Stay Grounded : October 11 - 17, 2021 Astrolog

Photo by Juan Davila on Unsplash

Monday, October 11:

Monday, the soaring Sagittarius moon slips into compliant Capricorn until Wednesday morning. This sober lunar transit brings a much-needed reality check about unfinished projects, tasks, and long-term goals. With Saturn no longer retrograde, you may spend the next few days catching up with superiors, doing administration work, or taking some extra time off.

Tuesday, October 12:

Tuesday starts with a messy t-square between the Capricorn Moon, Mercury retrograde, and Chiron, so if you find yourself feeling mentally foggy or emotionally overwhelmed, have some grace for yourself and others. T-squares break down your walls and force you to really face how you are balancing the different sectors of your life. And with this t-square occurring in the cardinal signs of Libra, Capricorn, and Aries, you may feel at a loss on how to take action and manage relationships, business, and self-care.

If possible, minimize nonessential communications and meetings today. Tensions are high, and messages are likely to be misunderstood. It’s best to rest and work alone. 

Wednesday, October 13:

Early morning, the Capricorn First Quarter Moon will form its final aspect, a conjunction with compulsive Pluto, putting you in a somber but stable mood most of the day. Since Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign, and Pluto is ruler of the subconscious mind, this is a great time to do a mental and professional reset. Spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially, use this energy to recommit to your intentions. Release any guilt or shame about work, family, and public reputation. 

After the Moon’s final aspect to Pluto, it will remain void for ten hours, making it a rather low functioning day. So as much as you would love to take on new responsibilities, savor your energy and focus on must-do tasks.

Thursday, October 14:

Before sun-up, the academic Aquarius Moon will conjunct Saturn and sextile Venus, making it a great morning to wake up early and get some solo creative work done. 

The Moon will also sextile Venus in outspoken Sagittarius, offering new collaborations, commitments, and professional opportunities in your house of Aquarius. If you’ve been craving some excitement or adventure in your work, this energy supports your expansion. 

Later in the afternoon, the Moon will square unsettled Uranus retrograde in Taurus at the 10°, highlighting unfinished plans and irrational decisions. So if you spent the morning playing around, good for you, but you’ll have to make up that work (and money) later. 

In any case, use this fixed energy to research new groups to connect with. Perhaps it's time to look deeper into a speciality training or mentorship program you’ve been eyeballing. 

With Uranus at play, unexpected issues with technology may come up but are resolved smoothly. 

What I love most about this energy is the communal support and internal validation the Aquarius moon brings. With so much cardinal (action) energy in the air, you may be doing a lot but progressing slowly, and this can feel discouraging after some time. But luckily for you, The Aquarius Moon swoops in to strengthen your ideas and help you stay committed to completing your goals. ENJOY this Jupiter day! Keep pushing, babe! 

Friday, October 15:

Are you tired of feeling overlooked or playing small? Friday’s vibe brings a boost of energy, creativity, and popularity!!!! 

Early Friday morning, the avant-garde Aquarius Moon will form an exact conjunction with superstar Jupiter (who is still retrograde until Monday the 18th). Jupiter and the Moon’s conjuring conjunction allows you to revisit a forgotten passion project or friendship.

For those who have laid low this retrograde season, you may choose to pop out temporarily and give an update on what's happening behind the scenes. Websites, collaborations, and brand/feature upgrades are launching. Promotions and performance rewards are coming. The collective is feeling eager to pave a new path forward. 

Yes, Mercury is still retrograde, and there is a lot you could stress and rush to do, but what would happen if you just basked in the bliss of the present moment? What happens when you choose to listen to the signs and trust your soul? 

With the Sun and Jupiter also invited to Friday’s cosmic party, relationships are expanding in ways never imagined, so don’t be shocked if that dream job, bae, partnership, or project surprises you with a juicy offer later next week. 

Ask yourself: What am I ready to say yes to?

The Weekend, October 16 - 17: 

This weekend, the Waxing Gibbous Moon pushes pause in emotional Pisces until October 18. When the Moon is in Pisces, thoughts, emotions, and interactions become easier to access and interpret on a spiritual plane. 

Due to Pisces’s superior imagination and healing powers, you naturally become more creative, sensitive, and compassionate underneath Fish moons.

As the 12th and final sign of the zodiac, Pisces lunations mark the end of a cycle. Life feels delicate and fragile. Use this time to rest and replenish.

Despite the desire to rest, on Saturday, Venus in adventurous Sagittarius will form multiple harmonious aspects, which means extended family members and friends make plans to visit or you are exploring local festivals and cultural events in town.  

On Sunday, energy is hectic and relationship conflicts may be at an all time high with the Sun square Pluto.  Allow yourself to fully process what’s transitioning in your life. 

For insights on the rest of the week and the daily lunar transits, become a Insighters Club Member and get access to the September 2021 forecast.

Weekly Horoscopes for the Signs

I suggest reading your Rising/Ascendant sign message first to get a general overview of your energy.

Your Sun sign message will tell you how you will express the energy of the Rising.

The Moon sign message will tell how you are responding emotionally this week. Also, what tools and practices you may lean on to help you feel most comfortable.

Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius 

Air signs, Monday - Wednesday, domestic duties and responsibilities from the Capricorn First Quarter moon nag you, forcing you to readjust your schedule. You may not want to, but learn how to say no and scale back. Thursday and Friday, the Aquarius moon helps you move delayed creative projects and partnerships along. Use this time to reconnect with friends and create. Saturday and Sunday, the Pisces Moon brings attention to your work and finances. Try not to feel bitter about the tasks you still need to complete. Trust that you’re doing the best you can, and if not, use this as inspiration to manage your focus better.

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Water signs, Monday - Wednesday, relationship confusion, take center stage. The Capricorn First Quarter moon challenges your partnership and communication sectors, temporarily confusing you and making it hard to express yourself in a direct (and respectful) way. But despite minor disagreements, any imbalances exposed now will have an opportunity to be resolved around the Capricorn New Moon in January 2022. Thursday and Friday, the Aquarius Moon hits your most sensitive houses, forcing you to purge any social or technological anxiety limiting how you show up in group settings. As much as you would love to curl into a ball until this energy wanes, give yourself a break. Take a shower, put on fresh clothes, and pamper yourself. The world can wait. Saturday and Sunday, the Moon slips into fellow water sign Pisces to help lighten and lift your hypersensitive mood. Fair warning, Sunday’s energies may bring deep power struggles with others or within yourself. Again, show yourself some grace. Pace, pace, pace! 

Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 

Fire signs, Monday - Wednesday, internal battles about finances, intimacy, and living conditions drain your energy. The Capricorn First Quarter moon challenges your security sectors, showcasing any imbalances in your core systems. You may feel guilty about it at first, but slow down during this transit. Thursday and Friday, the humanitarian Aquarius moon endorses your desire to reconnect to your community and friends. If it’s been a while since you checked in with your tribe or treated yourself to a night out, a spontaneous invitation entices you to leave the house. Just be mindful of unnecessary purchases, a nasty square to Uranus on Thursday has you creeping past your budget. Saturday and Sunday, the prolific Pisces moon pokes at your most intimate feelings. During this brief transit, write down your dreams and indulge in some self-healing. October 13 - 17 is one of your don’t talk to me, don’t ask weeks, and that's okay. 

Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 

Earth signs, Monday - Wednesday, creating opportunities to reconnect to your higher self and fundamental needs is a top priority. The Capricorn First Quarter moon challenges your identity and self-expression sectors, encouraging you to restore balance if you’ve been pouring into others more than yourself. How the First Quarter Moon expresses itself will vary, but most earth signs will find themselves reinforcing boundaries by having real conversations with loved ones about what needs to happen to take the next step. Thursday and Friday, the Aquarius moon brings light to where you may need support financially and professionally. If looking for extra gigs or funding, work with the crowd. Pull out your contact book and connect with that old boss or coworker because it's all about how you network, network, network. Saturday and Sunday, the Pisces moon uncovers delicate emotions in relationships. You or your partner may be experiencing intense feelings about a recent loss or separation. With the Sun square Pluto on Sunday, watch out for obsessive feelings. It may be hard to accept it now, but it’s time to embrace what is. It’s time to let go with love.