Weekly Astrology Forecast: Is your foundation stable? June 21 - June 27, 2021
/Read and watch the weekly forecast to see what this week has in store for your sign. Weekly messages and intuitive downloads for all signs.
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Read and watch the weekly forecast to see what this week has in store for your sign. Weekly messages and intuitive downloads for all signs.
Read MoreRead and watch the weekly forecast to see what this week has in store for your sign. Weekly messages and intuitive downloads for all signs.
Read MoreRead and watch the weekly forecast to see what this week has in store for your sign. Weekly messages and intuitive downloads for all signs.
Read MoreRead and watch the weekly forecast to see what this week has in store for your sign. Weekly messages and intuitive downloads for all signs.
Read MoreRead and watch the weekly forecast to see what this week has in store for your sign. Weekly messages and intuitive downloads for all signs.
Read MoreRead and watch the weekly forecast to see what this week has in store for your sign. Weekly messages and intuitive downloads for all signs.
Read MoreThis week begins with a watery start. On Monday the Last Quarter Moon in Pisces forms a healing conjunction with Neptune in Pisces. Actions taken on Monday and Tuesday should be easy going and of creative nature. There’s a high tendency to get lost in dream thoughts and illusions. Avoid the urge to push or force things along; learn to go with the flow.
This week begins with a heavy start. With the moon being in Virgo in the beginning of the week, work schedules tend to increase. However, by Tuesday when the Moon enters Libra we will be more balanced and equipped to handle the immense emotional wave of energy that will greet us starting on Wednesday.
Read MoreThis week begins with a jolt as Mercury leaves fiery Aries and enters Taurus on Monday until May 21, 2019. Mercury will be in Taurus for three-weeks. Throughout this entire transit our ability to communicate practically and clearly is essential. When Mercury is in Taurus our ability to mentally function is sharpened and strengthened by our ability to concentrate and focus on one thing at a time. Mercury in Taurus requires focus and dedication. It is not a transit that will accept any piece of information or process.
Read MoreThis week begins with a big shift as Saturn joins Pluto in retrograde in Capricorn, the Moon in Pisces forms a Sextile with the Sun in Taurus, and an intense mental square between Mars in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces. This week’s energy radiates creative tension. With Mars in its last degrees of Gemini, our capacity to act on the ideas we’ve been studying is becoming a inevitable reality.
Read MoreThis week begins with a serious conjunction between the Sun in Taurus and Uranus in Taurus on Monday, April 22, 2019. When the Sun and Uranus conjunct an aspect of our personality is transformed due to external circumstances. With this conjunction taking place at 2° Taurus, this will directly affect our personal motives, behaviors, principles, and finances. A long-standing problem is dissolved due to a practical solution. Using what you have in the most effective way possible is all it takes to get started.
Read MoreThis week begins with an intense square between Venus in Pisces and Jupiter Rx in Sagittarius. With Venus entering Aries on Saturday, April 20th at 12:10 PM EST, sleepy relationships that may have been lacking in the passion department will heat up again. However, the square between Venus and Jupiter comes to remind us that if we want action we have to take action, and sometimes that comes from us speaking up. A past situation could influence a present decision as Jupiter in Retrograde has a unique way of inspiring us to grasp the opportunities we might have once ignored.
Read MoreI only have one purpose: to inspire you back to you. Whether that be through words, performance, hospitality, or connection, I am here for you.
About the Astrologer
Hey besties! Thanks for visiting my little slice of the internet. If you don’t know by now, my name is Morgan. I’m an Atlanta-based western astrologer and full-time business consultant (but that’s a different story for another audience lol). If you’ve come to this website in 2023 and thought, where the hell is Morgan? Don’t worry. I didn’t leave you for good. We’re back, and we’re better! Welcome home (again) astro bestie!