Weekly Horoscopes April 15 - April 21, 2019

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This week begins with an intense square between Venus in Pisces and Jupiter Rx in Sagittarius. With Venus entering Aries on Saturday, April 20th at 12:10 PM EST, sleepy relationships that may have been lacking in the passion department will heat up again. However, the square between Venus and Jupiter comes to remind us that if we want action we have to take action, and sometimes that comes from us speaking up. A past situation could influence a present decision as Jupiter in Retrograde has a unique way of inspiring us to grasp the opportunities we might have once ignored.

On Wednesday, April 17th at 2:00 AM EST Mercury will leave introspective creative Pisces and enter Fiery and spontaneous Aries until May 6, 2019. When Mercury is in Aries are communications and intuitive processing systems are moving at the speed of light. We are anxious, excited, and eager to express ourselves and share our goals. With Jupiter being Retrograde in Sagittarius until early August, our communications this month and the beginning of the May require us to be intentional about the words we speak and the behaviors we display. Firing off and speaking your mind is one thing, but burning a bridge that you’ll need later is a complete different story. Think before you speak, calm yourself before you act, and remember that you are not in a competition with anyone. For those whose work is public, this period requires extra attention before sending off. The last thing you want is to discredit your brand by giving out false information.

On Friday, April 19th at 7:12 AM EST the Full Flower Moon will occur at 29’06° Libra. The April Libra Full Moon is also known as the “Pink Full Moon” by Native Americans. According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the Full Pink Moon gets its name from appearance of the “moss pink,” or wild ground phlox—one of the early spring flowers. Other names include the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and the Fish Moon. Friday’s full moon occurs in the last degrees of Libra, invoking a strong essence of the scales, beauty, and harmony. Libra is the transitioning sign in the Zodiac. It is the first sign that begins to move outward from the realms of the personal individual self. This energy brings Libra’s dynamic ability to be the peacemaker, diplomat, ambassador, and sometimes drama queen/king for any problem or solution. The vibrations of the Pink Full Moon will encourage healing in troubled relationships, and strength within the inner self. If you’ve been struggling to make a decision, this full moon will move you to find peace.

On Saturday, April 20th at 4:54 AM EST, the Sun will enter Taurus until May 21, 2019. For the next four weeks the Sun will bring enlightenment to our personal goals, commitments, and finances. Whatever you have been working on, this transit is the time to see it through. Taurus is the 2nd sign of the Zodiac and its earthly fixed energy aids in its ability to act tirelessly with consistency, dedication, and profound commitment. If anybody can do it, Taurus can do it. However, this energy is symbolized by the Bull, meaning that Taurus can sometimes demonstrate their ability to stay focused in the wrong direction. What Aries starts, Taurus will finish, so make sure that whatever you started you see through.


Be careful not to burn an unnecessary bridge this week, Aries. With Mercury and Venus entering your 1st house of self this week, your sense of self and ego could get inflated. Instead of boasting or showing off your skills, help others by being yourself. What you are is who you are, there’s no need to put people down. When the Sun moves into your 2nd house of Taurus on Saturday your personal finances will come into direct view. Focus on establishing a secure foundation for your future. The next two months are powerful for you. Use this energy wisely.


Communications could go radio silent for you this week, Taurus. With Mercury and Venus moving into your 12th house of Aries this week you could use some quiet time to focus on your thought and your next steps. You could be working on a creative project behind the scenes, or nourishing a long lost dream that you pushed aside. Whatever the case, be open. Friday’s Full Moon in Libra opens doors to establishing a greater sense of harmony and balance in your health. You may be starting a more balanced and diverse health program or daily routine, and this could be influenced or come through a love mate or friend. Saturday marks a new journey for you as the Sun begins its four week trek through your 1st house of self. This is a new solar cycle for you. Get ready for some new beginnings!


Wow, in just a short time so much has opened for you Gemini. With Mars still transiting your 1st house of self until May 15, you are acting in the interest of self and this is beneficial to your growth and evolution as a spiritual teacher and light. Mercury and Venus will both enter your 11th house of Aries this week. This illuminating transit will do wonders for you in your community. If you’ve been patiently waiting to stand in the light and bring your personal goals to a larger audience, this is the time. Friday’s Full Moon in Libra brings light to the fun you may or may not be having in your life. If you’ve been focusing on one thing for too long, this energy will help you find balance between work and play. Give yourself a chance to just enjoy life.


Career goals may become top priority for you this week Cancer as Venus and Mercury illuminate your 10th house of Aries until early May. If you’ve been putting off some of you more career and public reputation goals, this is your time to give them some energy. Without even trying you may walk into an opportunity to spread your light this week, don’t hesitate on taking it. Friday’s Full Moon in Libra encourages you to get clear about what you want for the future so you can begin to manifest it. Many of you may find yourself cleaning your house, redecorating, or spending time with family. When the Sun enters your 11th house of Taurus on Saturday, the next four weeks become a chance for you to make some serious headway on establishing a greater sense of your financial situation. A community or family donation may come in handy just when you need it. Don’t stress. You got this.


Relationships bring a sense of enlightenment and wonder as you explore different ways of connecting with others and self. You may be doing a lot of traveling right now, or spending time alone in deep thought, but this is healthy for you this week. With Mercury and Venus both entering your 9th house of Aries this week, opportunities to learn from others who are not like yourself could lead to some unexpected experiences. Remain open minded when communicating with others and sharing information, there is always something new to learn. Friday’s Full Moon in Libra opens the door to your self-expression. The energy of Libra inspires you to get serious about your self-improvement practices. You may have a longing to write, sing, paint. When the Sun enters your 10th house of Taurus on Saturday, expect career goals to become more demanding. Whatever you’ve been asking for is here, but now it’s time to put in that work!


Virgo, the past four weeks have been intensely work oriented, and you could be longing, aching, crying for a break. But just hold on a little bit longer because all of your personal hard work is about to pay off. With Venus and Mercury both illuminating your 8th house of Aries until early May, your personal goals will undergo an intense soul transformation. The connections and friendships that you make now will open doors for you in the months to come. Focus on using your personal power to build long lasting shared resources. Friday’s Libra Full Moon highlights your money sector, and personal finances could be looking a little scarce, but hold on tight. The Sun’s entrance to your 9th house of Taurus brings solid practical ideas that will bring merit in due time. If you’ve been longing to learn a new craft or expand a skill, this is the perfect time to do so.


Libra, so much has happened for you in the past six months it may be hard to appreciate all you’ve done. But with Saturn in Capricorn sitting in your 4th house until 2020, you are learning a lot and this growth is progressive. Communications with relationships could get fiery and full of passion with Venus and Mercury highlighting your 7th house of Aries until early May. It’s important to understand that this transit may be somewhat uncomfortable for you as you learn to be more direct in expressing your needs, thoughts, and feelings. Do not be afraid to be yourself, the only one you are hurting is you. Lessons of self-love will come on Friday’s Full Moon in your 1st house of Libra. If you’ve been neglecting self, this full moon will illuminate this and force you to slow down. The next four weeks may be somewhat difficult as the Sun moves into Taurus and highlights your 8th house of soul transformation. Take it easy for a while. One day at a time is your new personal motto.


With so much emphasis on your soul transformation this month, Scorpio, your goals may have seemed a million miles away, but with the Sun entering your 7th house of Taurus on Saturday reality could be shifting you towards establishing solid connections and relationships that will assist you in your journey. Remembering who you are and what your purpose is brings you the joy and enlightenment that you need to stay consistent and keep going. However, with Mercury and Venus both entering your 6th house of Aries this week until early May, your communications and relationships could use a balanced routine. You may find yourself taking on more familial responsibility and incorporating a new sense of health and wellness. Friday’s Full Moon adds to the sense of deep emotion and intense soul healing as the Libra Pink Full Moon illuminates your 12th house of ending and soul healing. Be patient with yourself as you slowly break ground into new territory.


A lot is moving for you Sagittarius, but this week especially it could start to feel like it's slowing down. Keeping an open mind about your personal goals is your speciality, and this will work in your favor while Jupiter, your planetary ruler is retrograde in your 1st house of self. This week Mercury and Venus will begin their transit through your 5th house of Aries until early May. Relationships and communication practices may experience more fun and pleasure, you’re focused on enjoying yourself, not settling down. Be mindful that this energy could stir up some drama if you aren’t careful and honest about your intentions. This energy is harmonized by Friday’s Full Pink Moon in Libra illuminating your 2nd house of personal finances, assets, and self-worth. If you’ve been placing your resources in the wrong places, you’ll feel it now. But this energy is realigning as it motivates you to move graciously and proudly to live a life that you love. The next four weeks brings focus to your daily routines and wellness. Focus on implementing a more consistent health regimen to aid you in your transition.  


You may start to feel like doors are closing but they are not, you just need to stay patient. With Jupiter retrograde in your 12th house of Sagittarius until August, an old opportunity may come back again with greater results. But it's important that you learn your lesson this time, especially with Saturn and Pluto going retrograde in your 1st house of self next week. An ending of some sort is coming your way, and it’s a joyful one, just stay patient. With Mercury and Venus entering your 4th house of Aries this week, relationships and communications turn inward. Until early May focus on establishing personal goals and relationships behind the scenes, this is your time to build a solid foundation. Friday’s Full Moon in Libra illuminates your 10th house of career. New opportunities surrounding your career goals are finally manifesting, and this could be enhanced by the love and support of a mate. Beginning on Saturday when the Sun enters your 5th house of Taurus until May, your focus will suddenly turn to creating a lifestyle that you enjoy. Try to avoid depressing feelings about timing. It will work out.  


You are in a upward turn Aquarius and this feels good as things have been a little constricted. With Lillith still in your 1st house of self, your personal power is being challenged and strengthened, and this transit is showing you the guts of what you are really made of. Venus and Mercury will both enter your 3rd house of Aries this week until early May. This transit invokes your ability to express and improve your personal desires and goals. You may be more communicative this transit, or more inspired to read and learn. Friday’s Full Moon in Libra brings illumination to your 9th house of mental exploration and adventure. If you’ve been interested in learning something new, or visiting a new culture, this is your time. A personal relationship can also take you by surprise, be open for anything. Saturday when the Sun begins its four week transit through your 4th house of Taurus, be mindful that things could get rather serious. Focus on establishing a consistent practice that helps you move towards the future you desire.


You’ve had an interesting few months Pisces, but now it's time to put the elbow grease to work. With Venus and Mercury both joining Chiron in your 2nd house of Aries, the personal changes that you are seeking (especially to your finances and assets) require your own dedication and merit, no one can do this one for you. You may need to put a cap on your spending and implement a savings plan, especially when the Sun enters your 3rd house of Taurus on Saturday. Friday’s Full Moon in Libra brings enlightenment to where you are still stuck, but the good news is that the Full Moon’s opposition to Uranus awakens swift changes to how you communicate and express yourself to the world. Be open to making emotional transformations around the way you view yourself, especially in the sense of beauty or appearance. What you have does not make you, but in your case it's important. Do the work to get what you need. You’ll get there.