New Moon in Scorpio: Horoscopes, Ritual & More!

New Moon in Scorpio 2019.png

On October 27, 2019, the Moon will begin a new four-week lunar cycle in Scorpio. This lunation will affect those with planets at or near 4° Scorpio, Libra, and Taurus. 

At 11:38 PM EST, the moon will completely turn it’s back to us, signifying a time of conception and darkness. No matter who you are, where you have been, or how many lives you have lived, we all must sit humbly with our shadow. Many will feel like we are falling into the abyss, and in some ways, we are. But it’s still important that we let go, it’s still important that we give in, we have to be okay with both. 

Saturn in Capricorn pushes this concept of independence even further, especially when it squares off with Mars in Libra. Passive aggressive behavior may come up, and power struggles between partners intensify. But what doesn’t break us builds us — and this New Moon is doing a lot of building. 

Mental health is a also crucial aspect of this transit, and sadly a lot of this comes from the trauma we experience as children. With Uranus retrograde in Taurus directly opposing both the Sun and Moon in Scorpio, it’s time to update our programming. Traditionalists may struggle with this transit as erratic Uranus is uncomfortable in conservative Taurus. Don’t give up. 

Ask yourself: 

What is really important to me? 

What am I carrying? 

What am I clinging to? 

What do I need to let go of? 

Where do I get my power from? 

You may not have the answers now. The waxing crescent phase (one to two days after the new moon) is the best time to receive the answers that you sent into the universe during the New Moon. Be patient.

Affirmation for the New Moon in Scorpio: I give myself permission to reclaim my power. I take back my kingdom. I am worthy of the highest love. 

Horoscopes for the 2019 New Moon in Aries:

Aries: Give yourself permission to consciously explore the unseen dimensions of your personality and soul force, this is your time to dive deep and tune in. Stay open to financial funding and wealth acquisition, especially with a lovemate or partner. You may have to address underlying genetic patterns that come from your ancestors or spiritual beliefs. Keep an open mind and spirit.

The New Moon in Scorpio is casting its shadow on your 8th house of death and rebirth. 

Taurus: This is the best time to evaluate your behaviors and relationship patterns, especially regarding self-empowerment and collaboration. A renewal of spirit may be required for your relationships to move forward. Don’t be afraid of change. Breakups and breakthroughs are very common during this transit. 

The New Moon in Scorpio is casting its shadow on your 7th house of partnerships and marriage. 

Gemini: Unexpected changes may be showing up at work or home. This is the best period to start a new routine, job, or diet. A deeper desire to acquire a position of leadership or empowerment rises to the surface. This may lead to a new business partnership and collaboration. Mental health issues may show up in your life or someone close to you. Instead of expressing shame or trying to escape, deal with the situation graciously, acceptance is the first step.

The New Moon in Scorpio is casting its shadow on your 6th house of work, health, and daily routine.

Cancer: Commit to a new beginning in your home and family life. This is the start of a new chapter of harmony and peace if you allow it to be. If you are able, this is a great time to start working from home, or making plans in the near future to do so. This is also a great time to lay down the foundation for long-term security and retirement, especially if you have young children. You may be more tired than usual, so find your own personal balance. Self-care is important.

The New Moon in Scorpio is casting its shadow on your 5th house of children, creativity, and ego. 

Leo: You may receive insights into a family situation or dilemma. You may also be more interested in your roots and ancestry. This transit requires you to explore your own emotional security and happiness. Are you fulfilled? What are you searching for? What changes are you resisting? How can you nurture your growth? Depression is very likely now. However, when embraced with love and acceptance this negative state leads to an emotional rebirth like you’ve never seen. Let yourself feel what you feel.

The New Moon in Scorpio is casting its shadow on your 4th house of home, family, and foundation. 

Virgo: Old fears, judgement, and insecurities about yourself rise to the surface, especially surrounding learning and communication skills. Trust yourself, Virgo. You have a powerful mind when you use it to your advantage. Just make sure that whatever you dive into is what you really want. Do not look for validation anywhere else. Your permission is all you need. 

The New Moon in Scorpio is casting its shadow on your 3rd house of communication, short-distance travel, and early learning. 

Libra: You may receive insights into financial and self-confidence issues. This transit requires you to explore your own needs. Are you financially healthy? Are you emotionally fulfilled? How does money play a role in your self-confidence?  Keeping a journal, hypnosis, and saying affirmations aloud are helpful. If you are looking for a job or a new source of income this is the best time to apply. You could also receive money or a gift from a loved one.

The New Moon in Scorpio is casting its shadow on your 2nd house of personal values, disposable income, and possessions. 

Scorpio: You may receive insights into personal issues that have been troubling you for years if not decades. Stillness practices like meditation, breathwork, reiki, and yoga are beneficial. For Scorpio risings, moons, and 1st house Scorpio Suns, this transit increases your energy levels. You may have the feeling of coming alive. Your personal appearance may go through some positive changes. This is the best time to change your hairstyle, upgrade your wardrobe, and start daydreaming about your next big project, destination, or investment.

The New Moon in Scorpio is casting its shadow on your 1st house of self and identity. 

Sagittarius: The Scorpio New Moon highlights a four-week intense shedding cycle for you. Every aspect of your world is changing, Sagittarius. You need to be patient, you need to be calm, but most importantly, you need to be brutally honest. Face the parts of your subconscious that has you in chains, you won’t know what is holding you back if you don’t acknowledge it. For some, this transit may be too intense to walk alone. I highly suggest that you seek a professional if it ever gets too dark. 

The New Moon in Scorpio is casting its shadow on your 12th house of ending, past lives, hidden things, and confinement. 

Capricorn: This is the best time to perform a group ritual and healing practice like meditation, breathwork, reiki, and yoga. For Capricorn risings, moons, and 1st house Suns, this transit intensifies your friendships and raises them to new levels. You should write down your dreams and insights. Your personal appearance may go through some unusual changes. This is the best time to look for things that you would like to change or improve. Intimacy issues or problems with the reproductive system or legs may pop up.

The New Moon in Scorpio is casting its shadow on your 11th house of friends, groups, hopes, and dreams. 

Aquarius: This is the best time to focus on starting or expanding a work related project. You may run into a potential business partner, investor, or sponsor. New ideas and collaborations are most likely to start under this lunation. During this transit, you may be going or coming back from a temporary leave of absence. This is the best transit to begin strategic planning for 2020 and beyond.

The New Moon in Scorpio is casting its shadow on your 10th house of ambition and career. 

Pisces: An intense desire for freedom may manifest itself during this time. Many Pisces’ will feel a deep sense of exploration and expansion. Something inside of you is stretching. You may apply or begin the process to study or travel abroad, especially for subjects like science, technology, and spirituality/religion. You could also come across a new opportunity utilizing research you have accumulated  for the government or a large organization/institution. Extreme self-discipline and budgeting is necessary now.

The New Moon in Scorpio is casting its shadow on your 9th house of higher learning, exploration, and expansion. 


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