Weekly Horoscopes for May 13 - May 19, 2019

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This week begins with a heavy start. With the moon being in Virgo in the beginning of the week, work schedules tend to increase. However, by Tuesday when the Moon enters Libra we will be more balanced and equipped to handle the immense emotional wave of energy that will greet us starting on Wednesday.

Starting on Wednesday, relationships that were rocky or on the edge of passion and envy will find their happy place or break up. For the past three weeks, Venus has been in fiery Aries. This transit influenced more passion, independence, and outspokenness in our relationships. However, with Venus entering Taurus on Wednesday, May 15th until June, our relationships will start to run smoother, without all the fussiness. But this doesn’t mean that Taurus and Venus always see eye-to-eye. Venus is simply more calm in Taurus. Instead of feeling immense pressure to pleasure or woo someone, Venus in Taurus would rather just be close friends, take all the edge off. Couples will find themselves more relaxed during this period. Singles will use the Opportunity to splurge on themselves, and maybe catch a fancy dinner solo downtown.

Mars is the action man of the Milky-Way Galaxy. Mars embodies and symbolizes our actions and behaviors. It represents our life force energy and the means that we use to express it. Mars has been in Gemini for almost two-months. On Wednesday, May 15th, Mars will enter Cancer until July. Mars in Cancer is emotion at its most actionable state. This transit highlights our innate sensitivity towards others, especially family. When Mars is in Cancer, our actions are more sensual, intuitive, and emotionally colored. We tend to make decisions based on how we want to feel, or the good we want to see in others. With Saturn and Pluto Rx in Capricorn, and with the True Node already in Cancer, this transit could pose some issues for a healthy work/life balance. This transit could also encourage hyper-sensitivity. Be conscious of your reactions and your decisions, be careful not to fly off the deep end.

On Saturday, May 18th at 5:12 PM EST the Full Moon will occur at 27’38° Scorpio. The Full Moon signifies a time of manifestation, experience, tension, illumination, and exposure. The May Full Moon signifies the midpoint of the Taurus and Scorpio Lunar Cycle. This energy establishes a sense of personal power and internal transformation. Scorpio is often associated with death and the occult. Scorpio rules the 8th house of personal power and shared resources. The Full Moon encourages us to embody the revelation that we seek in our own lives. This Full Moon asks us to step fully into the alignment of our highest selves. What would happen if we surrendered to our limitless abilities? What would happen if we followed through on the changes we know we need? This Full Moon shows you a glimpse of that, what it feels and looks like to stand tall in who you are. Working with others could be challenging, especially if finances are involved. If you hit a roadblock, take a step back and evaluate where you are. Often we forget that our most powerful tool is our imagination. If you can believe it, you can be it. Sometimes you just have to dig inside yourself and remember who you are.


On Wednesday, big shifts occur in your personal relationships. Venus will enter your 2nd house in Taurus. This transit brings focus to your personal values and assets. During this period, relationships may be more warm then hot, and attention will be focused on each other’s resources. Mars will also enter your 4th house in Cancer on Wednesday. This transit highlights a period of home, organizing, nurturing. Your actions will be family centered. You may find pleasure in diving into a new home project, or spending extra time with your loved ones and kids. On Saturday, the Full Moon in Scorpio illuminates your 8th house of personal transformation. The next two-weeks represent an opportunity to reflect on who you are and what you truly desire. Shed any dead weight.


Happy Birthday, Taurus! On Wednesday, Venus will leave your 12th house in Aries and enter your 1st house of self. The past couple of weeks could have felt like you were swimming underwater, but this energy will slowly lift on its own. This transit highlights your desire to start new patterns in how you relate to others. Naturally, in relationships you are cool-spirited and down-to-Earth. This energy enhances that. Mars will also change signs and enter your 3rd house in Cancer until July. This seven-week cycle emphasizes your reluctance to express your emotions. You will be tested during this period as you learn how to communicate and release your emotions in healthy, holistic ways. Hobbies such as music, cooking, detoxing, and getting extra sleep work wonders for you now. On Saturday, the Scorpio Full Moon illuminates your 7th house of relationships. With you beginning a new cycle in Venus, the Full Moon supports this journey by purging all the old attachments and soul bonds you leave behind. Imagine yourself cutting the cord to your past. Be willing to face something new with someone you love (even yourself).


Venus, the planet of love and harmony enters your 12th house in Taurus on Wednesday until June. The next three-weeks could feel somber in your relationships — some may even end. But no matter what happens, remember that consistency is key. If you are being indecisive about a relationship or money matter, this could be upsetting to others. Use this period to focus on letting go of stubborn habits that weigh you down. Mars enters your 2nd house in Cancer on Wednesday until July. When Mars is in Cancer, you need to limit your emotional spending budget. Stay away from impulsive purchases, you could easily rack up on unnecessary debt now. More patience is needed when accomplishing short tasks, things take longer than usual. On Saturday, the Full Moon in Scorpio highlights your 6th house of work and duty. Daily routines and practices are influenced by this transit. For the next two-weeks you may experience emotionally charged experiences that affect you from the inside out. You may have to address a health issue, or tend to a problem at work. Be careful not to overreact — explosions are likely now.


You love relationships and people! And starting on Wednesday, you can expect for this trait to come in handy. Venus enters your 11th house in Taurus until July. During this cycle, personal relationships are more lively as you learn how to connect with outside groups. You may be thinking deeply about getting involved with a larger organization, either by yourself or with a close friend. This could be for financial reasons, like investing or stockholding. Your actions will also feel more natural, more easy to be yourself and who you are. This is because Mars enters your 1st house in Cancer on Wednesday until early July. The next seven weeks give you the Opportunity to show the world who you truly are. Be bold in your actions. Don’t let your sensitivity and fear of others opinions keep you in hiding forever. The Scorpio Full Moon on Saturday highlights your 5th house of love, talent, and children. This aspect illuminates the deeper parts of your sexuality and inner child connection. Expressing your talents and natural gifts bring personal transformation and power. Dramatic play and self-expression brings healing.


On Wednesday, Venus the planet of Love and Beauty enters your 10th house in Taurus, making it a time of connection and establishment. Although you are a sign that loves the pleasure of love, this transit is about business. Your focus should be on networking and progressing established connections. Mars will also change signs on Wednesday. Mars will enter your 12th house in Cancer until early July. Mars controls our actions and behaviors. This transit highlights a sensitive period of rest and hibernation for you. You may have more depressing or somber thoughts, and it’s important that you counteract this by spending time with family. On Saturday, the Scorpio Full Moon illuminates your 4th house of home and family. During this two week cycle, invoke radical transformation in your home. Detox the environment, mind, Spirit, and body.


On Wednesday, Venus enters your 9th house in Taurus. During this transit, find time to explore the higher realms of life with your mate or partner. Go to art museums, take a small weekend getaway, commit to a lifestyle change, or enroll in a master course. This period is about re-establishing your commitment to never stop learning in love and life. On Wednesday, Mars joins the True Node in your 11th house in Cancer. Your emotional connections to the community and outside world drive your actions until early July. Creative interest in technology or innovation can be beneficial. However, be mindful that you are more sensitive and analytical during this cycle. Avoid random spouts of anger and depression. On Saturday, the Scorpio Full Moon highlights your 3rd house of self-expression and communication. This two-week cycle highlights how you process your emotions within your own mind. Your earthly energy portrays a very balanced, level-headed individual, but underneath the surface is buried intensity. Use this cycle to harness that energy — don’t repress it.


Venus, your planetary ruler will enter your 8th house in Taurus on Wednesday. This three-week Transit invites you to explore the deeper acts of your relationships and personality. Intimacy heightens under this alignment, and partnerships gain a sense of solidity and unspoken purpose. For the past eight-weeks, Mars has been in your 9th house in Gemini. On Wednesday, Mars will enter your 10th house in Cancer until early July. During this period, your actions and behaviors will focus on your public reputation and career. Professional relationships may involve family members and close friends. You may be working from home, or dealing with a project that involves food, nutrition, gardening, poetry, and etc. On Saturday, the Scorpio Full Moon illuminates your 2nd house of personal values and assets. This two-week cycle highlights a period of self-development and financial growth. Take advantage of opportunities to build more personal income or wealth. Explore practices like yoga, meditation, journaling, or any activity that strengthens your personal power.


On Wednesday, Venus enters your 7th house in Taurus until June. This three-week transit highlights the joyful moments of your intense nature with relationships. During this period, you are more insightful and compassionate towards your mate and associates. The only downside to this cycle is stubbornness. Give your relationships space to breathe. For the past two months, Mars has been in your 8th house of Gemini. On Wednesday, Mars will enter your 9th house of Cancer until early July. This cycle highlights your emotional need to explore all that life has to offer. During this transit you are more sensitive about your beliefs and you hold your family to very high regard. It’s important to relinquish your grip on others and allow more independence and spontaneity in your life. You find peace in trying new foods, exploring new places, and transforming your home. On Saturday, the Scorpio Full Moon illuminates your 1st house of self. The next two weeks bring a period of manifestation and Opportunity for you.


On Wednesday, Venus enters your 6th house in Taurus until June. This three-week transit highlights the day-to-day activities and routines that make up your primary life. Practicing a consistent and organized schedule gives you more free time to play and explore. During this time, it’s best to focus on your long-term relationships. Avoid starting or continuing “just for fun” flings. Mars has been in your 7th house in Gemini for the past two months. On Wednesday, Mars will enter your 8th house in Cancer until early July. This two-month journey emphasizes a period of deep emotional transformation, especially those involving close family. You may experience an emotional or physical death. Focus on creating healthy emotional triggers. Spending time near water is healing. On Saturday, the Scorpio Full Moon illuminates your 12th house of ending. You may be seeing the final results of something that ended in your life. Focus on the sweetness of this release. Spend time alone in silence.


On Wednesday, Venus enters your 5th house of Taurus until June. This three-week transit invites more play and expression into your daily routines. You may spend more money and attention on your appearances and material needs. If you have children, you may be spending more time or money on them. Relationships are more optimistic and serious. You and your partner feel sincere about one another. After a two-month journey through your 6th house in Gemini, Mars will enter your 7th house in Cancer on Wednesday until early July. This eight-week cycle affects how you behave and interact with other people. Cancer is your opposite sign and this energy will naturally feel uncomfortable to you. But with great discomfort comes uncharted opportunities. So don’t be afraid to walk into sensitive territory for love. On Saturday, the Scorpio Full Moon illuminates your 11th house of community and innovation. A community advancement that you’ve been working on behind the scenes is revealed. Use this two-week cycle to connect deeper to the greater world around and within you.


On Wednesday, Venus enters your 4th house of Taurus until June. This three-week cycle supports a peaceful family life and emotional foundation. However, with Uranus and the Sun in Taurus, this cycle is deeply felt. Spending time at home and with loved ones brings peace and comfort. Trust in your ability to consistently maintain your familial duties and personal desires. Make time to spruce up your living and work spaces. After a two-month journey through your 5th house in Gemini, Mars will enter your 6th house of Cancer until early July. This eight-week cycle highlights your emotional attachment to your work and day-to-day activities. New creative projects at work and home will occupy majority of this cycle. You may be looking to start a new diet or lifestyle. Trying new recipes at home is a great way to connect with those you love. On Saturday, the Scorpio Full Moon illuminates your 10th house of career and public reputation. This two-week cycle highlights a period of professional self-development, especially in the areas of commerce, government, design, and business. A promotion or recognition of some sort is likely at this time.


On Wednesday, Venus enters your 3rd house in Taurus. This three-week cycle highlights how you communicate with self, others, and the greater world. You may find yourself drawn to language, the arts, and form. You are naturally more expressive at this time, so be open to peaceful conversations about the things you love. After a two-month journey through your 4th house in Gemini, Mars enters your 5th house in Cancer until early July. This eight-week cycle emphasizes the deeper pleasures of your life, talents, and childhood/children. If you are a parent, you will spend more time engaging in deep play with your kids. If you are not a parent, this period highlights a cycle of youthful action and spotlight. More of what you do is in the limelight. And this illumination spans deep into the summer. On Saturday, the Scorpio Full Moon illuminates your 9th house of exploration. A new development in a vacation, craft, or field of study intensifies over the next two-weeks. You may find yourself exploring a new angle to a problem or deeper cause. Share your findings.