where the productivity vibes of work-oriented Virgo fade into a burning desire for peaceful balance, aligned companionship, and luxurious beauty.

From September 22 until October 23, the Sun will cast its light on the house in your chart that rules the scales, aka gracious Libra.

For the next four weeks, your primary focus and overall motivation are on relationships and intellectual affairs.

As an action-oriented [cardinal] air sign ruled by Venus, the transit Sun in Libra brings intense focus to your one-on-one communications and interactions.

Unlike the laser work-focused energy of mutable Virgo, thought-provoking Libra wants to socialize and mingle.

This bubbly transit is typically a great time to host new clients, attract new partnerships, and begin negotiations.

However, with Mercury retrograde backsliding in Libra for the majority of the season, it may take time for you to feel balanced again.

Libra Season Astrology 2021:

Mercury Retrograde in Libra - September 27 

On September 27, Mercury will officially begin its final retrograde of 2021 in romantic Libra until October 18. 

This means that for the next three weeks, you should be asking yourself the golden question: where do I need to restore balance in my life?

When Mercury is retrograde in people pleaser Libra, rethink any past or future decisions regarding relationships and self-care. 

If you need closure, you may hear from a past lover or partner. 

If you are ready to patch things up, this is an opportunity to work on your communication skills and find a compromise. 

Overall, utilize the 2021 Mercury Retrograde in Libra transit to show your appreciation and gratitude for your loved ones and higher self. Be mindful of who and what you give your energy, affection, and time! 

With Libra being the sign of fairness, any unethical acts, policies or institutions will be brought to justice or called out for their inadequacies.

Mercury retrograde 2021 will bring extreme focus to the current fight for human and social rights. 

New Moon in Libra - October 6 

If you are looking to bring some new new to your house of Libra or ready to attract the corporate, social, and romantic relationships to support your dreams, the October 6 New Moon is the lunation to do it. 

Although Mercury is retrograde during the New Moon, so technically, things are still mentally unclear -- Mars, the Sun, and the Moon will be in alignment for October 2021’s New Moon. This alignment is perfect for setting new intentions around love, self-care, human rights, and partnerships.

Pluto, the planet of power, death, and transformation will also end its annual retrograde on September 6, bringing a full-circle moment to your house of Capricorn.

At or around this time, you may be ending a major cycle or feel like you are finally reaching a turning point in your life.

Mercury Stations Direct — October 18

After three-plus weeks in its retrograde position, Mercury will exit its retrograde in Libra on October 18, 2021.

However, Mercury will still be in its retrograde shadow zone until November 2, 2021.

During its retro shade period, expect any previous lessons or decisions that came up during the retrograde season to swing back around for finalization.

Think of this as the aftershocks of an earthquake.

Use the retrograde shadow period to take action on your Mercury retrograde revelations. Realign.

Full Moon in Aries — October 20

On October 20, the Sun in Libra will oppose the Full Moon in Aries, bringing a fierce wave of energy to your personal life and the global collective.

With Libra being the sign of diplomacy and Aries being the sign of war, you may find that life feels extremely polar leading up to the Full Moon.

Energies surrounding this Full Moon are explosive. This Full Moon exposes any unfinished endings or imbalances draining your energy or delaying your progress.

To stay balanced, be honest about where things feel unfair and address any wars raging within. This energy can come across volatile and combative. Be patient with yourself and others.

Do not project your anger onto anyone else.

What Libra Season Means for your Zodiac Sign: 2021 Libra Season Horoscopes:

I suggest reading your Rising/Ascendant sign message first to get a general overview of your energy.

Your Sun sign message will tell you how you will express the energy of the Rising.

The Moon sign message will tell how you are responding emotionally this week. Also, what tools and practices you may lean on to help you feel most comfortable.

Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius 

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius -- the transit Sun in Libra is a time of socialization and much-needed creativity for you. You could be gathering with friends more or just exploring life on your own. This solar transit encourages you to be more playful and open to receive joy and peace in your life. With the Sun in your element, you are more open to self-expression and communication than usual. If looking for love or reconnecting with a partner, this is the time to do it. Those with Libra placements should stop overthinking and be themselves. Take up space! Shoot your shot! 

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces -- the transit Sun in Libra is a time of emotional and spiritual sensitivity for you. During this transit, you are more aware of your attachments to others and any lingering relationship wounds or fears. Depending on your placements, you may be healing from a relationship or preparing yourself for what’s to come. Whatever the case, use this transit to slow down and focus on self-care. If you feel lonely or withdrawn, connect with loved ones who bring a feeling of balance and harmony back into your life. Those with Cancer placements may struggle with family and expressing vulnerability. Learn how to protect your boundaries or open-up!!! 

Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius -- the transit Sun in Libra is a time of communication and self-expression for you. During this transit, you are more focused on establishing an intellectual connection with your partners and loved ones. You are more focused on your mental interests and social activities. Use this transit to inspire and uplift others. Those with Aries placements will experience transitions with one-on-one relationships. Be willing to find a compromise or let it go.

Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn -- the transit Sun in Libra is a time of financial growth and professional responsibility for you. During this transit, bring more of Libra’s diplomatic and cooperative energy to the workplace. You could also be focused on balancing your resources, especially if you spent more than you’d like in Virgo season. Capricorn’s may struggle between balancing time with family and pursuing their long-term goals. Commit to a schedule!!